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Everything posted by Swatguy

  1. With renewed confidence I predict the Hawks will post a 10-5 record for this (January) month. A victory in Minnesota is the spring board.
  2. Quote: This is the among dumbest posts I have ever read on this cite. Since you have singled me out by name here, please point to where I have said that Schultz article should be supressed or that he can't write it. I said it was unprofessional, inaccurate and misleading in his discussion of Gearon. His credentials should be called into question on this one. What he did is akin to a journalist ridiculing George Herbert Walker Bush's discussion with him trying to convince to change an article on a matter of governmental policy policy by calling him the "President's daddy" while totally ignoring that this guy has been in politics for over 20 years and was a former president himself. It is at best an irresponsible oversite. It is insulting because it is condescending to someone who has been associated in such significant roles with the Atlanta Hawks uninterrupted for 30 years. I didn't even criticize his opinion on the current state of the Hawks. I certainly did NOT state or imply that he didn't have a first amendment right to write what he did. It is way out of bounds for you to claim I did or to claim that my criticism of the quality of his journalism is like anything the Nazis did. AHF I agree with you. Mr. Gearon is a highly respected figure in the Atlanta and business community. To dis respect his supposed request of favor publicly is appalling. To grandstand and drop Mr. Gearon's name in the paper is ridiculous. These are the reason why BK gives Bradley and Schultz no place. Say what you may, T Moore and Sekou are the stand-up guys to respect. Both are not faceless in the Hawks locker and meetings. Bradley and Schultz write their dribble from a distance, cowardly never show their face until four/five weeks after writing their bile. Schultz may be respected in Midtown but not in the Swats.
  3. Javaris Will come out and the Hawks need to get him for sure.
  4. Correct, Woody needs to play to the strength of his players. Substitutions also are a consideration of the opponent, ala match ups. Offensivly, we need more motion, more precise passing, back cuts/picks and the like. Other teams feast as they attack the boards on both ends. We dont. Example, when Zaza gets the ball from tweenty feet he shoots a jumper or passes. When Zaza gets the ball from 14-15 feet he drives to the rim. Usually no one follows him for a rebound, tip or position to reciev a pass. Guys just sit and watch as Zaza stumbles to a turnover or other teams rebound without resistence.
  5. Quote: I have seen J-Sulk lose interest whenever he sits for more than 5 minutes. Marvin gets PO'ed at everything. Salim is borderline psychotic. A lot of us on here get on Woody, but ignore the possibility that the players may be petulant children. Your wrong about Salim but he is the most competative player on the team. Tonight JJ was horrible and Lo was as also. Speedy is playing very good ball and it was good to see Chillz in the mix.
  6. Marvin had a meltdown/tantrum last season. He needs to grow up in a hurry. The guy says he feels no pressure and it is evidenced. He has no hurry to exercise his abundant talents on the court. We have a team that needs to GROW UP. Marvin buckled last year aftyer coach demanded more from him. We as a team need more now, Marvin. It aint all on Woody.
  7. Quote: The important thing will be how Arthur responds. BTW, the Falcons winning percentage is a lot better than the Hawks. The Hawks make the Falcons look like the '27 Yankees. Arthur will not tolerate this mess in Falconland. The Spirit will take it over and over. Therein lies the big difference. I almost can picture Bruce Levenson bending over and getting his butt smacked with a heavy rod and after every blow saying..."Thank you sir, may I have another?"
  8. Quote: You see DJay, Sometimes, it has nothing to do with coaching but it's about boneheaded plays committed... and sometimes, it's your best players who committ them. What's a coach to do? Pull the best player? Or sometimes, it's because of the loss of momentum. Aside from calling timeouts and making what you feel is the right adjustment, there's nothing that can be done there either. I don't blame Woody for what the team does. I blame him for some things that may be in-game. But to say that another coach would have stoppped the slide is silly. It just may be that another coach would not have had the 21 point lead in the first place. However, JJ is right, the team has to do the things that got it to the lead. That's not coaching more than it is experience. I concur
  9. Quote: Quote: I'm not defending Woodson in the least but there's honestly no need to get upset over it. There's no chance of Woodson being fired until the ownership situation is finished. On the same wavelength I've reconciled the fact we've blown three drafts under Knight. There's no need to constantly dwell on who we could have drafted. LOL. Sothron has found the "Zen." It's a beautiful thing to see.
  10. Quote: What good is a distributor like "Speedy Recovery" Claxton if we don't have another clutch shooter. He was distributing but no one was hitting. To go from 39 points in the 3rd quarter to 13 in the 4th quarter and give back 40 points to Utah. While the "bandwagon" proposed yesterday in a new post has turned into a "lynch mob" with everyone carrying lighted torches down Peachtree St. While you are looking for a new coach, a new GM, a new center etc... there does not seem to be another person on the roster even with the above changes that can help us when JJ's clutch game goes soft. Calm yourself, (dontsaylyncharoundhere). They gotta MAN-UP. Shoulda got AI.
  11. I think we should consider Floyd Mack. I believe he can be persuaded. If not Darron Rogers.
  12. Quote: Lue is arguably our 2nd best clutch shooter this season. What if he holds the ball too long, which seems to be the prevailing problem with those that don't like him. If he could have been ready for these last 2 games their outcomes possibly could have been different. Injuries do count and this game may scar this young team for awhile. We are about to see if they have any resilience or will they get that distant look in the 4th quarter with any lead. I read he said he would not play with the pain. There is a fundamental difference from the true baller and one who will not suit-up with pain. Most have discomfort in a LOT of days. I was disappointed to hear the team was shorted because Lue will not play with pain, knowing the team really needs his contribution. Hawkeye, you up early. You must open. gotta catch your deal. See ya.
  13. Quote: Maybe we needed a good brawl with Freije and Bozeman attacking Okur and AK47 in the 4th... Just kidding !!! You're right "SWAT", we need to light a fire under them somehow. I took my wife to the game and everyone seemed to be stunned until the boo birds came out when we got caught. Terence and Sekou have been stroking Utah all week. They were right, Utah is a model of how to build. but as Jerry said, "they had a general". As far as BK, We need a war time consigliere, not a Tom Hagen. Some hard decisions are due Billy.
  14. Quote: Marvin moped the entire 4th quarter. He did drive the ball, but fumbled it repeatedely. There is no evidence that he is anything but a loser. J. Smith has proven himself time and time again that he is a loser. He also moped around. Johnson is individually great... but who does he improve? Oh, and he moped during the 4th quarter as well. The roster is full of losers... sad fact... and that's why the Hawks repeatedly give up leads, as well as being a losing team. Woodson is failing, that is not debatable. I disagree. These players are not losers, but they do need direction. I like and pull for Woody but something HAS to Change. We pretty much need a bunker attitude now. Somebody got to lead the troops. It's BK's team, Woody is the coach. It's time to break some furniture. It is to easy to discuss who I would have selected. The real deal is what do we do and who's do we get? What players need to be excused and what will our leadership look like tomorrow.
  15. That was the date of the worst beating of the season. A low point, the lowest point. A veteren coach and a veteren season was embarassed by a young team with a near rookie coach. As for these Hawks, if I were the coach we would still be in the locker room with this team locked inside. It is time now to break some furniture. The fault is first Woodson, but each player is accountable. Salim is no more at fault as Marvin. Only Speedy, Josh and JJ (JJ with 5 fouls didnt help thou) played well ALL Game. It has to follow not far from BK (the fault that is). BK's big problem is fear. These guys dont play with any fear to fail. BK may need to sit on the bench a couple of times. This young team should have enough part integrity part fear to Just take thier hearts so quickly and fully as Utah did. I'm sure Woodson is not comfortable, but I were the team Some others would not be comfortable as well. Gave Utah a Hand and give Speedy a hand. February 9th 2006 a team played great and the other played like punks. But, the punks swallowed their pride busted their asses and went on to win a championship. It's always darkest before the light.
  16. Quote: I agree Moore is a COMPLETE joke and i still can't fathom how he writes for the AJC. This guy is awful and obviously knows nothing about the NBA. Were 9-14 right now and we do have 59games left this season. I would say if we can FINALLY stay healthy the rest of the way we can go 35-24 with continued improvement which i expect to happen once our team actually plays together more. It was evident Sat. night against the Bulls that our team could be nasty. Speedy had Marvin, Smooove and Zaza scoring all over them. The key is going to be Speedy staying healthy and playing like he has the last 2 games. He makes everyone that much better when he can play his game. TM writes a lot of times to invoke an arguement. Some of you miss completely, columnist opin, reporters write actual facts. I think TM is a good writer and he does sit at the Philips.
  17. Quote: As much as Lue slows things down for this team, I think we have to have him too in order to be successfull. We have no depth at PG behind Speedy and I really don't want JJ running the point again this season even if for short spurts. We need as much depth and scoring opportunities as we can get, and like him or not, Lue can score. I think his slowing the game down a little might be why we're able to play better defensively since the team is more structured and paced. If we ran wide open all the time, we would have alot more TO's than we do. Good point, it is not difficult to see the benefit of Ty Lue. He is a guy that lays it out on the court without reservations. He can flat shoot, handle the rock and makes good decisions. To contrast with Speedy, defenders are forced to adjust. Lue comes in and opponents have to substitute. Salim is learning to be a better "point", but Lue is without a doubt the better backup on this team. Bozeman may develope into a good backup but he is not much different from Ivey. In fact Ivey is better than Bozeman today. Back to Diesel, I agree. Speedy is the player right now that is able to make the biggest difference. JJ is a constant. Lue is a constant. Smith, Shelden and everyone else needs Speedy. Marvin needs to assert himself and make Basketball plays. Particularly Shooting a jumpshot when the opponent is in the penalty at the end of the game was costly. He should have went to the hole and drew the foul. Woody is not as bad as some say. The players need to respond better and react less.
  18. Quote: JJ Speedy Shelden See Speedy. Lazy Lo See Speedy. Marvin Zaza Very good value pick up. Zaza is a big that will continue to bring us value and he's young. Many people don't like Zaza but I say as Long as Zaza knows his role and continues to get better at it, he will definitely be an assett. I like Young Vlade. Good move BK. Chillz Salim Royal Ivey Matt Frieje Carlos (Cedrick) Batista Jones Pretty fair job and mostly agreeable. I'm a little more deliberate towards Frieje Lo and Bozeman. I like Bozemans potential but I would give Ivey his minutes. Lorenzen may be the locker room leader (with Ty) we need but Solomon needs his minutes. You forgot about Tyronn Lue but he is trill and I'm glad we got him. With Speedy now doing his thing Lue's 20 minutes a game will be super. I wonder if Van Horne wants Frieje's uni ? P.S. Este needs some time.
  19. Quote: Come on Swat, you need to realize your argument is a losing proposition. If Woody told the team to go 2 for 1 and they ignored him, then that means they don't respect him. He loses in that scenario as well. I don't think that is the case. But there are ways to maximize your chances in the the last minute and we never do. NEVER. Why defend the indefensible? If you like Woody then thats fine. But that doesn't mean we need him coaching this team. We will never realize our potential with him as coach. Perhaps so. I am pulling for the guy and the team. I'd need to see a healthy team to judge better though. I'm not really sure about the staff. This team reminds me a high school team full of sophmores and two seniors. Two years and they will be an old team (high school jargon). It really is, you don't know when the light turns on. At some point it will kick in and we will be winners consistantly.
  20. Quote: Quote: Woodson definitely got out-coached, look at this: -With 35 seconds to go at the end of regulation (at the end of a timeout), we had a chance to get a 2-for-1. Players dont' "forget" in the heat of the moment to look for a quick shot and a 2 for 1. This was a definately coaching error. Similar to the games Woody has lost or contributed to the loss for us, how many has Woody inversely "won" for us? Just a thought. An average NBA coach would bat .500 in this small sample size. Does Woody? W How do you know what was said in the time out? You don't.
  21. Quote: Mike was quoted as saying that Marvin is young and should not have taken that last shot in regulation, with only 5 or 6 seconds elapsing, since the Bulls were in the penalty. Let me get this straight now, they had just come from a timeout, and the coach did not go over this very situation with his young team! That is coaching 101, and then he is naive enough to make his quote in the AJC, that is just laughable. I am an IU alumnus and saw Woody play there. But I will tell you this, if he were coaching somewhere in Indiana at the High School level and had pulled some of the things he has pulled here, there would be people gathering in local diners and townhall meetings talking about how to ride him out of town. Atlanta fans have been forgiving because basketball is a side sport for them and they just do not care that much. What makes you think Woody did not explain the situation to Marvin? Wow Marvin screws up and Woody is blamed.
  22. Quote: ...block out other users and their posts thereby insulating themselves from the thoughts and opinions of those they disagree with. Grade school stuff. Wasn't at all meant for or directed towards you. The hammer, fence thing, whatever it is you're trying to point out, is not something I would or could do. I couldn't begin to set up a website and I appreciate, even marvel at your doing so. I'm not criticizing your job as web site director (or whatever it is). I'm criticizing your losing it over the fact that fans are fickle (duh!) and that after 7 years are upset (rightly so!). The short winning streak may have been the anomoly injuries or no and your criticism of this point of view is ignoring 7 years of precedent that suggests it just might be. W Blah Blah Blah
  23. Quote: I apologize in advance for taking this stab but good riddance StoptheHop. I still remember one of his first threads where he wished Parkinson's disease on those who disagreed with his opinion and subsequently categorized all who disagreed with him as basically stupid Christians. It's funny how arrogant and hateful some people can be and seemingly be so unaware of it. Thank you admins for getting rid of this clown. There's just one more guy on here(you know who you are too) who goes over the line and I believe his time will come. BWAH HA HA HA HA!!!! That's riiight !!! Sothron you Gotta Go. YOU Gotta go NOW, before I got to bed.
  24. Quote: Don't even bother getting your hopes up. He is not leaving Orlando. They will sign him to a long term contract before he even has a chance to become a free agent. It will never happen. Money don't move Dwight, believe that.
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