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Everything posted by kooshdoctor

  1. what about like playing video games with some hawks or playing some one on one or something? that would be fun. or going to a playoff game with a hawk? i dunno, there are so many things that you could do that would be amazing
  2. well i guess it's worth a shot, you aren't with the hawks pr are you? haha
  3. how in the world am i supposed to get an interview with marvin williams? if i got that i'd say i have a lot more than potential
  4. Well that sucks, guess it's Foye or Roy now
  5. Cassell would easily be worth 3 years and 21 million. I say offer him 3 years 22 million dollars and I guarantee the Hawks couldn't make a better move this summer. He should be our number one priority with the cap room we have.
  6. Well thanks for reading at least guys, I love to get feedback, I know there's a lot I have to work on if I'm going to make a career out of this. Thanks again
  7. I still think that Thomas will be picked by the raptors. Mo Pete at 2, Bosh at 5, Villanueva at 4, and Thomas at the 3. Then they could resign James to play the point, or Calderon? Just a thought...
  8. yeah, that's me, i'm chase, i write for the hawks impending firestorm on most valuable network and i also do a general basketball site called full court press that is pretty cool but we don't update enough. thanks again for the love guys, leave comments here or there and let me know what you think
  9. wow, thanks man, I appreciate the love. got a bunch of hits today just thanks to that
  10. Quote: I said that he could become. He is only 21 years old. You all act as if Dirk came into the league as the player he is now. He actually had to develop as well. I swear you guys are more myopic than Mr. Magoo. My only arguement here is that Dirk came into the league as a shooter. Everyone knew when he came in that shooting was his strong point. Zaza is more of a rebounder. It would be a nice idea, but we may wanna look at Zaza becoming someone more like Vlade Divac
  11. Quote: The Hawks definitely need someone who is good at PR so maybe we will be hearing more from him. I still think Brown would be an awesome head coach for us. But it's probably too early to can Woodson. Brown really deserves a shot at a head coaching job he is an awesome guy.
  12. Well we all know BK loves to just get tall players to play anywhere. I'm sure he'll just put Bargnani at shooting guard or something. Or we could always use a small forward or something...
  13. boy that is one quality video! but that's some good stuff. that harry the hawk, he's crazy! do you think it's in his contract that if he gets hurt riding a bike he loses money? maybe he needs to talk to kellen winslow!
  14. What about James Lang? 6 10 285. i think if we give him a shot in the nba he could become a very good player. i seriously think he may end up being a very solid player in the nba. whaddya think?
  15. I think you have some good points. If we run a three forward set, we should have a shot against a lot of teams, especially if we had a pair like zaza and aldridge or bargiani
  16. heh, we said a lot of similar things when we drafted marvin williams didn't we? williams, johnson, harrington, smith, childress...maybe BK and IT both went to the same school of coaching?
  17. Quote: Quote: I hope his arms fall off. I agree. I'll be booing. Here's my rooting order: Ray Allen Dirk Nowitzki ---- Gilbert Arenas Chauncey Billups --- Quentin Richardson --- Jason Terry haha, that's classic. although i'd probably go for billups up in the top 3, cause i think he's underrated and i'm glad to finally see him in the mvp talk this year
  18. what about one free throw in the ball? two free throws and the ball seems like a lot. it makes that foul as bad as technicals and flagrants...do we really need more excuses to get players to dunk? they dunk too much as it is
  19. you know, you make some really good points, i like this thread. i think the problem is that people want the second pick in the draft to be a game changing monster, which seems to be what paul has become, and close to what bogut has become so far. unfortunately, williams is not panning out yet, and atlanta isn't seeing incredible improvement like the bucks and hornets. but you're right, Atlanta really is doing better now. at one point we won 4 of 5 there, and we've beaten some very good teams (detroit, la). i think there is the possibility for some good runs in the second half of the year. it would be exciting to get a trade, but with this team in place there is a possibility to make a decent run at the second half
  20. someone is always going to get the shaft. at least paul gets to play in the futures game. there are a lot of teams and not a lot of spots on the all star roster. someone is always going to have a legitimate case for the game
  21. Quote: Jack plays a lot of 2 there and I don't think he is comfortable in that role. It would be great if the Hawks could trade for him. Do you think that Jack is a better player than Salim Stoudamire? Because I don't. Salim is a shooter, and he can be converted into a pg which seems to be what we're doing. Jack would not fit well with this team. You complain about Will's playing time, Jack would never see the floor.
  22. I agree about NENE, but we have so many forwards we could probably overcome a bad center. bad point guards spell doom not only at the end of the game but the entire game because of turnovers and lack of offense
  23. why on earth is everyone so in love with nene? at least gooden is a proven rebounder, and can score some too. he's got some decent size. he's got better defense than al does. we need to get off this nene obsession
  24. no offense to jj, but i think steve would have been a better fit for this team originally. jj is fine now, and he's young, so that's ok. but what we wanted was someone who could create for himself off the dribble, and then be able to setup teammates. i think johnson is more of a 2, and francis can be more of a scorer, and can get rid of the ball if he needs to. he would have been a better fit originally, but i'm happy with jj
  25. What if we put Johnson on Kobe, and kind of has Smooth shadow him and give backside help going for blocks? If Kobe does pass it then we can just rotate the defense around. That seems like it would work, but I could be way off. Do we really have someone quick enough to stay with Kobe and tall enough to contest the jump shot?
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