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Everything posted by scottt

  1. You are crazy. Their defense is sooooo much better with Oden in the game. That leads to easierl baskets on the other end. He is still just a baby. He will learn how to play in such a manner as to stay out of foul trouble. As I posted before, God help any GM who passes on Oden.
  2. Jack Lemmon is the greatest actor ever. He could do it all. Drama (Glengarry Glen Ross) to comedy (Odd Couple and Some Like it Hot)
  3. scottt


    God help the GM who passes on Oden.
  4. This movie is VERY good.
  5. Ditto. The place was on fire. The playoffs will be fun.
  6. We drafted Marvin. GET OVER IT AND ROOT FOR HIM.
  7. I agree. Enough with the "trade Marvin" stuff. He will be more than OK. Can you imagine how good this team could be if Marvin and Smoove each average about 18. With what JJ brings to the table every night, that is a powerful start. It is impossible to deny the improvement we are seeing.
  8. Men taking a left turn for 500 miles is not a sport.
  9. scottt

    Hawk vs Suns

    JOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game is going to give me a heart attack.
  10. Wow. JJ is really good. Timeout with about 59 seconds left. Hope we can hold on.
  11. This team irritates me to the point of distraction. From time to time we see flashes of completely compelling team basketball. We have talent. We have youth. And then we lost to the Bobcats by 100 points in 2 games over 2 days. I really hope we get to see this team totally healthy for a 25 game period. I think we would be a team that no one would want to play. Just my thought.
  12. I just heard on Around the Horn on ESPN that "the deal being discussed" is Vick to Oakland for the first pick, Randy Moss and Jerry Porter. Where did this come from? Has anyone else heard this? The rumor sounds like crap to me, but I would make the deal if it were presented.
  13. Our bullpen could be a real strength now. With Soriano (whom we STOLE), this trade and Wickman, the end of games could be much more stable. Good move.
  14. The new ESPN power rankings have them number 2. Way to go!
  15. David Hyde Pierce--- played Niles Crane on Frasier. Comedy counts also. He was one of the funniest characters ever on a TV show.
  16. scottt


    That was a perfect third quarter. Well done!!!!!!!
  17. scottt


    This team is playing as well at this moment (It is a TO at 72-60) as they have all year.
  18. Hate to see Laroche go. I trust that they have someone equally as inexpensive to play first base who will hit 30+ home runs.
  19. tonight would be huge. I took a look at the schedule. February is brutal. If we are in the game on March 1, then the remaining 24 games are collectively not so bad. We could be a playoff team if we could just get healthy.
  20. Great Win. This team looks like it thinks it will win the game. Having a couple of go-to guys is a luxury. Again, GREAT WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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