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Everything posted by Cwell

  1. This isn’t sustainable from Milwaukee. We’ll make our run
  2. Snell has been completely worthless since he came back from injury in the last part of the season. His shot been stopped falling. The fact that he takes such a small amount of shots is the only reason his overall percentage held over 50
  3. Cwell

    Ol' Dirty B*str'd

    Did the same shoulder shimmy vs the Pistons last year during the season opener. 1:47 mark
  4. What a choke. Had all the chances in the world to build the lead and played with it
  5. What kind of offense is this? Just freelance bull crap
  6. Only bad things happen when he gets minutes. I will never understand it
  7. It’s always that one guy that’s normally mad regular that can’t miss and keeps the other team in it. Every time
  8. John gotta get one of those 3 balls to fall. That last one would have been deflating
  9. We can’t go another series with Capela playing like he lives at Barbies Dream house
  10. We definitely hit them with one during the regular season not too long ago. Let’s repeat
  11. Sure up the interior defense and this is a different game
  12. We went through so many injuries during the regular season, the basketball gods gotta let us be man lol
  13. I don't put them in that conversation, but have at it.
  14. Cam reminds me of early Roddy White. Struggled being consistent his first 2 years but he had one thing all the other Falcons WRs didn't. And it was the fact that he could get consistent separation. Cam is one of the only players on the roster outside of Trae (and now Dre this year) that has shown the ability to have stretches where he takes over offensively and scores in bunches. In that Washington game, those first 4 shots or so were literally in back to back possessions. Can't wait until he puts it all together.
  15. You're wasting your time. And yes he is as bad as everyone says he was. It's pointless to go into this elaborate piece of why a dude fired a decade ago was a horrid head coach. With all the retreads in this league, there's a reason nobody wants him to lead their squad. Mr "offense takes care of itself". Mr "If you don't play at an all star level from day one in the league, good luck because I'm not coaching you". Mr "i'll take someone old, experienced and trash over someone talented and young that needs to learn". Mr "The shit works"...until the games really matter and it doesn't. Mr potato head himself. TRASH
  16. K’Von the Philly killer. Regular Season and Playoff Career Highs
  17. Who cares? It has nothing to do with just Josh. And it was obvious that Woodson didn’t like to do much coaching period so who knows where Josh could have ended up. Woody was trash collectively from top to bottom BASURA
  18. That Mike Woodson u trash too comment at the end. I felt that in my soul!!!! Woody was so garbage!!!!!
  19. So proud of him and the strides he made this year. He was definitely not my favorite guy heading into the season
  20. Capela was missing bunnies all season. He’s almost Alex Len level when it comes to finishing anything other than a lob, unless he’s alone under the rim…..even that isn’t 100%. It’s just under more of a microscope while playing against a monster in Embiid in the playoffs. I won’t crap on Bogi because he’s a big part of why we made it this far, but a sore knee is no excuse to be clanking every shot you take, especially when that’s all you offer. A sore knee is no excuse of getting two straight steals and straight Josh Smithing both possessions by trying to create something yourself only to turn the ball over. Reminds me of Sam Sack Maker Baker, only good when 100% but rarely 100%. If he plays game 7 he better dig deep and find something to give, because we’ll need him big time.
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