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Everything posted by ViperXX79

  1. Once again it's not about Bebe. It's about completely wasting a 1st round pick. Striking out in the draft and FA is something this franchise can't afford.
  2. How are we supposed to make a big trade when Al Horford is our only trade chip? Big time talent gets moved for lotto picks and guess what...we don't have those either. So no picks and no assets. Yeah I'm sure we'll be able to bring in a start that way...
  3. Remember Dennis is only 20 years old. A very young player with lots of potential.
  4. The thing about Dennis is that the turnovers will decline with experience. He's a young guy with all the confidence in the world so he thinks he can make an pass at any time. Truth be told that will serve him very well in the future. We've always wished that Teague had more confidence and attack in him and that doesn't seem like it will be an issue with Dennis. He's got a good foundation.
  5. But that's how we trick people into thinking we are signing good players when in reality they have just enough left in them to get us that coveted playoff appearance that this franchise seems to think is enough.
  6. We don't even have a starting SF or backup C though(or even a real starting center). How can we be the favorites?
  7. That got themselves into the lottery and hit on Wall and Beal so they added quality depth players around them while they developed. Kind of like we've done except without going to the lottery and getting some real talent to be the driving force of the team. Must be nice...
  8. I think no one takes us seriously because we have fans that think Teague is an all star and that this current team is capable of winning 50 games...
  9. We might win but nothing substantial. The players think our franchise is a joke. How can you be upset with them when there's nothing that indicates any differently. And who's job is it to sell the players on our franchise? Sounds like someone is failing big time at there job.
  10. DMC says hi. Also can we please stop this. We don't have one the of the greatest players of all time on our team so we aren't the Spurs.
  11. Exactly. Once Parsons gets settled it can potentially add Deng to another team's list. That's why he probably will wait to make a decision since if Hou matches Dallas will turn their money to Deng and will drive the price up on him. He's sitting in a pretty good spot to make more money.
  12. Being a fan doesn't mean wearing rose colored glasses and being happy about every move and every failure. This board would suck like that. I was pretty optimistic before last offseason and this offseason. I'm not really seeing us do anything to be optimistic about anymore so realism sets in. I do agree that there are people that think everything that is done is bad but there is also people that think every move is magically making us contenders and that's just as laughable. There is no difference in their fandom other than being on the opposite ends of the spectrum. I don't think either of those types are lesser fans for it. If you only watch sports to experience the highs than you aren't experiencing much with this particular franchise. Venting through the lows is all there is to do at this point.
  13. And to think it was a forgone conclusion we'd end up with Deng before FA began and the thought of that being our biggest move was depressing. Now that he's basically the only "upgrade" available and we have no guarantee to sign him is even more depressing. It will however make Ferry look good because he was able to land a guy like Deng even though we'll be paying too much.
  14. Is it doom and gloom when it's just reality? Sugar coating the signing of bench players as an improvement to fool yourself into thinking this team is somehow a real contender is not realistic. The reality is that no one with any star talent wants to come here and that can't be debated.
  15. Even though the All Star game is an exhibition the MVP history is pretty impressive. It's not like the fringe all stars are winning it. MVP caliber/future HOF players have consistently won them.
  16. Players are willing to take less money to play for teams that are actually contenders for championships. Why would Pau waste the end of his career in Atlanta chasing the 4 seed...
  17. I really hope this wasn't his best or we're in more trouble than we know. And before those of you that like to say "he can't force guys to sign here" you're right but the job of your GM is to be able to sell his vision to players and clearly no one important thinks his vision is worth playing for. But there's always next off season...right?
  18. How many more years do we have to keep hearing this. "Just wait until next offseason"... You want to know what happens next offseason? Millsap signs a big deal with a different team and we have his cap space that we'll use to sign more bench players/fringe starters then the next off season Horford will move on to a team that actually wants to compete for championships and then Ferry will finally start the rebuild buying himself another 5 years of cap space and lotto picks. Hopefully we'll rid ourselves of Teague's contract during that time and then we might actually get away from the treadmill philosophy and make some real progress instead of this faux-progress that a lot of the fans have bought into for the last decade. We sure do love our core... And no I don't think that's being negative. It's being realistic based off of everything(or nothing) that Ferry has done in his offseasons up to this point.
  19. It's the same direction the team was going before Ferry got here. If you enjoy just making the playoffs with no chance at actually winning a championship then I guess you would be impressed with the same decade long direction...
  20. Dragic should start at PG for us.
  21. I love that we're back to wait for next offseason mode. The ASG loves it even more. Get that playoff money without having to pay good talent. Great business model...terrible treadmill team though. Just think of all the flexibility we'll have when Millsap AND Horford are gone...Hope and change, hope and change...
  22. The ASG loves the fact that we have fans that are fine with saving cap space...Treadmill.
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