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Everything posted by djcorley

  1. I think we should always remain cap flexible and spend the right money on the right player. Understanding that it took years for this team to dig such a deep hole and we're not gonna get out of this hole overnight. I think we're moving in the right direction. Last year's draft looks like a home run and I like the picks we made this year. There was no Shaq or Lebron or that type of player available and I'm a big proponent of "best player available" and not drafting for need unless your a small piece or two from a championship or even a playoff birth for that matter. I have confidence that BK knows what he's doing with this team and I like the kind of players that he wants on his teams....Gotta crawl before you walk If you build it RIGHT...they will come!
  2. not interested at all...although I like marbury as a highlight reel type player...he's never been on a consistent winner...and when he had a chance he left minnesota and KG??? Selfish guy not the right kind of leadership we need for this team with the nucleus being so young. Who's to say Jarret Jack isn't still available????
  3. I think this post is so typical. We need to lift thesed guys up. Understand the most games J. Smith has played before in one season is about 35!!! The young man has hit the rookie wall. It happens to most rookies not named Lebron. J. Smith will be fine with more seasoning. Unfortunaley, he's the only inside shotblocking presence we have right now!! Stop beating guys down in here especially the rookies and especially J. Smoove. He'll be fine. D. Smith has shown that he's got the goods and with more seasoning he'll be a consistent contributor and maybe even a starter in this league??? That's all for now. Be a TRUHAWKFAN BABY!
  4. He's definitley improving every game. But, let's not get carried away here. He's very exciting and he can jump outta the gym. However, he does have quite a few holes in his game which were part of the reason he slipped to 17. I believe he's gonna be a star in this league for years to come. But, at this point he's more of a hustle guy who gets most of his points on put backs and plays decent defense. Helluva shot blocker he is...But, for his position that he's currently playing he's gonna have to improve his perimeter defense and for that matter is perimeter game on both sides of the floor. It's definitley coming together for him...Just want everyone to stay patient because there's gonna be more growing pains to come. We Gonna Be Real Good...Real Soon though!!!
  5. The guy i'm puzzled about is Boris Diaw...I seemed to me that he was turning the corner a little and being more aggressive when his minutes got cut???....I know this thing is a work in progress and I think we have a couple of real solid pieces in place right now....You also want to always remain competitive. But, we have to find out which guys fit into or long term plans and get rid of em' if they don't...By that I mean the young guys and the only way we're gonna know is put em' in there and let them play...Let em' show what they got so you'll know if they fit in or they don't...Just my thoughts
  6. I'm guessing and hoping your referring to this past offseason when talking about why BK didn't sign Brevin Knight??? Because like f town said before it takes two to make a trade. One, Charlotte doesn't need JB. And two, no way they'd give up Brevin Knight for JB. Like you said he's 2nd in the league in assists.
  7. I tend to disagree...Detroit showed last year that chemistry goes a long, long way to winning a title. However, change is necessary and it's part of the business...Detroit more or less stood pat from last year and now they're struggling. Personally, I believe change is both good and necessary. Especially if you feel it's a move or moves that better the team in which case it's a must. You have constantly look to improve and sometimes that can be achieved from within and in many cases you must go outside of what you have and bring in someone(s). I say that if BK sees an opportunity to make this team better make it happen. I beleive in what he's doing and I like what I see from him thus far.
  8. No way Diesel...No way. Andre Miller does not fit what BK wants in his players and is making way too much money. I really like Diaw and I think we should sign Tony Delk to an extension at the end of next year. He brings alot of intangibles to the table off the bench and he can put the ball in the hole...And, we all know we need that. the teams that win in the playoffs are the teams that can stop people...we need good, long, quick, defensive players. Because, when you can stop people you don't need to score as much...ask the Detroit Pistons...It's the same reason why the Mavs and Kings have only gone so far and the reason why Phoenix will only go so far this year....you have to build your team around defense and that's what BK and Woody want to do and Andre Miller doesn't fit the mold period...
  9. Are you insane??? we would more or less be trading Chill for Dalembert...Why would/should we do that when we can sign him in the offseason without giving up anything???...Just doesn't make any sense to me?...Walker's Cap figure is a little larger than Big Dogs 14.6 to 13.3 I believe it is!...we don't need to give a player with chills potential for a player we can sign in the offseason and probably will sign! Now, that being said i believe a Walker for Big Dog and Dalembert is a winner...we keep the expiring contract with Big Dog although it's a little less cap space but, we do get Dalembert and that's a pretty good trade off And, we have our center for the next 5 to 6 years!
  10. djcorley

    Grant Long

    Come on guys...Jason Kidd cannot shoot the ball from the outside...It's a proven fact...Now, that being said, he can be streaky from time to time and make a few. But, generally speaking he's not a very good shooter. Let's not forget that Grant Long played in the NBA for a long time and played with Eric Williams in Boston for a few of those year...Give Grant some credit on this one. He practiced and played with Eric Williams, so, he knows what he's capable of doing on the floor. Jason Kidd is the best penetrator/creator/set-up point guard in the league..but, he's going to be no one...no one with his jump shot..at least not on a regular basis.
  11. First, I wouldn't go so far as to say that Boris has no future on this team. Remember, it's only his second year in the league and he's a foreign player to boot...Give the young man time. I've seen great improvement from him over the last five games and he's got just as much upside as Chill IMO As for Donta...give him some time as well. He's fresh out of Juco Woody and BK may use this season a somewhat of a "redshirt" year for Donta...knowing that Barry and Anderson won't be around next year..Also, with the trade deadline approaching and also with the lift of trade restriction on free agents signed this summer...you never know what BK has in the works and some deal(s) may free up a permanent active roster spot for Donta.
  12. That's quite alot for Toine'...I can't see why Philly would throw in a first...You must think Philly really, really wants Toine' to throw in Damlembert and a 1st. I agree that Toine' for GRob straight up isn't a good deal for the hawks. I'd be happy with Dalembert as a part of the deal....I don't think Philly has to add anything...I beleive the salaries of Toine' and GRob are close enough that they could be swapped straight up???... Again, That would be a great deal for Us...WE get some outside shouting with GRob, which would free up AL to do what he does best on the inside...Then we get a glass eater, shot-blocker, intimidator in Dalembert AND A 1ST...LET'S DO THE DAMN THING!!! Where do we sign???
  13. I def. think some changes are in order...Although not wholesale changes...I believe Chills will be a star in this leauge...And, i beleive that Smoove has a chance to be as well....As I've stated before, Ivey has shown himself to be a more then capable point in this league(excellent defender)...All those guys will be excellent defenders...I think players like Kenny and Barry need to go...Eddie House was just released...I'd rather see him then Barry at this point...I don't know what happened to the AL that was in Indiana that night. But, i'd sure like to see him again sometime????...He was off the hook that night...And, I think he's deferring to AH way, way, way too much??? I wouldn't mind seeing McCoy get more minutes...Bring Donta off the IL and see what he's got??? We've got nothing to loose... Even in losses you can accomplish plenty. Obviously you can learn from them in an effort to lose the same way. You can also develop young talent. We're losing the same way every night and we're not really developing our young talent...Come on Woody and BK...Shake this thing up!!!
  14. Man, I read your article...as a matter of fact I read it before you even posted it "Know It All" I basically said what the article said...because we have so much cap room we don't "have" to do a sign and trade. We can let him and his 14.6 mil. salary walk and use the room to sign someone else. All the sign and trade does is a few things...one, it allows you to get some value for a player instead of just letting him walk(jack/Harrington)...two, it allows for the players traded to get more money than they would could have in free agency because of the Bird Rights rule. ie Jackson in this past offseason....also it allows a team like a New York or Dallas whom are over the cap to be able to sign free agents. Therefore, because we'll have so much cap room we don't have to do a sign and trade...it'd be smarter to get something for him...but, if we can't find the right fit...then we can just let him walk if BK doesn't want to bring him back See, somebody else in here has a brain other than yourself.
  15. It looks as though we should have traded Diaw during the summer...I don't think his stock could get much lower then it is right now. I believe teams still see the upside in him...However, he's got to put some things together on the court before someone would be willing to give anything more than a 2nd for him... As for AW, I think the Hawks should keep him if he's playing well...stay as competitive as possible and try and lure some free agents here in the offseason with all that money. Maybe we could do a sign and trade with Walker...like we did with Jack, if another piece(s) fit better???
  16. Both Smoove and Chill have star quality...They booth seem to have the work ethic necessary to continue to progress???...they are fun to watch and once we sure up that middle get Felton or Paul or Jack...we're on our way!!!
  17. When we had em'...he didn't have himself together...I believe he went overseas...lost some weight...alot of weight actually...and turned himself into a very decent player. However, I do beleive he's about as good as he's going to get...And, that's not much to get all excited about. We'll be fine...we need to sure up the paint position(easier said then done)...that's our biggest problem. Our peremiter defense isn't bad(actually pretty good) but, we can't protect the paint right now. Smoove does a pretty good job when he's in there...As does McCoy, I'm not sure whey he doesn't get more time???...We'll be fine...growing pains We're at that point where it's the so called "ugly middle" kinda like trying to grow your hair long...you reach that middle part where you don't really know what to do with it???..can't style it right...not matter what you try it just doesn't seem to work. But, once you get pass that stage and even up the loose ends...turns out to pretty nice!!! We're on our way...Stay Patient guys!!!
  18. Can't afford for either of these guys to miss ANY games...Ivey continues to prove himself...I didn't see the play that he got hurt on???(Did anyone else see it?)...Drobs is our 3rd leading scorer...And, we need all the points we can possibly get...However, being the True Hawk Fan that I am...I have to give a bright side... We'll might, just might get our first look at Donta Smith if Ivey has to go on IL for a little while...Because if they were to sign a Troy Bell...then someone whould have to be waived. Maybe it will give us a chance to see even more of our future with Donta in there a little bit???...He damn sure can't hurt anything right now!!!
  19. I think they should keep things the way they are for now...it's not always about who starts the game as much as it's about who finishes them..and right now Chill is giving up nice energy off the bench...I like him alot in this kinda 6th man role he's in right now...it suits him because he has no pressure in that role...he can just come and do his thing...I think it's still to early to talk about starting Tony Delk...remember he's just coming back from a bad knee...he's going to give us good scoring punch off the bench in due time(the role he's best suited for in my opinion)...I still like Bo's game...I see a big skill set there and although we know he needs to become more aggressive, we have to remember that it's only his 2nd year and he'll continue to grow...You want energy and scoring punch coming off that bench...Bo brings energy, but, right now not much scoring punch...by the end of the season Ivey will probably be starting at the point anyway...I think Barry, Chill and Delk...gives us some depth and scoring off the bench. Kenny probably is going to suffer the most once Delk's knee is 100%...Again, I'm excited about this team's present and especially it's future...I can already visualize Chill and Smoove lighting up Philips in the years to come!!!!!
  20. Looking at the list...the only rook on the list that you can even argue having more upside the Chill is D. Howard...And considering he offense will probably be slower to come the Chill's...I believe we have a good...no, great chance of bringing home ROY honors. Just what this franchise need(among other things)...I'm excited. I think Chill is going to be and all-star...he has the "it" factor...some have it and some don't...he does. He's going to struggle some because it is his rookie season...But, you can tell this kid is gonna be a stud soon..got star written all over him...with hair like that, you have to be a star!
  21. I believe he's beeing treated fairly myself...you can't discount his past when deciding what the penalty is for this crime!!!...He has a history with the league of questionable behavior and you can't expect Stern to forget about it!!! Nor should he forget...I believe it was fair...I think he had no other choice in the matter really???...Had to set a precedent...This cannont happen again!!!! CANNONT!!!...Best place to hit an athlete is in the pocket and I don't care who you are it hurts to miss one years salary...especially when you make almost 6 million dollars!!!!...he'll think twice about it and so will any and everyone else if they want to run in the crowd after someone!!!...Can't happen...Probably won't happen again either.
  22. Nah Diesel...we can't do that one...no first rounders not matter how they're protected at this point. we're still in the rebuilding mode and as well all know you have to draft well in order to speed up the process...and BK has shown the he can draft talent..unitl we get to the top(only a matter of time)...then and only then can we afford to trade a # one!
  23. BK covets length and versatility...both Smoove and Chill have the ablity to play 3 positions on the floor as does Diaw and I think Donta does as well...Chill need to and will get stronger and Smoove isn't even done growing yet...we don't know what he's gonna look like once he fills out?..But his athleticisim will allow him to keep his versatility...I'm excited about the future of all of this years draft picks and Diaw as well(he'll shoot more guys...pe patient...he's still a young buck also)...By end of this year and years to come...these guys will be hard to beat!!!...Just a few more missing pieces.
  24. I grew up in Atlanta...have been and will always be a fan of any and every Atlanta team FOREVER...No matter how good or bad they become...All, I was saying is that too many posters were down on this ROOKIE way to early. Some rookies develop more or earlier then others...doesn't make them better...We can't change the culture of his franchise with so much negativity around it...If we, "True Hawk Fans" don't have the vision to be positive then who will? I read post after post after post about how this kid was a bust and how deng and so many others were so much better...now all of a sudden...everyone is saying how great he is???...I don't know about you guys but, this is the most excited i've been about watching the hawk players in a long, long time...won't miss a game if I can help it. I saw the upside in childress and yes, of course, there were some neagtives and lapses and all those thing that go along with being a rook...but, the kid can do it all...and it's just a matter of time...we have to stay positive and those positive thoughts will spread...
  25. Most Everyone in here needs to just shut-up....you guys are supposed to be what i am....a True Hawk Fan!!!!...you guys have been dissing J-Chill from the beginning. Instead of giving the young man a little time to find his way. Not to mention givning BK a little credit for finding talent and better yet, knowing talent when he sees it. It's clear to me, as it would be to any real basketball man, Chill has a much much greater upside then does to Deng. And well can see what Smooth is going to bring in time. Ivey has already shown himself more the capable at this level. Donta got guranteed money for a reason. This is a team on the rise and by the all-star break we'll be as good as most teams in the east. Just may have dug ourselves a hole to deep to climb out of in time to make the playoffs....Don't jump on Chill's bandwagon now...just be a TruHawkFan!!!!
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