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Everything posted by Swatguy

  1. Quote: WTF are you talking about. You need to think about what you are saying before you go trying to "school someone." Put the Blunt down and you MIGHT Learn something. No ONE will be waived as you asserted. Three will be inactivated or a combonation of 1 or 2 will be sent to the NDBL. Comprende ganja breath ?
  2. Quote: Salim has NO trade value other than a future 2ndround pick. I would just hold on to him till the end of the year. Then if we need to package him with our Indy pick and try to move up a few slots. Bozeman or Freije will probably get waived when Marvin comes back. Yes they have been playing well but Ivey & Batista have those guareenteed deals for this year. Earth to Blunt91, no one will be waived. With Marvin 15 we have on the roster. The solution is simple, Solomon will be inactive for playing time in the NDBL. Batista may join Solomon for court minutes. The value for Ivey and Batista are their team experience and practice strength. An injury will afford Ivey or Esteban active without travel back from the NDBL. So Solomon travels for PT, Royal and Esteban stay for practice and insurance. No one gets waived. P.S. Bozeman stays forever.
  3. Quote: So you aren't noticing how much better our guards and perimeter players are doing at shutting down perimeter penetration? Of course I do. I see Bozeman getting with everyone close. I see Frieje laying his body on the line. He is much better (defensively) than i thought. I saw Childress leap extenting his arms (his hands had to be 12 -13 feet high) to try to block a pass. I see guys sold out to Woody's system to achieve success. I saw Speedy take 6 steals in about 25 minutes. I see a team bent on sticking it to the naysayers who certainly you have been Sothron.
  4. Quote: Why is Shellhead getting any credit? He's not playing well and IMO the real big change we have made is denying perimeter penetration straight to the hoop that we gave up in droves last season. One reason is precisely Shelden's presence in the middle. Shelden is doing things not so easily seen. Against the Knicks Shelden went on a series of 3 offensive rebounds in the first half allowing second shot opportunities. Not only his positioning assisted others to get offensive rebounds. In the forth quarter of the Knicks game, Woodson sent Shelden in the mid-quarter. Isaiah sent Malik Rose in to obviously handle the rookie (Shelden) so he will not disrupt the boards (which is what he does). Well, Shelden went toe-to-toe and won each battle. Isaiah put Rose back on the bench. Mind you Malik is not as good as he was, but he is still formibable on the boards and in the paint. Shelden is a difference and will get even better. Sothron, I understand if you do not.
  5. Quote: I will say this even though I have been one of the most vocal Woodson detractors. Defense is about coaching and Woody has those guys playing defense. Big props to Woody and his staff. If they keep it up, I will say he has improved and has improved our players. Lets see how the team is doing at the end of December... I say I say hip hip hoo-ray. Woody for COY.
  6. Quote: Yo, this thread is 2 months old before most of us saw Bozeman at all. Swatguy is just saying "I told you so."
  7. Quote: I will agree that we have depth. However, we lack diversity. I think overtime, that will be more of a problem to us. Having 5 Sfs is a good thing if a Sf was to ever go down. However, our tallest player is 6'10". Without Speedy, we don't really have a pure PG. These are just areas that we lack diversity. All of our guys are the same mold.. About 6'7 - 6'10 (athletic, long). The only guy who's really different is Zaza.. and Zaza has made a big difference so far and I believe most of it is because he is different. For instance, if we had Swift instead of Zaza, I don't think we'd be so successful. I like our depth, but I look forward to more diversity.. if that means we get it by player development or we get it by the acquisition of a player with diverse game. How many "a pure PG" do Miami and Detroit have ? This PG thing is over-rated. players are players and players make players. Guys like JJ, Lue, Wade, Billups, and the like play and make plays. How many championships do Nash, Kidd, Bibby and the like have,...Zero.
  8. Quote: Shall we revisit this thread again. As we move towards training camp Bozeman's game will be under a microscope. With Speedy NOW Down my assertion earlier is now on focus. I see Bozeman, Grundy and Ivey will compete for a position. Ivey may have the pre-camp edge but Bozeman at 6'5" and a better shooter is intriguing. So the Key and X Factor question is to realize sooner than later. I believe the Speedy/Bozeman Factor may be realized. Lue is a constant most knew he was gonna bring it from the bench and in clutch. Speedy's health and Bozeman's ascend was the X factor.
  9. Quote: He played very well. Lue and Joe Cool had I think 44 points between them. I felt sorry for Pookie trying to guard Joe. Yep, he is "Joe Cool". Josh Smith's nickname has never fit to me. But, Joe is Cool .
  10. Quote: yeh I'm the ultamte optimist, but top 5 ehhh, ehhh, ehh, i hope but I just knocked GSUTEKE back to the floor when I fell out of my chair. Would you believe the top five below the Mason-Dixon? Top five which did not make the playoffs last year. Top five...
  11. Make that Could be a top ten with Marvin back. I know that is lofty but we have a team with an idea. The playoffs for this season is the goal.
  12. Lest not forget Bozeman and Childress. Woody's intergrating Solomon and Frieje will benefit dividends sooner and later. When Marvin gets back we will be a top ten team forsur. By mid- February we may be a top five team in the east. Gotta give Woodson and the coaching staff a hand.
  13. Quote: Why don't you tell us all about your beautiful friendship with Salim? I don't care what it is. Let him go steal money somewhere else. You should stay off message boards and hang out with Salim. You know its just thoughts and suggestions. I digress, you are a grown man or woman and you can say and speak of anything you wish, forgive me for getting in your business.
  14. Quote: I give our players a ton of credit for playing good. JJ and Zaza especially. Our bench has been solid. The thing is we have a lot of room to improve. Speedy, Shelden, and Smoove can only get better. Plus Marvin will be coming back. A lot to feel good about. Agreed, we have a long way to go. They have played with controlled intensity the last two games. Less careless turnovers and good defense. Nate Robinson and Arroyo had good good efforts in the forth quaters of their games but JJ's scoring and overall defense repelled those threats. Let's not forget the play of Josh Childress and Lue.
  15. Quote: Why don't you tell us all about your beautiful friendship with Salim? I don't care what it is. Let him go steal money somewhere else. You should stay off message boards and hang out with Salim. I'm not a friend of his at all. Let's not get twisted. the point is you come on the board discussing someone being a cancer as if you know. Worse is some weak minded people will think you do know. They are players and are Real People. Chill.
  16. Quote: Quote: Poster: Yeti Subject: Re: I think you need to set a standard and stick to it He's a rookie and has been pushed into the lineup faster than we did Josh or Marvin. So give him some time. I did not like the pick either, but he's a Hawk and lets cut him some slack. Three games is not enough. Well said. Its the experts who criticised the pick who were the ones declaring that he was NBA ready. He's a rookie, and "NBA ready" doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't have the capacity to continue to develop his game. He should be coming off our bench, let's just hope his increased time and exposure will help advance the learning curve. He's only taken 10 shots in 3 games, he's not killing our team with bad shots, he already does more little things to help than hurt the team. I'm impressed. Friday Isaiah tried to unease the rookie with Malik Rose. Shelden handled the assignment and sent Malik back to the bench. He made strong offensive rebounds and should have put a shot back at least twice. Shots of the board will come. he is progressing well.
  17. Quote: I was watching our Hawks the entire game. I watched the timeouts. You know they are right there. You can watch them you know instead of talking or eating. Are you an idiot? You obviously weren't at the game. He practically sat down while Woodson was talking. He should listen to every play diagram and learn the situational context whether he is playing or not. I was there. I am at most games. I also have talked to Salim and have a good idea of his character. You should be careful about assassinating others character. It is not always what you think. Chill out on that.
  18. Quote: Quote: that "cool" nickname starts getting on my nerves about half way through the article. Yeah, we have enough guys with nicknames like that, Smoove, Chillz, Marvelous, etc. I like him having a simple nickname like J.J. He is the rock for the team, and he doesn't need a nickname to be flashy and get attention, he lets his game get him attention. Well he is Cool. besides, I never understood the Smoove thing. Chillz is and Joe is Cool.
  19. Quote: I'm talking about Salim. He was seething mad the whole game. He did not listen to Woodson during any timeout. Really, I've said a lotta sh!t about him and I was astonished to find that I was 100% right about him. Your body language has to be pretty poor to spot from 50 yards away. He is an absolute cancer. We don't need guys talking to him. We need to cut him soon. Period. This is nothing new. He has no respect for anything. Where do you get this crap from. Do you know Salim? Have you ever talked to him? Has anyone in the Hawks organization every said any of this dribble to you directly. Well you are out of line and probably out of control yourself. Coach will afford Salim's talents for sure, he is a very important piece in Woody's chess (chest). Woodson is doing a wonderful job of rotating Bozeman and Solomon particularly in stretches of the first halves of games. Providing Bozeman and Solomon (Frieje too) of "early seasoning" to the benefit of now and later as they will grow in talents and experience. Despite the unenlightened haters, the fruits of Coach Woodson's teachings are starting to become apparent. Salim will have his minutes as time goes by, it is a long season. Give the coach a hand. and give Salim a break, Geez
  20. Identity for the Hawks. A good read. http://hawks.realgm.com/
  21. Quote: Let me stat that a different way for you.. If I were to say the best twos in the game are: Kobe, Lebron, Tmac, Vince, Wade, and JJ... Does JJ fit or is JJ just the best player on a poor team? What it may come down to is that there are definitely 2 tiers of 2 guards. Maybe you have: Kobe, Tmac, Lebron, Vince, and Wade on one level.. Then JJ, Pierce, Allen, Arenas, and Halmilton on the next. You qualified your question as "a 2 eilte". For simplicity it is debatable. If the question is, "Is JJ an Elite player?". Well I say certainly. Name me what team in this NBA will JJ NOT Start. The guy will Start without question for EVERY TEAM in the league. That is Elite.
  22. Quote: Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves with Tuesday's game. I think it will suggest certain things: 1. Are we better at Home? 2. Can we beat teams that play strong defense? 3. Is Joe an elite 2? 4. Are we ready for primetime? Personally, I hope we beat Cleveland the way that teams have been beating Miami... However, I realize that it will be a physical game. The Landlord and the Vice President of Pain better get ready! You question whether JJ is an elite 2. You've got to be kidding. The team was tight and intimidated as a whole in Philly. That has to change. The front court will have to match physically. We obviously need to frustrate LeBron, they rest of the team cannot beat us.
  23. Quote: Quote: I will be at the game in section 114 row V. There will be five of us all together. You can find me in a red Hawks T-shirt, my Hawks fisherman's hat, and a beard (I am also 6'1"). I would welcome the chance to meet any Squawkers. We will be there about 12:30, so there will be plenty of time to meet up. I will also possibly be hanging around a little while after the game, too. PS -- Are you going Dr. Zach? Thinking about it! Section 114 is probably a little too rich for my blood at this time though. Swatguy will be there. Swatguy allways there.
  24. Quote: I know its just one game and I'm not that worried, but why wait until we're 10 games under. Why not reward Chill for being steady. Why not start Lue until Speedy is in shape. Show the team that there are no favorites. That hard work will get you PT. Start Lue/JJ/Chill/Wright/Zaza. Just for one game. Put everyone on alert. Get Batman in there and let him punish some people. We need every player to think if they don't bring it they'll hit the pine and if they do they'll get their minutes. They are all young. Only JJ/Lue/Wright have earned veteran considerations. Oh, I agree with you. It really isn't "just one game". It has been two years and a preseason. Smoove's inconsistency is indicative to his immaturity. We really don't have time for him to play like a man. Smoove went through the preseason not preparing his mind to play this season. Chillz has more skills, heart, smarts (courtwise) and maturity. Chillz is about ripe where a third year guy is supposed to be. Put Lo in with Zaza and decided the Knicks to repect the paint. That would give Shelden a headstart when he enters the game. Start Lue. Lue is a vet, knows how to play, knows what is expected. Lue is in shape and will keep defenses honest because HE CAN SHOOT. Woody has to push the buttons now, not later. Smoove will better understand that there are no more alibis for terrible efforts, he gotta bring it. Or sit him. Chillz understands.
  25. Quote: That's because Salim can't play any defense Really, what do you know?
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