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Everything posted by Swatguy

  1. As much as I like Estaban, Glyn is a keeper. Glyniadakas may be the steal of the year (as Zaza was). Suiting up 12 a game is the dilema. My guesse is: Speedy/Lue JJ/Chillz/Salim Marvin/Smoove Shelden/Lo Zaza/Glyniadakas Number twelve is Ivey or Esteban considering the opposition (gamely). I believe we can unsuit any of the 3 (balance of 15 on the roster), in every game. It would be nice to have Esteban get minutes in the NBDL but bigs need on this team for depth. There will be games we can play without Ivey and more so we may need Esteban for he brings a specialty outside of depth.
  2. Quote: That lineup is full of talent but is going to get spanked if only because Woodson is utterly not the coach D'antoni is and Speedy is utterly not the Pg Nash is. With all the capitol we've had is this the direction we must go. Pheonix did it out of necessity due to injuries and has MVPs and creative good coaches. WHY did we get ourselves in this situation, where our most talented lineup by far doesn't include a Pf or a C? W Differing situations obviously behooves versatility. Obviously we do not Have to use a small lineup (ala Pheonix), but it is a testement of your talents that we can. We can employ a Big lineup if needed as perhaps: Zaza Lo Shell Marvin/Smoove JJ We can use many line ups.
  3. "Melo also gets a plethora of calls too. The players who are aggresive going to the basket and who is relentless at it gets the most calls. Marvin has the potential to be a 10 time a night foul shooter.
  4. Quote: since i'm in Uruguay, i can't see my countryman perform live. I ask you friens if he showed something other than hustle and hard fouls. I would like to know your thoughjts. Watching in drills, I noticed he has a soft shot an easy motion. On the full court handle and pass drill, he did not embarrass himself. I believe Esteban will push Lo and Shelden to betterness(my new word). He is very very much, a welcome piece on this team.
  5. Quote: Quote: Why does Shelden need to lose weight? He is listed at 250lbs which is the ideal weight for a powerforward. So 5 or 10lbs is going to make him have better stamina? Don't think so. If he is on th slow side, then he is just slow. Maybe he should be doing some drills to increase the explosiveness in his legs? Elton Brand lost weight last year and was more explosive than at any time in his pro career. Shelden appears lean and moves well. Don't think it is an issue. At any rate if it is , train camp will tone them all.
  6. Quote: Marvin looked almost like Josh Smith with the way he was blocking shots today. I'm not sure how many he had, but he got a couple that were really impressive. He also had a couple of moves that blew me away--he's so quick for a guy who's that big it's just incredible. His jumper wasn't falling today, but we all know that's going to come around for him eventually. When he puts the whole package together, including a post-up game, he's going to be an all-star. Shelden didn't look as bad as he did during summer league, but he didn't look like a number 5 either. He did have one nice turnaround jumpshot and a nice block, but it seems like he's having trouble finishing around the basket. I think he should lose some weight and get more athletic. Shelden played good, tough defense. There was a quick whistle out there. Marvin, Chiiz and Brown attacked the post continually. Glyn operated with success mainly against Lo. Shelden will be fine. At some point Smoove will approach the paint,u think. Marvin looks to be ready to Make the league foul him or Get Out of the Way.
  7. Quote: Whats the world coming to !! LA Clippers beaten by CSKA Moscow Saturday 94-75 !! Philadelphia 76ers lost to FC Barcelona 104-99 Thursday !! No US Heavyweight Boxing Champions !!. All 4 are Russian or Eastern European !! And the Hawks get the 4th seed
  8. Based on what I saw today and what you already know, he gotta get time. The kid can flat out, straight SHOOT. His game as a Point is coming around.
  9. Quote: How did Shelden do?? He had good moments. His forgetables were a 20 foot fade-a-way and some of the fouls. But he was in the mix defensively and on the boards. He had three "my(get out the way) ball" rebounds which were impressive.
  10. Quote: Esteban is still like a human wrecking ball. If he gets anything close to 20 minutes in a game he can be counted on for some very hard fouls to soften things up inside. Shell was JJ's designated screener on many plays following him on either side and in front to free him up. Everyone there might have their own highlights but one for me was Marvin completely smothering a drive by JJ at the basket on the left side and cramming the ball in JJs hands going up and coming down in one long motion. The crowd went wild on that one. It was my pleasure to meet you at the practice Hawkeye. I saw most of the practice as you did, of course I was next to you. It took all of 10 seconds for Esteban to slam someone to the floor. My highlight was Marvin blocking a baseline attempt, saved the ball from out of bounds (in one motion) and started the break. And that was not the JJ block. He also blocked JSmooves jumper. Marvin was clearly the beast of beast today. Smoove and JJ played well. I was surprised Smoove avoided the paint (save on aborted drive) offensively. Perhaps as time goes by, he will introduce the team as a low post threat. Lue played well to me as well as Salim. He is starting to be a favorite with his quickness and shooting. I guesse have forgotten how well he shoots. As someone said earlier, Marvin and Smoove are scary. They on the court together has to be done. Marvin is frieghtenly good.
  11. Quote: Sorry, no one comes to mind to make a comparison. He impressed me the most out of all the big men on the court though. I was impressed by him also as well as Andre Brown. Andre Brown was aggressive and had a vet pressence. He played as well as any other Post player on the court to me.
  12. Quote: Curious if you could make a comparison with the big Greek guy to anyone? He (Glyniadakas) demands space in the paint number 1. He had nice offensive moves, changed hands, changed hand direction as challenged. He was the better center on the court. Although he seemed to shrink defensively.
  13. It is very interesting how some like to play this game of "If I were the GM". Interesting as it really Means something. Sekou wrote quoting the maturing Josh Smith saying "It's not a matter of who does or does not start," he said, "it's about what you do when you are out there on that floor." But some maintain it is not true. It is weak to continue bantering what you favored in the draft (as it matters). The Draft Is Over. Reality is tapping on your shoulder, In front not behind you. I am glad we have a gm that makes better decisions than me. That is his job and he is Good. Coach said recently Concerning Marvin and Smoove, "I absolutely think those two guys can start for this team. But I don't think you give a starting job to a guy just to be giving it." So there is competition. Which is good. Good for all involved.
  14. Speedy is involved with all phases of training camp except physical contact. It means he is in the drills, in film sessions, in workouts. Speedy is a vet with an edge. Speedy having not in full contact gives Bozeman and Chalmers more looks, which is good. Royal Ivey in his third season is in position to benefit early. You must understand the big leaps of a basketball players maturation is between year one to two and two to three. That is typical for a player coming out of college. Ivey fits this mode. The advant of the high schooler rookies has to be considered. Consider also, the high-schooler to pro player are exceptional by definition. Back to the subject, Teaching and instructions are happening. Speedy not in some aspects is a benefit for some and not much of a hinderence considering his personal make-up. Speedy has a definite edge and will be ready as his finger heals.
  15. Quote: Quote: Are you putting Marvin on the same level as these other two? Your argument was that it was stupid to build a team around the small forward position. And those two happen to be small forwards that their repective teams chose to build around Quote: Let's remember, both James and Anthony were very productive rookies. Again changing the argument! Quote: But would I have passed on them? Maybe... I mean, if I could have gotten D.Wade to be my PG/SG, and I had Smoove as my Sf, yeah, I would have passed on them. Well atleast I have you on record as the only basketball person known to man that would have passed on Lebron James. Now I know what I'm dealing with! hiccup
  16. Quote: Look. I don't care about your "facts" or "objective" "opinion". Chris Paul would have turned the Hawks into a championship team last year, and Marvin has already proven to be the biggest bust in league history. Expect CP to win the MVP this year and Marvin will be trying out for a Slam Ball team in Long Beach next summer. Sorry. Take this totally outside of the Chris Paul debate (if there is one). The important point is that our offense was good. Other teams, especially in the East, had trouble stopping us. We improve to just a decent defensive team this year and we are a much, much better team. I will be celebrating as Marvin thrives will you change your screen name.
  17. Quote: LOL! LOL! SWAT you're a riot !! My drink or drown days are in the distant past. I'm really looking forward to the open practice. The last one I made it to was when SAR was with the team and the Hawks had it at his old high school in Marietta. I'm hoping we can meet after the doors open at Woodward and for the Squawkers who are still fired up maybe get together afterwards. I'm glad you have a sense of humor. My last was in the Parking lot at Woodward last year. It was very (pardon me Diesel) sobering. How did you know I am right down the street? Well I hope to have time to get by there. Perhaps we can hook at Malones or Spud's and watch Tennessee kick the Dawgs butt. What time is that game?
  18. Quote: Great idea Diesel! But when do they open on a saturday morning. Malones is on Virginia Ave. near I-85 near the airport. Oh forgive me for stepping into your (Diesel and Hawkeye) conversation. Hawkeye, happy birthday in advance. Diesel (WeshouldadraftedPaul)have a "hiccup" on me.
  19. WeshouldadraftedPaulWeshouldadraftedPaul"hiccup"WeshouldadraftedPaulWeshouldadraftedPaul"give me another" WeshouldadraftedPaul"hiccup" Oh Brother "hiccup" WeshouldadraftedPaul
  20. Quote: Where are we buying the first round of drinks? I say Malones by the Airport. This answers a lot. A guy looks to drink before 10am. How go you debate a drunk.
  21. Quote: Swatguy, let's not turn this into a Marvin wrong or right conversation... I'll just say on the matter this... For Marvin, We gave up Chris Paul, Boris Diaw, and AL Harrington. I think it's written in stone that Marvin must become much better than a 18/8 player. We never had Chris Paul, we selected Marvin instead. Boris was out of here because of his indifference not the coaches. Boris was a guaranteed salary shifted as a negotiation chip to seal the deal. It really was genius. Part of JJ's salary was already tied up in a disgruntled, unproductive, indifferent player. Al was not ours to have. He was an UFA. We are double blessed to not have his spot and salary, instead a 1st round pick we Did Not have. You and others continually make the '05 draft an issue. It is idiotic to continue to debate Chris Paul over Marvin Williams. Marvin is a certain star on the rise. He, I believe will be 6'11" before he stops growing. The guy can handle the rock Now and has a sweet jumper Now. He has ALL THE TOOLS. Most importantly, Marvin is a Hawk. Forget about the "woulda, coulda" thats for whiners and babies. I gotta find another board without all these chumps and haters, its disintegrating.
  22. It amazes me for some of you just KNOW who can play what or cannot. To debate Smooves development with certainty is foolish. How do you judge any players growth without witnessing their play? You can't. Some of you think you know but actually are clueless. Get over the '05 draft gosh you are stinking.
  23. To say we drafted Marvin Williams because we thought Josh Smith wasnt the answer at the 3 is Ridculous he was coming off his rookie year in which he was 2nd team all rookie. Marvin Williams was the wrong pick there is no denying that because if Chris Paul was on this team we would be a playoff contender for the next 10 years the same cant be said with Marvin Williams he just adds to the log jam at the forward spots. Marvin was definitely the "right" pick. Sane minds will rest assured this season. Marvin has more upside than anyone else in the last three drafts, for sure. The kid looks 6'10" at least now. More and more he is reminding me og KG with a sweet jumper.
  24. Quote: Any word on our #3PG Ivey. He is listed on the training camp roster as 6'4" 215 lbs. Move over Josh Smith, Ivey must be growing still and working out. He has been listed at 6'3" 200 lbs. With Claxton out a few weeks he might get a "little" time again at starter or move up to 2nd. Does Bozeman work himself into the mix? Ivey looks 6'4 to me. Bozeman will definitely have opportunities. I suppose he will need to gather much confidence on this team. With Salim, Lue, Ivey and Chalmers in camp, he will have to continually assert himself. Ivey is in year three, he will not allow nothing short of "first rounder type" competition to separate him and the "rotation".
  25. Quote: I've met both Pete Babcock and Kasten a number of times over the years and to call either of them a racist is a joke. Why the hell would we have hired Lenny if that was the case? Or have teams that were almost 100% black? Get that weak [censored] out of here. You may be right but Lenny ain't Black.
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