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  1. LMAO, but we shouldnt complain that much i mean woody was the one who got these guys that we like so much its his players and asg's team, their the ones who pay them and have to do all of the backround stuff. BTW can someone tell me the jail policy for murder, how long will i have to stay in prison for an assassination, please i really need to know and soon.
  2. sadly yes, during the game i felt like i wanted to slap the hell out of woody and suffocate him. Which is sad and very paranoid but woody caused it upon himself. All he had to do was play acie.
  3. I dont know what is worse, not being in the nba or being in it but not playing That is exacly what acie feels , i feel really sorry for this guy. From having the best years in college to coming to the hell that is woody. I feel for anyone else that will have to suffer through him in the future (hopefully not) i just hope that acie is one of those dudes who wont get fazed by a meaningless person like woodrow..
  4. i feel the same way, i really just want to take out my gun and shoot the hell out of him. But i know that he is not coming back next year and just waiting for that....
  5. We are losing to the heat, acie gets no playing time, joe and bibby are popping in and out, smoove continuely thinks that hes magic, and woodrow plans on shaving his head
  6. 20 points 8 rebounds and 24 assissts by a rookie, simply unbelievable
  7. oh god, dude you scared me
  8. IF THE PACERS ACTUALLY WON TODAY. the basketball gods and charlotte was on our side.
  9. That is exactly what i was saying, we were matching their starters but then the alien took over. We couldve easily won that game. Atleast we will be going into the playoffs knowing that we can beat them.
  10. I dont know why but i have a feeling that we will beat boston too....hmmmm
  11. Boston will play us seriously They rested their starters today our starters played 40+
  12. Kenny the jet smith aka person who thinks that we have a "joe smith" on our team actually brought up an interesting point he said," that if seattle picked al and if al was switched with durant that they wouldnt have come this far. I really like al and i thought that he is a really good 3 pick but this is maybe another reason that he isnt rookie of the year.
  13. i agree with that one guy who said smith for noah + sefelosha + 1st round pick i dont really like smoove, sure hes good on defensive but hes a big offensive liability. And if smoove could learn to dribble and shoot (decently) i believe noah can also
  14. This is zaza without makeup and sportin his gurly look
  15. wtf did you have to scare me for life, you already knew that i hated chacha
  16. I hate zaza I hate his face I hate how he runs I hate how he pumps his fist after everything I hate how he shuzches his hair with his fingers I hate how he always tries to make the play of the day and once he fails and flops he shuzches hes hair once again and has a case of woosonidis (wierd look on your face) I hate how he trys to fadaway everything even though nobody is near him I hate how he trys to hug everyone once they make a play I hate that he thinks he is so important I hate that he is a girly man I hate that he is in love with style even though he is ugly as *&^* I hate how he tries to slap everyones ass I hate zaza pachulia
  17. atleast we can look forward to looking at woodys face, oh wait...thats not something to be happy about.
  18. You know something is wrong when you expect GOLF.
  19. Indiana makes the playoffs and not us. I understand that it is against the law to kill someone but, i dont know if i can help not looking at woody in the eye and pulling out a gun!!
  20. also smoove to reach his potential like someof you guys said needs to get some dribbling skills and an outside shot. To me those are the hardest skills to obtain. I cant name even 5 players who througout their careers developed an outside shot and dribbling skills.
  21. Dont hold me accountable if some people began hating players i didnt mean for that, im just wondering that if we resign josh and josh, and marvin actually developes into an 18ppg scorer at the tender age of 22 then i dont see him staying a hawk since he will demand some huge money
  22. No josh could but wont become an amare 1 he doesnt have the mindset 2 amare has a consistent outside jumper 3 amare has quickness plus strength, josh only has quickness and even there i give amare the edge 4 He has better post dribbling moves 5 amares game depends on a steve nash and josh smith doesnt have that
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