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Everything posted by Chris18

  1. Bibby played great tonight and willed us to a victory.
  2. Mark Sanchez has a chance to be the first QB taken in this draft.
  3. If we can take care of Orlando in both games it will be huge for our team.
  4. This team may be stupid but they get it done when it counts.
  5. Good win and it was good to see we didn't let last nights loss effect our play in this game.
  6. If Marvin touched the ball then we got cheated but you can throw the ball in the backcourt with less than 2 minutes to play.
  7. I would rather Acie try to pattern his game after Chauncey Billups.
  8. I don't know what has happened to the Celtics. They haven't played good basketball on their roadtrip and they should have lost to us at least once.
  9. Acie and Solo will have their chance at some point this year and they need to be ready to produce.
  10. Do you mean the last 2 weeks where we went 7-1?
  11. Smoove's role is to try and be the best defensive player on the floor.
  12. It's too early to worry about playoff seadings. If we can take care of buisness on the road catching Orlando will take care of itself.
  13. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/sports...kn/6187183.html
  14. Smoove playing against these teams will be a big help but we need Marvin to shut down Granger like he did Melo.
  15. Woody's rotation is fine right now but there is going to be a time when Acie or Flip has to play extended minutes. The only thing we are really missing is a big who can play solid defense. Once this happens we are going to be very hard to beat.
  16. Our defense is very good. Once Smoove gets back to 100% it'll be even better.
  17. This was a great win now we need to take care of buisness on the road.
  18. I would think that Denver will put Chauncey on Joe. If they do this Bibby could have a big game because J.R. isn't a very good defender and will probably try to help out on Joe.
  19. Randolph isn't very good.
  20. Being open to coming back doesn't mean that he will be back.
  21. Where has Childress said he was coming back to the Hawks?
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