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Everything posted by d2v16DKG

  1. d2v16DKG

    At Last!

    :beer: To borrow a line from Beyonce doing Etta James, "At Last" it is so nice to finally have a real point guard since Mookie Blaylock! What does Mike Bibby have? 10 assists already in the first half alone!? And it's also so nice seeing Josh play within himself! No stupid treys! Also nice seeing T-Lue doing good.
  2. :angel19: Mike Bibby definitely won the game for us tonight! There is no way the Hawks can let him go at the end of the season. I only saw the second half but from what I saw he was outstanding with his key steals and great shooting! And I was pleased to see Josh played a smart game tonight as well. No crazy treys or jumpshots that I saw!
  3. :no-no: If I see Josh Smith take one more stupid trey, I'm going to reach through the tv set and personally choke him myself! He's been playing like crap lately
  4. :sad: The way I see it, we lost the game for two reasons: 1)Josh Smith and his stupid treys and 2)Mike Woodson for playing JJ & Bibby for too long a stretch without a breather. Why didn't he play Flip tonight? Nets deserved to win- especially after hiting that ridiculous shot at the buzzer! Can't believe we can't beat the Nets!
  5. :beer: I agree with you 1,000%. Mike Bibby is the reason the Hawks are doing so well this year. A good point guard makes a world of difference; and one that can shoot as well as distribute doesn't hurt either! Joe Johnson is playing at the top of his game because of Bibby. Maybe we can finally stop saying "if we had only drafted -- instead of Marvin Williams". Notice Marvin Williams is playing better too! Picking up "Flip" and "Mo" were great acquistions as well. The only thing that still bothers me is probably the same thing that bothers Woodson- the erractic play of Josh Smith. Yes the guy is great and has fantastic potential but he makes as many bonehead plays as he does great plays so they tend to cancel each other out. If this guy can ever finally mature and play smart, the Hawks will be unstoppable!
  6. The question is will this Hawks team roll over and play dead or at least go down fighting? We can come back if we play defense and start hitting some shots. It's do or die fellows, get fired up!!!
  7. Absolutely! You said it perfectly!
  8. Josh Smith is terrible today!! I don't know what is problem is but get him out of there!!
  9. Dude, you mean "loose" not "lose"! Please don't jinx us!!
  10. All I know is that Tommy Heinson is the most obnoxious announcer since Johnny Most (god rest his soul) I once called up Johnny Most on the phone before the the Celtics-Hawks game in the Hartford Civic Center and told him I was sick of his overly-biased announcing. He didn't appreciate it and I'm not even sure now how I got through to him on the phone. I'm not sure what excuse I used at the time. I was young and crazy then and a big "Pistol Pete" fan.
  11. Thank you. Just as I thought it would be!!
  12. Thank you for that post game description! For someone who couldn't be there, I love it and feel like I'm part of it. Never thought we would be able to get this kind of fan support with all the troubles we've seen. Wish I could have been there!!!
  13. I agree. Marvin picked a good time to finally play aggressively. Let's go game 7!!
  14. Got to love this team!! CHILL, CHILL, CHILL, ZAZA, JOE JOHNSON!!! Hey, anything can happen in game 7! Please tell me what the atmosphere was like at the arena tonight!! It looked tremendous on tv!
  15. Those two guys are keeping us in the game! Go Chill, nice tip!!!
  16. Have you noticed good things happen when you play defense and contest the c's jumpshots? Zaza playing good D and it's starting to catch with the others!
  17. It's back to the old Hawk team tonight. We're not playing tenacious defense, we're giving up too many open looks. We're not setting screens and getting off good shots on offense. Josh is taking stupid treys but he is making his fouls shots and getting Cs in foul trouble. But what bothers me the most is I am sooo tired of Marvin Williams (should have been Chris Paul) being such a non-factor and missing open jump shots! I would sit him and just play Chill!
  18. All season long, I have to listen to the other team's announcers including the Celtics Tom Heinsohn killing the Hawk fans and laughing because the seats were empty at Philips or filled with guys rooting for the other teams. Give me an idea what it was like tonight? Did we have Hawk fans cheering their ass off or what?
  19. I have been one of Josh Smith's biggest critics, but I have nothing but good to say about him now! He still scares me when he shoots the trey (0-6 tonight) but the man came through in the clutch making his free throws! The ice man cometh! Let's face it, we can't win without him. Go Hawks!!
  20. I am so proud of this team, I have tears streaming down my face! I haven't been this excited since the days of "Nique"! We beat the f--king C's two straight! Joe Johnson for President, Josh Smith for Vice-President!!! Pardon me while I run screaming down the street waving my Hawk banner!!! (hope I don't get arrested)
  21. Win or lose, it's clear now this team will go down fighting all the way! I am so proud of these guys I could burst! Did you see the way ZAZA dove to try to save the out of bounds ball! This team is fired up. Keep it up guys, keep it up, we love you!! Shock these damn cocky C's!! (By the way, love Fratella's great bias comments. The man just appreciates what he sees.) Golly, 18 points by Bibby who couldn't hit the side of a barn in beantown! GO HAWKS!!
  22. Did you notice the Celtics didn't hit every shot like they did in games 1&2? Did you notice the huge difference was that we contested almost every shot. It's much harder to hit shots when someone's got a hand in your face. So simple but yet so effective! For you Woody bashers, he definitely came up with the right game plan tonight (just when you thought all might be lost) and the Hawks executed! GO HAWKS!!!!
  23. GREAT POST! Love your energy. Nice to know I'm not the only crazy one!
  24. Unbelieveable game! Probably the best I've seen Smooth play all year! (I just hope he doesn't get too happy with the treys) Great clutch shots for Bibby and great leading the offense with his assists! I'm scared, however- what did Horford say to Pierce! Something tells me we're going to pay the price for that in Game 4! On the bright side- that's the most enthusiasm I've seen by Hawk fans since "Dancing Harry" during the "Nique" days! I was really afraid there might be more Celtic fans than Hawk fans. Wow- I for one am proud to be a Hawk fan!! Can we keep this up?
  25. Since I live in New England, I have to watch over the Boston Celtics network. At least Tommy Heinson's not doing color tonight with his stupid "Tommy points". Go Hawks!
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