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Everything posted by swolehawk2

  1. I watched that game last night...Iverson basically dominated the ball like usual...Dog gave him an outlet when he got in troble with that jump pass thing he always does. All but one of Dogs shots was not a jump shot...the two times a saw him try to create off the dribble he turned it over. He basically caught the ball shot it or passed to a cutter. Of course everybody he tried to guard scored at will...Wallace, Patterson, Bonzi. And yeah the Blazers did focus on Iverson...he was just [censored] awesome....Dog should have had 30 because almost all those jumpers were wide open.
  2. So let me get this straight...if you are a fan of a team...and you pull for the team....even though you know it is not a very good team...that makes you a fool?
  3. I think we should be an inside out team also. But I do like the pick and roll at times.....and we should try posting Dion and S Jax when the match ups are favorable. Needless to say we have to cut out the turnovers....I actually don't mine the TOs in transition when we are trying to force the break ...but we must cut out the half court set TOs and handle the full court pressure better. Our guards and S Jax definately should look to penetrate whenever possible to get big men in foul trouble...that would make it easier for Theo and Reef...I think JT Dion and S Jax could get in the lane with regularity.....makes it easier on our bigs because the opposing bigs would have to help....we could get some cheap O rebounds and stick backs.... I have to say that the NOs game was almost playoff intensity..especially late. Good to see Reef down there mixing it up with NO they are as physical as it gets. Chicago will be hungry tonight.
  4. Talk about how to make the team better is great....in the off season ...but [censored] we finally have some games to talk about ...all people here want to talk about is JT sucks the Hawks suck ...we can't win...then [censored] go root for the Lakers. Everybody here sees whats going on with the Hawks...but they are what they are...no need to say the same shiit over and over and act like it is law. Lets' talk some current game Xs and Os ...[censored]....all a person can repeat is we suck...you can do they is one post at the end of the season.
  5. Man. what the [censored] are you talking about...I'm on nobodys nuts ....i see the faults in JT just like I see the faults in all these mofo's Look at this shyt JT has played with and for....how can you blame JT for all the Hawks problems.. It's JR Rider. Psycho 2. It's Lenny. Lost just as many as he won...shyt if I coach for 90 years I could win some games too. 3. It's JJ. Been on 42 teams ...if he is so good why can't he stick 4. It's Deke. One dimensional...59 year old center who can't catch 5. It's Lo Wright. Inconsistent at best 6. It's Toni. Injury waiting to happen...more time off the floor than on. 7. It's Lon ...nba coach...yeah right. It's Grob. One dimesional selfish fat no d jump shooter But it is all JT's fault....[censored] the only other consistent player for the Hawks the last 4 years has been Reef.
  6. We could have done a lot more with Dog ....a fat lazy 30 something jump shooter with bad ankles... Than a young PG that can score and is getting better yearly. One game without JT proves a lot but 13 without Dog means nothing. You r a joke
  7. Baron Davis blows by everybody at least twice a game...that is no big deal...
  8. Yeah Yeah Yeah...and if you aunt had balls she would be your uncle. We are not talking about some mythical team that has all the parts we want and need....you spend a lot of time talking about what we need ... we need this we need that..... I'm talking about the Hawks team...TODAY...the team the plays every night..... S Jax is a better player for this team...he is not perfect but he IS a better all around player than DOG You keep talking about 20 and 6....basketball is more than 20 and 6....how about not giving up 20 and 6 to the cat you are guarding. Or taking a charge ...or [censored] getting back on D.....or going to the rack and drawing fouls on opposing big men.... Oh we are talking about Dog here....he'll just force up 26 jumpers and maybe he can get his 20 and 6
  9. First of all Dog is not a scorer he is a jump shooter...scorers can dribble ...scorers get to the rack...Dog does none of that. The only reason he has been successful in this league is because of his mid range jump shot is so good and he has enough height to get it off...the reason he gets the few rebounds he does is because he plays so far off his man he is always in great rebounding position.... its not like Dog is down their banging getting rebounds How is Dog soooo much better than Jax when as you say their three point shooting is even....if Dog is a FAR better shooter than Jax ...the certainly Jax is a FAR better defender than Dog. I mean Dog didn't even get back on D half the time...and I have the game tape to prove it...actually go back and watch some games from last year...Dog's play will make you want to vomit. I think Jax is the better all around player... Dog really doesn't do anything well except shoot midrange jump shots.
  10. SJax is not the mirror image of Dog...do u have a clue? He is more athletic, has better range, plays better D. Did you see S Jax take that charge in transition on Baron Davis...Dog doesn''t know what taking a charge is. Big Dog is horrible.
  11. The idea that a professional NBA coach goes into a game without a game plan is idiotic...we do have a game plan the problem is Stotts doesn't stick with it long enough before he goes to plan b.....we start with Dion handling up top running JT of screens....then we post S Jax ....then we run a motion O with Theo getting wide open jumpers. ....then we try to post Dion....then we let JT isolate.....then we run pick and Roll with Reef....then we post Reef. .......Stotts needs to find something we do well and stick to it....I'm not saying we should be a one trick pony...but we have to be defined as to what kind of half court team we are.
  12. JT gets the blame because thats who you want to blame....everybody played poorly in some fashion except maybe Dion...so to point the finger at one guy, PG or not is ridiculus. You don't turn the ball over 27 times and blame it all on the PG.
  13. [censored], I hope u didn't watch the San Antonio game last night you would probably want to trade everybody but Duncan. I'm glad the season is longer than one game.
  14. Well it was obvious to me that thay hadn't spent much time in practice working on full court pressure....because they took the get it up the best way you can approach. Why they didn't run a lot of plays is because the by the time they got in position to run a play the shot clock was [censored] near at 10. I think all of you are exagerating just a little. We definately have to work on how to bring the ball up against pressure quicker...but most of our TOs last night did not come in the half court set. Actually we did ok in half court. How does JT get all the blame when they throw the ball in to him he immediately is trapped and everyone stands a watches him or runs to the other side of the court and yells "I'm open"?
  15. What I couldn't figure out is why didn't we post our guards more....Dion should have abused Wesley and when S Jax was at the 2 he posted once and hit a jumper...we never went back to it. It looked like we have not been practicing against the full court pressure.
  16. The only reason Dog might be better is that he won't try to be the man in Philly...he came to Atlanta thinking he had to carry us and the only way his limited game could do it was to shoot jumper after jumper....when his jumper went south all his faults were in the spotlight....the fact that he couldn't play D or even get back on D...the fact he couldn't dribble...the fact he jogged up and down the court...all of this stood out because is shooting became avg.
  17. The other night against us they started Juwan at center Gooden at PF and the rookie Johnson at SF.
  18. That's it in a nutshell...we have enough talent to make the playoffs...I'm just not sure we are tough enough to lay it on the line every night. I am hoping we are just sick and tired of losing, and will do something about it.
  19. Davis is done period...the last thing we need is to get smaller up front.
  20. See...this is what I mean....S Jax is not one dimensional he can shoot and he has also been slashing to the basket for easy buckets...when is the last time Dog slashed through the lane. Jackson has been all over the floor getting deflections and steals...yet he is one dimensional.....he is not our savior but is isn't the fat lazy non dribbling ball hog that Glenn Robinson is. You constantly make up stuff so you can prove whatever point you are trying to prove. The fact is that we have not played as a team in a long while...we have had this dump to Reef stand around O for the past few years. Stotts tried to get everybody involved at the end of last year but Dog would stop the rotation of the ball only to jack up jumpers with guys hanging on him. That's why we played better without him, had more assists and played together. This year it seems that we are running a offense where everyone touches it and we truly try to work for the best shot. We will see how it works when the real games start. A lot of the shortcomings of our players can be overcome with team basketball on both ends.
  21. My thing is you keep bringing up chemistry..yet you have yet to see this team play a [censored] second....let them play some games first. I didn't say you said our players suck...but some of the posters here think because a player is with another team he automaticaly becomes a better player because...it helps them prove the Hawks are inferior. I think you do fall in to that category. Van Horn...why do u think this cat keeps getting bounced? Deke...DONE Mcdeyss...hasn't done anything in forever Odom...what has he done in the last three years... Pippen...a joke...we can see all the leading he has done with Portland and Houston Detroit doesn't have an overflow of talent. If you don't over rate players on other teams you will see we did improve this year talent wise. Where the problem lies with the Hawks is grit and heart. we have to develop a never give up mentality....that is what I am most concerned about.
  22. Dion was guarding T-Mac initially. Seems like we have gotten away from coming up the floor throwing the ball to SAR and standing and watching. Diaw keeps getting called for palming..but he is really athletic and knows the game. He can take it to the rack also. JT seems so calm now... I still don't think we are where we need to be defensively. When JT and SAR sit at the same time...it will be interesting to see who can get buckets consistently.
  23. The facts are you don't know if this will be a better team or not. If you did I would take your asss down to the track and let you pick me out a horse. Just because we didn't add any big names doesn't mean this team won't be better. It is true we are a longshot for the playoffs...if we don't improve our D and TOs. A bunch or us here know more basketball than you give us credit for..we see the problems...but unlike some of you we see the positives also. I mean...if all our players suck...the east is so great...why the helll are we even talking about the Hawks or watching the games. The point... is it is your opinion that the knicks improved, or the Heat improved, or Cleveland improved....we know by now that a team may look ok on paper and suck. Frankly I don't the knicks will do anything...I have not seen anything worth mentioning from Odom in two years....and Cleveland has a bunch of players who play the same position....Wizards stink up front..Boston is weaker up front...almost every team in the east has major flaws.
  24. Tonights game means shiit, it is a pre season game that you didn't even see. gimme a break. You might want to let the season start before you blow the team up... You are always talking trade him... trade him...who do you want to trade them for?
  25. Yeah. ...I remember Holman saying that the Grizzlies were playing like it was game 7 of the championship and the Hawks were playing like it was a preseason game.
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