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Everything posted by bleachkit

  1. We even hired another former GM to help them. It's a hot mess.
  2. It's the Georgia Tech in you. You don't trust the engineering.
  3. Yes, perhaps but it's also no coincidence that more notable GMs like Presti, Ainge and Stevens manage to get deals done.
  4. Landry at 3:01 PM. "You know I just really like my guys."
  5. Diesel, a sensible, rational non-homer post. Is this the dawning of a new era of Diesel?
  6. Does anyone know what's going to happen? No. I don't understand your point. All our conservation is opinion and conjecture.
  7. They aren't trading us Zion. Griff is just trying to fleece us for their high level role players.
  8. They aren't trading us Zion. Griff just trying fleece us.
  9. I wouldn't make that move if I were the Pels.
  10. When guys are help out for a possible trade, does a trade usually happen?
  11. We would miss DJ if we traded him.
  12. If San Antonio gets a top 3 pick, the amount of anguish and consternation around here will be considerable.
  13. We could use him for sure.
  14. Messy Ressy, just let the front office do their job.
  15. Why take guys off the table? We should be open for business. If you don't get an offer to your liking then so be it, but there's no need to take guys off the table.
  16. Perhaps not bad teammate, but you did say he was not doing what QS was asking him to do on the court. He was also posting negative things about his role on social media. Not saying that means we should trade him, but that isn't nothing either.
  17. I said the character concerns may have some legitimately. I never said that would determine his trade value though.
  18. Player's on court abilities, age and contract are what sets their value. Personality is a secondary consideration unless it's truly egregious.
  19. Yes but there is fine line there. At the very least, don't vent on social media about the team and/or coach. There's no defending that. It's immature and completely unnecessary. Keep that in house.
  20. I wouldn't call openly defying the coach and posting negative things about his role on the team as BS fodder.
  21. Some concerns about him might be legit. But it's probably manageable.
  22. He had a torn Achilles. They say that's one of the worst, if not the worst injuries a basketball player can have.
  23. I would think players would prefer not to get spontaneous erections in the middle of a game. Might be a little awkward,
  24. Trae third on the team in assists tonight. Has that ever happened before?
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