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Everything posted by GameTime

  1. I miss John already. At least we got Rudy Gay.
  2. This Fri, Sat, or Sun... whatever works for y'all, if possible.
  3. Loving these offensive sets from Quin so far.... Such an improvement from Nate
  4. Anyway we can have the draft earlier, if possible?
  5. I hope Jalen starts over Bey..... Bey would be better for our second unit.
  6. Room for trade incoming?
  7. Morey is going to want Trae, Murray, Griffin, OO, 4 1sts and 3 swaps.
  8. So when is the exact date that Bogi is trade eligible?
  9. Agreed. Any updates @Sothron @NBASupes @thecampster or is September the month?
  10. Can we create a Squawk Battle Royale thread? I don't want to scroll 10 pages to see KAT/Siakam updates from @Sothron @NBASupes @thecampster
  11. Got time to waste until September, maybe? I wish they could go ahead and announce the trade already . Still some quality FA's left.
  12. If Bogi, Hunter and/or Bey is gone for a player, he likely is.
  13. Wes D is still pretty good. If he can just spot up and shoot 3's at a decent clip on offense, I don't see how we can't use him this year.
  14. AJ's gonna be our star (In a no Bogi scenario). Can he be a 15-20 mins player? Defensively I say yes. Can Quin help re-discover his jumper?
  15. Bogi replacement when we get KAT?
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