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Everything posted by h2t

  1. h2t

    Hawks vs Sixers

    Josh has been back what? 18-19 games? At what point are we gonna stop saying 'he isn't right yet' and start saying the dude is just not playing like he's capable of? We need him to be that guy who picks up his teammates when they get beat defensively..but his blocks are down by half...his rebounds are down by 1.5...he just doesn't have that 'presence' that he usually has. And you'd think his scoring would be up if he's focusing less on defense but he's actually 2 ppg off of last season. I really hope he's just hurting...but honestly i'm not buying it.
  2. lol wat Nicole Kidman is still smokin imo. Lindsay Lohan-
  3. lol what? The trade didn't work because Peavy didn't want to come to ATL. Of course i'm disappointed that we havn't been able to bring in any bigtime players but honestly i think Wren has done a good job. Grossly overpaying players is not a smart thing to do...unless you have an unlimited amount of money like the Yanks obv.
  4. dingdingding I agree with everything said here. Especially the last part...unfortunately I don't see that situation changing anytime soon. lol we finally have a good team and at the same time we have Woody as coach and this ownership for the foreseeable future...so frustrating.
  5. Yup. I think its the second one though. Which will probably be us anyway.
  6. This. Guys, one playoff series doesn't make up for a decade of losing. It's gonna take awhile for casual fans around ATL to plop down $ for season tickets..or for them to think the game experience against a team like the Thunder is gonna be worth driving a hour both ways and spending $250 on your family of 4. Having the Falcons and Braves around certainly doesn't help.
  7. Gray Mule and tonegully I find your ideas intriguing and would like to subscribe to your newsletters. Meaningful mins for Acie and Solo...less mins for joe and flip....a lot less iso's/more movement on offense.. oh yea and if someone gets 2 early fouls i'm not gonna bench him FOR THE ENTIRE FIRST HALF JESUS CHRIST WOODY WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU
  8. I think he'll get an extension in the offseason unless we have a complete meltdown either in the regular season or in the playoffs. Whether he deserves one is another question.
  9. i bet i know who's gimmick this is.. What about dominating a team we weren't suppose to dominate? like for example the Nuggets?
  10. The 10 deep wouldn't include Morris but yea of course in the short term the team would suffer. We're taking mins away from our best players and giving them to the bench. I'd rather do that and lose a couple more games while developing our bench and resting our starters than have this 8 man rotation. We'd be in much better shape in the long run.
  11. He's talking about at the end of quarters when Flip goes iso for the last shot. He's turned it over like 4 out of the past 5 times in that situation.
  12. A Ty Lawson/Acie Law doesn't fit in Woody's system. Woody just needs a floor general to run the half court iso's to Joe. But he also needs to be a good shooter. (hello Mike Bibby) I hope we find a cheaper alternative somewhere rather than overpay a good but aging Bibby. Don't get me wrong i'd love to have him back but he's playing so well this season I think he's driving up his price too much for me. Or maybe Bibby will get hurt and Woody will be forced to play Acie and Acie will light it up...who knows. At this point though the chances of us resigning him have to be pretty friggin high.
  13. When you actually look at the minutes everyone is getting it isn't really that bad. Joe 1st in the league at 40 mins per which obv has to change..Marv at 35...Bibby at 34...Al at 33...all between 25th-40th in the East...Josh probably a little less. I don't think tiredness is gonna be the problem...unless Joe keeps playing the mins he's playing obv. The problem will be if people start getting hurt and we'll be relying on young guys who havn't been getting any playing time. Woody needs to start giving Solo and Acie some mins...have a 10 man rotation instead of 8. But of course Woody is Woody so sigh.
  14. Maybe because he thought Smoove was gonna not be an idiot for once and swing it around to a wide open Marv in the corner... I guess lol @ JJ for thinking Smoove might actually make the right decision.
  15. So true. Get the beer ready it's gonna be a frustrating night.
  16. :) just for shits and giggles though which games would you recommend? What's the best RPG? First person shooter?
  17. I've had 2 xbox 360's break down and each time i was too lazy to call customer support and wait 2 weeks or whatever for them to replace it so i just went out and bought a new one. It's how i roll. Probably gonna get myself a PS3 for christmas though...any game recommendations? Definitely getting GTA4 and MGS4. What's the best NBA game?
  18. Horford gets what...5 post-ups a game?..thx to Woody. From what i've seen his offensive game is pretty solid. You make it sound like he's Ben Wallace or somethin.. Trading the heart and soul of this team just because he's a little undersized and doesn't have Al Jeffersons moves inside is pretty lol...especially for a big who hasn't played a minute in the NBA.
  19. How the hell would it improve our 3 point shooting? Instead of Marvin shooting the 3s we'd see Josh shooting them even more than he is now. If we have Sheed playing center he isn't gonna be hanging around the 3point line very much.. Just say no to Sheed imo.
  20. I felt the same way going into the first one.. But of course I ended up watching and i'm glad I did...great game. This time I expect a close game that either team could win at the end...just like the last 4 Bos/ATL games @ ATL
  21. Maybe Mike Woodson and 2 firsts for Mike D'Antoni? :)
  22. A lot better than 4th place? really? Do you honestly think we could be better than the Celtics or Cavs? I agree it's frustrating to watch the Hawks sometimes because of a myriad of reasons (mostly coaching related for me) but you're being a little melodramatic don't you think? There was no way we were ever gonna be as good as those two teams this year. Maybe challenge the Magic for top spot in the southeast but Boston and Cle. are on a whole other level where we just don't have the talent or experience or consistency to match up with right now. Now before you respond with the BUT WE TOOK BOSTON TO SEVEN GAMES crap i'm not talking about the playoffs. I'm talking about the regular season. I think THIS is the problem with some of our fans...if we don't win every game it's a colossal failure. With the injuries and schedule I think we're right where we should be...and honestly where i think we'll be in the end. And please when have the Hawks not given it their all this season? Just because they have an off night doesn't mean they aren't trying their best in the process.
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