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Everything posted by Swatguy

  1. 13. With Duh Duh Duh Man, Gee Money and Keisha as assistant coaches I dare we get Ever referee's call. 14. Kareem will find a way to "un-guarantee" Ivey and Este's contracts. 15. Uniqua at halftime.
  2. Marvin has superior skills, some forget or don't know that fact. In skills no one has more, no one. His finger injury/healing will not hinder him from stepping up to his promise, this season. It will not take him a month as someone wrote. he will be a contributor immediately. He will be the second option and will approach 17-18 a game. He has some 30pt games in him this season. There is a reason, a good reason why he was the second pick of the draft. He shoulda been the first.
  3. They are valuable in practice,have guaranteed contracts and would play if injuries requires. They both are not as bad as some think. It is a long season and Esteban (I believe) will get some minutes sometime (somewhere).
  4. Quote: I have a nickname for most Hawks players, especially if they don't have one. When Crawford was here I was yelling Crawdaddy, with Lo Wright its was (and is again) Lo Down and I love to yell "Go down low with Low Down!" when he's on offense. Shelden needed a good nickname and Shellhead works on at least two levels. I had to explain to Wright what the hell Lo Down came from and Crawford just laughed at the Crawdaddy nickname because of how obvious it was. If Shelden needs explaining of what Shellhead means I'll be happy to inform him. Its not negative. Your explanations Are lame. It is not flattering. He calls himself as others "The Landlord". Wow. Even in the Marvel comics, Shellhead is a derogatory dig insinuating Iron Man was dim-witted. You just don't get it do you ?
  5. Quote: That's what my brother was doing too. He was calling him Shellhead. I thougth it was disrespecting, i don't think he likes that. He never turned around. Just call him Landlord, i bet he likes that. Of course it is disrepectable only an idiot would think not. Some people just dumb.
  6. Quote: agreed swat...the games around those 5 on the west coast are important too...but we really need to avoid an 0-5 on the west coast swing. 2-3 would be OK...considering the matchups I think we could go 3-2 or 4-1. Avoiding disaster in that 5 game trip will build confidence IMO. We are what we are - maybe we are better than they think. What magnifies is the fact coming home is a stretch of 4 games in 5 days with two roads in the middle. I imagine Solomon and Shelden will have beards. Oh my, what will Speedy's knees, ankles and whatever be like? Yes indeed we will know a lot about this team and coach by Dec. 17th
  7. Quote: Yeah Swat...I wasn't trying to make too much fun of "Truck" Williams - Hell, I'm a bighead myself. He's not ugly or anything...good lookin guy with a tall forehead. He's exactly what we need at PF and is key for some defensive leadership. He does have one helluva forehead though. Like I said before, I wouldn't fight him with a ball bat (and him having nothing) - I couldn't hit him hard enough to hurt him. I for sure would not call him out of his name. The guy doesn't smile or talk. I'll just call him Mr. Shelden .
  8. Quote: Quote: I think it will be a tough stretch. We really have to win the Bobcats and Trailblazers games, the rest are not gonna be easy. If we win 4 or more we're still okay in my opinion, 6 or more would be very very impressive to me. West coast trips are no walks in the park. Yes. Diesel is correct. The next 11 games means little as long as we win at least 3 games. We can cover up to make it to the playoff if all our injured players clicks. I say we shouldn't judge this year's team until MW+Speedy are at least 80% and Chillz is on. On the grand scheme youse two are right. But boy, that 5 game stretch looks big from here. There is a chance Marvin will be in uniform on the west swing. Childress for sure will be swangin to show off for his homies.
  9. Quote: Shellhead and Ironhead eh? Shelden
  10. Quote: boy this trade is really looking good for us right now source So we Do have the trade exception also, well. Right now that pick is a 14-16 pick. That may be right in the mix to select Javaris Crittenden. good deal BK.
  11. Quote: Typical. A 50-60 win team might need one of those. We need to scratch out every win. Aside from flawed gameplans, Woodson throws games away with a severe lack of strategy. He's so out of his league. Even in the press. Watch his post game conferences on youtube. He just accepts things. Wonder who he will be assisting next year? Or, will he just take a year off? He's worked so hard, he deserves a break. He makes me sick. Coach Woodson is really doing a good job with two starters missing in most games played so far. The coach is charged to get the most out of his players. I understand the comment. Players sometimes (fans either) mistake common inefficiency as competitiveness. When inefficients meets efficients, routs happen. The Hawks are a good team, but this team has to play very well every game to win in this league. That is what coach is saying. I suppose he will be coaching the Hawks Next year this time. You "typical" will probably have a new screen name
  12. Quote: I'd take it under serious advisement for everyone to stay on topic in this thread. Enough said. Thank you again Mr. Levenson. What kind of advisement are you talking about. You gonna knock on my door? Your red ink means nothing.
  13. Quote: You guys are great and I really do hope that the Spirit wins the Maryland battles. Sothron you trash the organization and the team then you write, "You guys are great and I really do hope that the Spirit wins the Maryland battles." Why do you trash the administration and then lie?
  14. Quote: To break it down into minutes: (240 total) PG - Speedy (24 min), Lue (22 - 24), Bozeman( 0 - 2) SG - JJ ( 35 min...Try to get his down atleast a little), Chillz (13) SF - Marvin (28), Smoove(10 min), Chillz(10) PF - Shelden (24), Smoove (20 min), Marvin(4) C - Zaza (25), LO (17 - 20), Shelden (3 - 6) Obviously this wont always work because of fouls, in game injuries, etc. This is just a way to get everyone minutes... Changes? Close take two from Marvin, two from Shelden, four from Lue, 2 from Speedy. That gives 3 more to Bozeman and 5 to Salim.
  15. It really means the appeals process goes to a court which will allow another appeal until it gets to the higher court. Unless there is a settlement. Belkin will force a settlement or spend a ton of money (spirit money) to continue this fight. He will not get the Hawks but he will cost time and money. He is looking for a hefty buyout and the high court decision has insured a hefty buyout.
  16. Quote: If anything, that last play, started with a push off by Redd.. and Joe did not foul him. Like I said, there were about 3 questionable +1s that the refs gave Redd. That one against JJ, the one against Chillz, and one more... I think that this game was poorly officiated.. But Still... We were up by ten... in what seemed like the longest quarter in the world... We should have won this one. I guess that's one thing we need... Killer... Get up and put teams away!!! Like Most, I'm not upset by the lost, I just had put this game in the victory column too early. I understand your want. I believe a Marvin and Speedy will push this team over the hump. I wonder if Este will ever get in uniform. I would have dressed Este before Royal. We could have used him to bump Skinner and Gadzuric a little.
  17. Quote: Same thing both games I went to. Texaspete is 100% right. We come out before the other team every time. Did anyone notice that Salim came out about 2 minutes after the team? Maybe Woodson was talking to him. We definitely are not good enough to sit back and "make them adjust to us". This has got to be the dumbest thread. Generally players NEED to get to the floor to get loose and warmed. Like all athletes. You see it in ALL sports. The one with sweat is ready to play. You guys are really reaching for Woody's head. Third quarter the team comes back for 12 and stretch to a 5 point lead and you fools complain that that spent to few minutes in the locker at halftime. Just dumb.
  18. Quote: it's disappointing, but I'm not upset about it. This team has some fight in it. They were down BIG and Joe was struggling for a while there and they got back in the game. That's something this team wouldn't have done last year. It sucks that we had a lead so close to the end and gave it up, but Redd is no slouch. He put the pressure on us to play good defense AND on the refs to make good calls. It worked out for him perfectly. I was more disappointed with the Seattle loss. I am not getting comfortable with losing but I see the light. Milwaukee is a good team with a good coach. Face it now, no one will roll over and not give us their best effort (except maybe NYK). As good as we have been winning, we are still two starters not available. Marvin will be back and ready soon and Speedy sooner. So we will not play at a 66% clip until we get healthy and roll in full. It was good seeing Salim get in and deliver the jumper. I might have used Solomon just to give him a taste of a couple of good bigs. On to Miami.
  19. Quote: Hope the players aren't reading this and let it go to their head. But it is nice to see the respect due them be given. It's been a long time coming. I think JJ's time on the Olympic team this year helped him mature and keep his eyes focused on the prize. We'll see soon enough. I don't think it really matters (negatively) if they do get a "big head". The NBA is very humbling. Big heads get brought back to size gamely. Most need an extra dose of swagger to compete. There is a built-in mechanism which shifts yesterdays hero to todays goat. It can happen from quarter to quarter. I believe the Hawks will stay hungry. The team has been lambasted for a while. Now they NEED to believe into themselves.
  20. Quote: Right now I think Salim just doesn't do enough to make up for his mistakes, especially because JJ, Lue, and Chill are all clearly better than him, and Bozeman is a better defender and doesn't hurt us with turnovers and forced shots. As for Salim's attitude, it's OK to be unhappy...no one is saying he should be thrilled about what's happening. But it's unprofessional to show it so demonstratively. I have been next to and across the bench. I have watched the three games on the road. I have not seen demonstrative unprofessional actions. I think it folly to expect him or anyone to smile or behave as you want. Especially when you no not his personality or makeup. I know people who just Look Like a sour puss, not apt to just smile. If Salim was so much on the doghouse as youse suppose, he would be in a suit. Salim just doesn't smile enough for youse. His game face is a scowl and there is nothing wrong with that.
  21. Quote: He's a good writer. Like what he said. I also like the mental toughness that I see our guys showing. Also liked what I read about Marvin being so active in pracitce. Sounds like he is itching to get back on the court. I can't wait either. You gotta know that Speedy is chomping at the bit too. He has so much incentive to succeed here. The Hawks are winning and Speedy hasn't put his stamp on it. We really are loaded with talent thinking about Marvin and Solomon, Salim on the bench. Everyone is playing with intensity.
  22. Quote: TNT or ESPN might pick up some games this season. i think they did so with the Suns during Nash's first year... flava TNT and ESPN have the latitude to broadcast the Hawks during this season. Like the NFL, there are designated spots were games are TBD. The TDB's are not on the schedule for public, but they are there.
  23. I see a team bent on playing hard on every possesion. That is what winners do. When this type of play becomes habit, teams achieve the elite level. Every player should expect to win every game. A refuse to lose attitude. It starts from the top. Our GM is hard nosed and will not compromise. The coach insist on excellence and the team follows. Result, we win. Speedy back at full speed (I couldn't resist) and Marvin Healthy we will be a very very difficult team for any/every team to beat. We refuse to lose. (not like the Falcons).
  24. I see a team bent on playing hard on every possesion. That is what winners do. When this type of play becomes habit, teams achieve the elite level. Every player should expect to win every game. A refuse to lose attitude. It starts from the top. Our GM is hard nosed and will not compromise. The coach insist on excellence and the team follows. Result, we win.
  25. Quote: is Speedy. For the Hawks to be successful is the play of Speedy. All talk of what positions for what players in what roles pales in comparison to, what Speedy brings. We will not know until we know. Deep yeah but real. The best cover in sight is a Cedric Bozeman. That (who will be in camp) is the next best point not named Tyronn in the Hawks organization. So Speedy is the key, and the battle between Bozeman and Ivey is tops for camp. A ankle turn by Speedy....means Boze is a starter. Whatayathink A-HEM
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