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Everything posted by ecc423

  1. The Hawks won in Orlando after overcoming a 14-point deficit in the second half. It's the fourth time THIS SEASON that Atlanta has won on the road by overcoming at least a 10-point margin in the second half. Over the previous six seasons (2000-01 through 2005-06) the Hawks won ONLY ONE road game by overcoming at least a 10-point margin in the second half (in Orlando in 2004). slowly but surely.....??
  2. 20260...i suc...shaq head scared the sh*t out of me
  3. i agree....13-26...your right, basically not a whole lot....
  4. he didnt play alot cause he couldnt jump out on washingtons smaller guards right?....we played zaza all the 4th...urggggggggggg!
  5. "I didn't even want him touching the ball late in the game tonight."....exactly my feelings too man..
  6. must be outcasts from the falcons board (talk about bashing...geeze)
  7. they must have been drinking....smooth got taken out one time and sheldon came in for like 10 minutes (real time) and they never changed the "playing 5" stats on the scoreboard....happened on Toronto's side too i noticed.......so how do i apply??
  8. Abe is starting...we need this one...or it's done....
  9. but vick's led us to the playoffs twice....
  10. ecc423

    me 2 joe...

    well..guess they didn't need ray lewis afterall...
  11. ecc423

    me 2 joe...

    "The last three games were a carbon copy," Johnson said. "We can't close out games." uuhhh...u think? maybe we will sooner than later, but sometimes getting blown out feels better than losing 3 in a row like this ya know....i know these games will help us figure out how not to blow it (hopefully), but man losing the last 3 like this are killin me...well at least Ray Lewis isn't playin 2morrow.
  12. I know its early, but the ballots are out..... http://www.nba.com/ You can vote once every 24 hours.... My Pics: EAST: B.Wallace Bosh James JJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wade WEST: Yao Kobe Randolph Nash Garnett
  13. took us a qtr and a half...but looks like we finally showed up to play...cut it 2 5
  14. there was three q's on the hawks.....first one was about ATLANTA and PORTLAND..could they be this years hornets and warriors.....reply was "could be, but alot of teams that start 4-2, 5-1...end up 27-55..have to wait and see".....the other was a JAZZ fan with his Jerry Sloan for COY (coach of the year) question....the reply was that "if the Hawks finish at or above .500 then the COY is over...it goes to Mike Woodson"....the third was, I guess, an ATL fan and a Cedric Boseman question on being a "glue guy" for us...the reply was "good defense but lets not get carried away"......that basically summed up what portions I saw on the HAWKS....hope thats some help...
  15. we should get the nod over orlando....but who cares TOP 20!
  16. nobody really ...just thought it had the "damn" effect...either way u look at it....
  17. florida, georgetown, alabama, ut-chattanooga (cinderella pick)...lol
  18. well i guess the ROY for ROY only lasted a week
  19. i love Freije....heck, send salim if anyone..
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