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Posts posted by Swatguy

  1. John Jenkins: Our new JJ.

    As quick as he was drafted, someone was down on our pick and had 2 or 3

    which they believe would have been so much better.

    Now that the Hawks have played two pre-season games, Oh, what an error

    was made by the Hawks in the draft.

    We all believe that we're smarter and more with the program than any of the

    scouts, coaches and the GM of the Hawks. We know, at once, when they have

    made an error and will let all the fans know this.

    After all, what do they know? Obviously, not much. If they were smart, like us,

    they wouldn't make all those stupid mistakes.

    Oh, well. It's too late. Guess we'll just have to live with it or go become a fan

    of the other teams that selected those players. Now, that's an idea!

    Oh, another one who has the ideal recipe of "Fandom". I'm no expert but I do recognize there is a huge athletic/skills difference between Perry and Jenkins as wellas size. They are both special in their own way, I would have drafted Perry. In fact Perry was viewed as a top ten guy much of his senior season.
  2. Offensively I don't see Al improving whether he is the 5 or 4. Defensively he would benefit. I'm still iffy on this team. I have no clue how we are going to do. I guess that's why I'm actually excited to see this team and hopefully we can creep up on people.

    I believe it will be about "the Chemistry". I know it's cliche but it is certainly true with these many "new" Hawks. It is why Kito, Ish and Anderson have now chance. Vets are the premium ingrediant for this team. James has a chance because of his fortitude and tatent, but a trade gets him in. Among the biggest boost this team may have is if Petro can give 10-12 quality minutes a game. Big if right. Somewhere between DeShawn, Korver and Morrow, a move is destined. I'm thinking a step up by Toliver puts DeShawn out the door. Maybe not. We have some serious shooters, almost too many.
  3. Eh, some of these Centers aren't even better than Zaza. How many of them would you start over Horford. As of now, I'd rather go for a borderline star SF, not for a "true" Center.

    Everyone on that list except Meyer Leonard starts on our roster and Al is the PF. Everyone. I'm not devaluing Al, I say he is much better at the 4 than the 5.
  4. Why do fans need to have the right expectations? How is that going to make a fan better? A fan that can admit that this is team cap space like myself may not care as much as usual like I do. Now how is that going to help the Hawks? How is it going to help the fan? Just like I said, the Hawks are not going to come out and say that they are team cap space. They are going to try and first sell tickets at full price just like every other franchise. How exactly is having the right expectations helping anyone?

    So you suppose to have a correct formula of "Fandom"? What are you smoking? Fans will always be as diverse as the spectrum the rainbow. Are you kidding?
  5. I know this isn't the right forum to talk about players on other teams, but hearing how Scott Brooks rave about Perry Jones makes us look dumb for not taking him. Now we are trying to find a decent Small Forward when we could have had one. Mike Jenkins may turn out to be good, but he isn't a guy that can defend multiple postions or score in the post and shoot from long range. Finding a 2 gurad is easier than finding a Small forward who can play.

    I agree. Perry has as much talent as anyone in the draft. His problem is desire/heart/energy. He is soft. If he grows up (man up) he is LaMarcus Aldridge.
  6. These guys will not get much run, too much experience and talent in front. Jenkins has a ways to go to play. His defense and physicality are underdeveloped. He can shoot but thats it. He is Morrow three years ago. Scott has defensive issues too. He has Zaza type hops and can't rebound right now against bigger more athletic bigs in this league. They both are in suits most games.

  7. Tyson Chandler

    Brook Lopez

    Andrew Bynam

    Joakim Noah

    Chris Kamen

    Brendan Haywood

    JaVale McGee

    Chris Anderson

    Greg Monroe

    Andrew Bogut

    Andris Biedrins

    Omer Asik

    Roy Hibbert

    DeAndre Jordan

    Dwight Howard

    Marc Gasol

    Sam Dalembert

    Serge Ibaka

    Kendrick Perkins

    Marcin Gortat

    Meyers Leonard

    DeMarcus Cousins

    Al Jefferson


    That's 24 centers of note that will play this season. There are others like Kanter, Koufus and Valanciunas to add.

    You guys may stop repeating the junk you have heard.

  8. You cite lack of center as your example of why this is a transition year? We have the same center (an all-nba one at that) that we have had the last half decade when not in transition. And a top quartile backup center to boot. Yet we don't have a clear starting 2 or 3, and all but 4 guys are FA next summer, which are the actual reasons this is a transition year

    Filling the roster with expirings are obvious transitional menuevers. We have Al and Josh at 5 and 4 because we have no Center to back up a Zaza which would enable Al and Josh to play the 4 and 3. Not acquiring that needed center means management is not trying to WIN Now. Al is a PF.
  9. Morrow, Zaza and a first (maybe Houstons) might greatly change this. Availability is thin for Cs , but if we're not too picky and really want to improve post and rebounding,; there are ways.

    Trade the only true center we have for a center? Well we would be in the same situation. No to moving Zaza, add to Zaza's position. I do not believe this organization will invest more this season. If so we would already have gotten another center. Three franchise centers will be available in the summer, then they will shop.
    • Like 1
  10. First, I also absolutely love the Green Bay ownership situation. The leagues don't which is why they have banned it, but I think it is fantastic particularly since the money making pro sports leagues seek lots of public money. Second, I am not sure I am following you. Are you thinking that the team would give out 200,000 tickets to the investors and would take 5% of their profits and give each investor 1/100,000th of 5%? I would guess that any interest in the team would have to be a one-time payment rather than an annual investment in order to work. People's needs change over time, etc. The Packers just sell additional shares to raise money as opposed to requiring more from existing shareholders.

    ooo...I didn't think through the ticket numbers. Scratch the tickets. Perhaps a flat 5% on investment on the first year with standard shareholder status there after.
  11. forget? that is the question.It has been reminded to me by my favorite scribe that I should just enjoy the show this season without expectations.I'm reminded the plethora of ownership/franchise opportunities available NEXT Season. Perhaps I will be able to take that advice (sooner than later) but for now I have to wonder, what direction ASG is headed.So with this is clearly a transition season (we still have no starting center), what about the future?The franshise may still be on the market. Lowering the liabilities have made the team more attractive to a buyer. Is it the agenda?If selling the team is the agenda I want a passionate Atlanta-based ownership. I dream of a "Green Bay Packer" type ownership. If not in full but at least partial (49%). As a resident and property owner of Atlanta, I would invest with 99,999 other "resident/property owners" a 1,000 dollars annually ($100,000,000) to buttress the franchise fluidity, in return of two tickets and profit sharing (2-5%) or so. The majority may be local heavy hitters in the ilk of Tyler Perry, John Dewberry or other suitable "wealthy" invested in the quality of the team and Atlanta.We could be on the cusp of a true contending franchise come next season given the forward thinking opportunities in place.I think we need to keep Josh and Al. I believe we have to get the center next year be it D12, Bynam or Al Jefferson. Somehow get the franchise point guard (Paul, Lawson). Just thinking out loud folks.

  12. Josh and Zaza will have to operate deep into the paint more than occasionally. Al at 12-15 feet is fine, cause he can fill it up there. What we do also have is three guards particularly Harris and Lou, get to the rim at will which creates "and 1's" and "kick outs" to Al, Kyle, Morrow and such.This is what we have. I don't see any post help available to change this.

  13. I agree with the starters as constructed now. But there is a logjam with Korver, Toliver and James at the 3. We actually have 4/5 SF's. Someone may be moved for a big. I see DeShawn matched aginst the opponents better offensive wing rather it be a 2 or three. With DeShawn at 2 Zaza may start at center with Josh sliding to the 3 or Toliver starting at the three, dependng on matchups.At any rate, Lou is in the clutch time lineup with Al, Josh, Harris and either Zaza or Teague or Toliver.

  14. Korver has athletic limitations but he is a high energy defender. He is the guy that dives for the loose ball, he is the guy that tries to make the other guy as uncomfortable as possible. He can star against some guys.Against Miami I'd start DeShawn at the 3 agianst LBJ. I'd start Morrow at the 2.

  15. I wonder how much Ben Wallace have left in his tank? If he can bring 12 quality minutes a game, I'd rather have him than Petro. If it is feasable, Zaza starts and Ben, Ivan, DeShawn with Lou and Devin would be overwhelming with respect of rebounding and running.

  16. Posted Image

    I have read several things from the national media concerning our Hawks

    for this upcoming season. They have a lot to say about our bench.

    At first, this may strike us as being a fine thing. But, upon further examination,

    we find that their ideas were not complimentary. Not at all.

    Seems, in their opinion, Atlanta has two starters of NBA caliber, Horford and

    J Smoove. They then concede that our designated starting PG is a borderline

    starter in the NBA.

    Breaking things down, we have two, possibly three, starters. All the others are

    bench players in the NBA, I take this to mean that, on any other team in the NBA,

    Smith and Horford would start and if the team was weak, our PG just MIGHT get

    to start.

    Well, Bull Feathers. Here I am thinking that this Hawk team may make some noise

    this season and win our share of games. If we are to believe this, our chances of

    having a winning season are slim and none with Slim on life support.

    And, these national sports writers are always right, aren't they??

    Guess we will just have to go ahead and play all those games any way. I'm not

    ready to give up everything - - not yet. Are you?

    GO HAWKS!!!

    Posted Image

    Well, Teague could start at Utah and the Hornets. He would compete at Chicago, Charlotte, Orlando and Phoenix. EVERYWHERE ELSE, He is on the bench.

    In fact I expect him to sit in crunch time here. (Crunch time=Harris,Lou,Josh,Al,Zaza). So as far as Teague, 23 other teams have a much better PG and 4 others are as good.

  17. http://www.hoopsworl...-or-rebuilding/ I think the term we’ve been using is restructuring,” Williams said during the team’s media day. “I don’t think we’re really rebuilding right now. Obviously we still have guys who can play at a high level. Al [Horford] coming back off of his injury and he’s an All-Star guy. In my opinion, I felt like Josh [smith] should have been an All-Star last year. You still have guys here who are more than capable.” One of the team’s strengths this season will be the backcourt with Williams, Jeff Teague and former All-Star Devin Harris expected to get the lion’s share of minutes at guard. From afar, Williams has admired both of his new backcourt mates. “Jeff has come into his own as a point guard,” Williams said of Teague’s emergence as a floor general. “Myself and Devin have been established in this league for a number of years. So I don’t really think we’re rebuilding. I think we’re restructuring honestly. We have a lot of new pieces and that’s what training camp is for. Once we put the pieces in the right place, I think we’ll be able to compete immediately.” While the collection of long-range gunners will get a lot of attention, head coach Larry Drew believes it is the speed of his backcourt which will disrupt opposing defenses. Drew feels Teague, Williams and Harris may be the fastest backcourt in the entire league.

    I think we should lock Zaza in for a 4/16 extention. Bigs are hard to come by. How long is Lou's contract?
  18. "THIS IS ALL PART OF FERRY'S PLAN!!!! THE WHOLE FRANCHISE IS A LAME DUCK!!!! HE'S SECRETLY MOVING THE HAWKS TO SEATTLE!!!!!!! OH NOEZ!!!!!!!" If they move there they will have the Seahawks and the Hawks. If we get a new franchise at the same time, I'm down.I'm thinking two lottery picks and all cap space after 10 roster holds (vet min.).Who is the GM?Who is the coach?I say Arthur Triche as GM (the Smartest guy in the room and knows where the bodies are buried)I say Micheal Cooper as Head Coach (instant creed).Who's in?

  19. Why change something that didn't need changing?

    He replaced one of our CO-captains with 1 yr deals.

    With the same coach in place, doesn't that mean those other guys who were co-captains are still co-captains?

    I read something into his statement because there was something said there. He said.. " it doesn't matter who was leaders last year, I'm putting my mark on this team. So what was last year is not going to be now."

    In other words... Don't look for LD or Smoove or Horf to have rock solid deals here. Even in your quote... Didn't you notice how he refused to say " Coach Drew will decide that"... What he said instead is "the coaches will decide that".

    If the fact that there's great turnover in LD's assistants isn't a big enough, him using "the coaches" instead of "Coach Drew" lets us know how lame duck everything is right now.

    So we are. "Major League 2013". But Bob Weis!?! Geez
  20. Well, Ferry made his first mistake if that's the case. He should have just said that Josh and Al are the leaders of this new young team (if that was the case). Ferry's slip tells me that nobody has a spot going through the trade deadline. That means that guys will be antsy and a hothead like Smoove may demand a trade to a contender before the deadline.

    It is on Ferry. We may see fights in training camp. I really don't see Weis handling this bunch but LD may have some answers. Drama around the corner.
  21. Josh Smith nor Al Horford are not going to listen to Kyle Korver give some sort of leadership or motivation. This is Josh and Al's team . . . period. If anybody else is the leader, we're in for a long season. So our two stars have to lead . . . and lead more by example than by verbage. Talk is cheap.

    If Al and Josh don't make Ivan and DeShawn allies, Ivan and DeShawn will have to be moved. LD really needs to be the leader and Al will need to be his hand.
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