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Posts posted by cam1218

  1. Regarding Houston being bad…

    They are definitely talented, but also young. Usually teams like that are competitive early in the season, so it’s a good win IMO. If they don’t get a lot of wins in the first few weeks, they start to struggle and then try to finish strong to build on next year. I always like to see these types of teams show up during a random weekday in December or March.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, RedDawg#8 said:

    Notice, we didn’t see a ton of 1-5 lobs to CC. Looks very intentional that we were getting JC and Dre involved.

    People forget just how good JC was before Clint came and took away is touches. We may now be asking Clint to sacrifice for the team this season.


    Good point, small sample size so we will have to see how it plays out. That said, I think Clint would gladly sacrifice his offensive numbers if the guys he is sacrificing for are playing good defense. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Peoriabird said:

    He will want even more if he reaches his full potential this season...Something this team may not be able to afford since they aren't the Golden state Warrior's ownership

    Of course he will want more, but that could be the reason a deal wasn’t reached. That’s all I’m saying. I’d love to rehash this if we had some numbers that were thrown out there, but I doubt we will get that.

  4. 8 minutes ago, sturt said:

    Rotation looks full. This would be essentially the 6th big, ie, 3rd unit.... which, soberly, could be a reason Favors would decline to come home (... pretty sure he lives in ATL even today, but someone correct me if that's wrong).



    We have back-up at PG (Forest) and wing (Culver) as 2-ways.


    We have... nothing... beyond the 5 bigs.


    Think we're tempting fate, particularly when the 5th big, Frank, has went down every year the last 4 years. Need to get in some foul trouble in these first games, perhaps, to shake our GM offices out of their slumber.

    Players also become available as the season goes on. Definitely fewer players now with the expanded playoffs. I’m fine with waiting, but I get your stance. 

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  5. 6 minutes ago, Peoriabird said:

    My point is one year of health is not a predictor of the other years so you are gambling either way...One way is just cheaper

    I don’t disagree with you at all, he might think he can stay healthy and wants to be paid based on that. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Peoriabird said:

    You know this makes no sense right?  Hunter can stay healthy next year...get paid more...And then get hurt the following year after he is paid more so how is that being smart?

    Or he can sign a contract now, get hurt, and we go down the same path. It is a contract season, let’s see the best version of him. I love Hunter, but it is a risk. If he was willing to sign on a cheap contract I’m all for it, but I’m sure his camp wants to max out his value too. 

  7. As a GT fan I’m all aboard bringing Favors in, even though his time there was short lived lol. I also think knowing we have been through camp + overseas, and Nate knows what he has now, why throw in a new rotational player so soon? I think it’d be a good idea to give it a couple of weeks to see what we need once we play some regular season game.

  8. Yeah, I mean you want to lock up a deal so it isn’t a topic of discussion during the season. I think the Hawks are smart for being cautious due to his health issues. Dre being smart too, knowing that if he can stay healthy and be productive he will get a much better pay day after the season. 

  9. I remember in the 2016/2017 season when we brought in Dwight, we started 9-2 and everyone was excited about that team. We all know how that season turned out lol. It would ne nice to see us get off to a good start, all the games are winnable for sure. It won't make or break the season for me though, there will be an adjustment period with our new players.

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  10. I’ve seen some recent reports on the web about the Hawks prying Jaylen Brown away from the Celtics this offseason. I know the media is reaching for stories at this point, but it’ll be interesting to see if this gains any traction during the season. I’m sure he wasn’t thrilled with being involved with any potential KD trade.

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