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Everything posted by ViperXX79

  1. The bandwagon fans might have the right idea. You too can have you "favorite" team win a title every year.
  2. I always thought he spelled it "Ervin". I've learned something today.
  3. This comment is now the biggest hurdle the Hawks have to overcome. It's like a dagger.
  4. I understand. I like the back and forth. Gives me something to do.
  5. And that's what fans should find so disappointing and disturbing. Ferry felt the need to call Deng and apologize so he knew he did something wrong. Is that enough to overcome the perception he now has?
  6. The last sentence of Deng's statement is why we need to clean house. We're going to have an even worse stigma on this franchise and players are going to avoid us like the plague because of it.
  7. I thought it was more of a rational discussion than arguing...
  8. But management is being retained so something has to give?
  9. And I understand but that's why it looks really really bad. Ferry had a chance to correct the record today and all he did was confirm he read it because it was part of a scouting report. It makes him look like a moron.
  10. But he didn't offer a C. His comments today point towards B.
  11. Ferry has owned up to reading it but he didn't offer any context to why he said it other than it being in a scouting report. So in this day and age if someone calls you a racist you have to fight it because of the stigma it brings. Ferry says that's not who he is and that's fine. But then it speaks to incompetence. For some reason he felt the need to casually read this. So he either pulled a Ron Burgundy or he thought it was relevant. Either way I just don't see how the fan base could be comfortable with Ferry anymore.
  12. So what's the point of reading a racist comment in a scouting report? Was that important information to him? Maybe if he just wanted to point out the absurdity of it but his comments today make it just sound like he was casually reading from a scouting report. So that sounds incredibly incompetent to me.
  13. I just don't know how anyone would think that it was worth mentioning. If a scout gave me a report that sounds pretty racist why would I feel the need to read it aloud. It's Ferry job to gather the relevant intel but he's got to sift through that crap UNLESS he thought it was relevant.
  14. Why would anyone read something like that? Are you telling me that our GM proof read this and thought it was worth mentioning or are you telling me that Ferry didn't proof read it and just read it? Either way it's incompetent.
  15. Ray Rice's wife is defending her husband. Doesn't mean he didn't do something incredibly stupid.
  16. I couldn't care less about Levenson at this point. Our GM is the one that's causing the bigger mess at this point.
  17. So Ferry's not racist he's just incompetent. Much better?
  18. So it's official, our GM is indeed either comfortable enough to read this report aloud and incompetent enough to read it aloud. That's who is running our team ladies and gentlemen. We're clearly in good hands.
  19. Yes because another first round exit bought us a ton of respect. Just look at all the free agents that were knocking down our doors to be apart of Ferry's great plan. We can't get any worse. Maybe we'll get someone that can sign an actual good talent. Or maybe we can find someone that is capable of drafting and not wasting 1st rounders. Ferry sure has built a heck of a legacy in Atlanta. Maybe we can just get of the ten years treadmill and start a proper rebuild. So many potential silver linings to another disastrous go at GM for Mr. Ferry. CAP FLEXIBILITY FOREVER, right? Maybe we get a GM to actually lay some grass down so we can at least see what it looks like...
  20. I still can't get over the thought of if we actually signed Deng. I'm sure he's not happy about this now but to have to actually play for this guy? I couldn't imagine...
  21. And Ferry is going to have a stigma on him now. How's he supposed to lure FA's with this now? Not that he was successful at it anyway but this will make it worse.
  22. Maybe he can talk about the system and cap flexibility? You know things that mean nothing but seem to distract from how poor of a job is being done.
  23. If someone accused me of this I wouldn't give a "no comment". It's pretty much the worst thing you can be accused of nowadays and Ferry is just letting it happen. The optics are bad for him and the franchise so it's not something a team should have to deal with.
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