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Everything posted by BHayley

  1. It could've all been avoided if the dumb refs hadn't ejected McDyess for what should've been a flagrant 1 foul. And then at the end of the 4th Rasheed was hogging the ball. Give props where props are due though. Great game by James
  2. Buck and Kincade are both hypocrites. They talked about how the Falcons would be 7-9 this coming season, and now they say they will be 10-6. They bash Vick EVERY DAY for 4 hours, then have a "Vick Innocence Day." I could go on for hours about what those two morons have said (Belue is actually okay. I can't stand Kincade though)
  3. There are trades out there, but this guy is impossible to figure out. He probably just wanted the spotlight for the week, so he came out and said he wants to be traded. He will never be traded. It'd be like trading Michael Jordan after Pippen left (for example) in 95 (let's say Jordan didn't go to baseball). Will never happen. ^^Pretty dumb example
  4. Where in Atlanta is this? Congrats on the job. How old are you?
  5. BHayley


    Go to espn.com Look like Kobe changed his mind and will be a Laker. Oh well. That's a terrible trade anyway. I'd trade JSmoove over JJ any day of the week.
  6. What the hell are you talking about?
  7. LOL do you honestly think L.A. would do this trade? Childress hasn't proven himself yet, Bynum is highly wanted in this league. I wouldn't give up JJ and Childress for Kobe anyway
  8. Some good propositions here. I like the idea of trading expiring contracts and a few young players. I'd probably trade Josh Smith and put Shelden at PF and then have Marvin as our utility bench player, playing all the positions. So #3, JSmoove, AJ, Lue, and maybe Childress could get it done...Then draft Acie Law. The Bulls never had any big men. No I'm not saying we're the Bulls, but if we have two hella versatile players in Kobe and JJ, then are just satisfactory at the big positions, we could be fine. We just need offense offense offense and rebounding at this point. Our defense is not bad
  9. Yeah but Yi doesn't fit a need we have. We need a PG and an upgrade at center. Yi is a flashy small forward with no strength and a lot of skills.
  11. Lay off the dude. He's just joking around. Sheesh
  12. Well after reading basically every rumor out there and doing some researching, I think the best choice is to draft Conley at #3, try get Acie Law at #11, and then trade Lue with a wing for a decent center. Like others have said, the combination of ZaZa and Solomon, with Shelden is not a bad combination at all. Solomon and Shelden really started to show some potential at the end of the season, and ZaZa is always a lock for about 15/7 a game. Before you bash me about the center position, think about where Solomon was at the beginning of the year, and think of him in 4 months: stronger, smarter, and still blocking a lotta shots. With the two fresh PG's we have a hell of a lotta athleticism to run this ATHLETIC team, and we're set for years to come. Just my 2 cents
  13. Very very good post. Here is my take: Point Guard: Speedy played some killer defense in those few games he was actually healthy. I recall him hounding the offensive player, getting steals, reading plays very well. AJ is probably the lone true leader on the team. He yells at our young guys, holds the ball when he needs to, directs traffic. Lue, like you said, dribbles dribbles dribbles *doesn't pass* and shoots. Terrible court vision Shooting Guard: JJ is a terrific pure shooter, but doesn't have that killer instinct yet. Maybe it's his demure personality, but he needs to be more assertive. I saw some flashes of him manifesting this during the season, but it needs to be on a more consistent basis. Salim is a trash shooter who will get his 15 points every few games, but plays NO DEFENSE at all, hardly passes, and is a streaky shooter. Childress is an excellent 6th man. I'd love to see us resign this guy and keep him as our 6th man when in 3 years time we are a strong team and he is a candidate for that award. I'd also like him to be more assertive Marvin also needs to be more assertive. His FT shooting is nice, so let's translate this into better FG %. Power Forward: J.Smoove will probably have to stay at the 4. I don't know how else he could play at the 3 without hellish substitution problems to ensue with the logjam. Shelden I actually have trust in him. He needs to get quicker, but he has a wide Brian Grant-type body, is strong, and can shoot FT's. I have no problems with him based on his last month of the year Center: ZaZa is nice, but he isn't a defensive presence at all Lorenzen: ....... Solomon has potential to be something special, but he needs to put on a hell of a lot of weight this offseason. When healthy, this team can win a lot of games (.500 probably), but we are missing a few pieces, most notably that killer defensive presence and a point guard to complement Speedy who will be healthy this coming season.
  14. Good post. I think people need to recognize that Deron Williams is a better PG than Chris Paul. He has that killer-instinct look in his eyes, is stronger, and is on a better team. The Hornets have done nothing these past 2 years to impress me, although I got MaD love for N.O. As for the rest of your post, we really do need to fill the needs. Getting Zack Randolph will just logjam everything. I would like to see Shelden this coming year and see if he has anything to offer. He is not a bad player. Solomon...Hopefully he's stronger. I wish BK would be more bold in making blockbuster trades or trades of significance
  15. Yeah I was kinda taken aback by his statement about not trading for a vet...I mean, why not try get a Gasol-type player? As for Gasol's defense, he does average over 2 blocks a game, so maybe that helps. We can't really base his defense off of his experiences with the Grizzlies because they play about as much defense as a handicapped 1-A high school basketball team. I only see Gasol occasionally, but in the playoffs last year (against the Spurs) he looked gaunt and clueless about what he was doing. I think he was injured then. I also hate that beard he has. He looks awful with it. Anyway, Gasol is worth checking out. He only makes 13 mill next year. I think he stated he wants to stay with MEM though
  16. We aren't taking him at #3. That's for sure. Don't worry about him.
  17. 2 weeks ago this guy was a "nobody", a potential #11 pick. Now that Oden said he wants to play with Conley, everyone is praising Conley like he's the next John Stockton or something. Yes, I know we want to play mind games with Portland and say Conley is a lock at #3, but I just think it's incredible how this guy was some scrawny undersized PG who didn't get his team a championship last year as a Freshman, and now people act like he's a long-term playoff solution for this franchise. Needless to say, I like the idea of drafting Conley and even Acie Law, then trading the #11 plus a wing for a center. I would do that Aldridge+Jack for #3 trade in a heartbeat too though (just like any of you would)
  18. Getting Kurt Thomas would be quite possibly the worst move this franchise ever made. He is incredibly old (35), he's worn out (he was only good on the NYK), he can't stay healthy, he can't score, he's undersized (6"9 center) plus he costs a fortune (we'd have to trade like Childress+Marvin to match salaries). Hopefully this trade will NEVER EVER happen
  19. Portland is so ecstatic at the prospect of taking Oden, it will offer Zach Randolph and Jarrett Jack to Atlanta for the No. 3 pick to get Oden's Ohio State teammate Mike Conley Jr. Los Angeles Times http://www.hoopshype.com/rumors.htm
  20. LOL so $10,000 from Vick is not a lot? Do you even know how much Steinbrenner is worth? Vick has already donated $10,000 to a charity, as well as all those fines. Give the guy a break.
  21. And posts like these are absolutely why you are the best poster on here or ESPN boards PERIOD. Why not consider Garnett too? I'd think the Wolves want a shake-up by now. I see the Zack Randolph trade somewhat possible, if we draft Conley at #3 and throw in a player or two. I'd love to get him, and he's not terribly expensive. I completely agree we need quit getting 20 year old projects (STOP GETTING YOUNGER) and get some vets in here. I've been saying this for 2 years now. Of course I'd want Oden, but we must move on. I'm very worried BK will go after Joakim Noah right now. I don't know. Great post.
  22. OH MY GOODNESS. Now basically every team besides Memphis is a playoff contender in that conference.
  23. First off, good job Hawks. Actually, if we hadn't "Tanked" and won two more games, we might have been in Portland's shoes...Anyways, what goes on with next year's pick? Does PHX get it?
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