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Everything posted by Cwell

  1. What I take from this....Philly is toast without Embiid
  2. Collins wide open and Bogi passes it to freaking Solomon for 3, and it turns into a fastbreak bucket smh
  3. ABC just gonna let this crap audio rock? aight smh
  4. thought it was just me. Restarted my system and everything
  5. he's been loose with it all playoffs as shoot as he tries to attack inside it gets knocked away smh
  6. didn't even think about the Philly connection. wow
  7. Exactly. A blind squirrel should be able to slip and fall into a 4 game win streak atleast once in 2.5 years. Especially with the young talent we had. Majority of our early losses we were leading in the 4th quarter, injuries or not. Going from the worst 4th quarter team in the league to the best the very second you switch coaches is not luck. We lost to Cleveland and Dallas coming off 10 game losing streaks. These are not coincidences. Pierce leaves to have a baby, we play Boston tough twice and go 2-1. Pierce comes back and we get smoked by OKC...
  8. Before the series it was: "So what? 1st round exit" After we proceed to kick the Knicks ass: "Good season, we weren't even supposed to be here anyway" "So what, won't beat Philly" lol just keep moving the goal posts
  9. Gallo been ass on the road all series. Don't leave him in there to screw up our lead
  10. Lets give them an excuse to fully check out
  11. Gallo can't keep disappearing on the road man. Do something?!
  12. Starting backcourt needs to hit some shots
  13. I'm not gonna be able to take much more of this freeze up on the road crap. Make your damn open shots. Anybody can look good at home.
  14. hit your open shots. All u have to do. They have no shot when that happens
  15. I hope we jump on them so bad that they quit early. Save me some anxiety lol
  16. they looked extra regular without Embiid. I didn't know his presence was that immense
  17. I may need to watch the rest of this Dallas and LA series. Cuz the last two games I watched Dallas been getting smoked lol
  18. Calling out how trash Pierce was as a coach is not the same as hating him. Get that violin out of here
  19. Cwell

    About Game 5

    Agreed, except the MSU part lol hate to be that guy but he went to Kentucky
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