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Everything posted by MrRyda

  1. Well...at least they talked about Joe for a good minute or two.
  2. Eeek. It's halftime and Joe and Yao are the only ones who are scoreless. C'mon Joe! Sink one for Woody! He didn't give you all those minutes for nothing.
  3. Joe's in. And he just passed it to Paul...Who proceded to miss the 3.
  4. Screw Paul passing to Joe. I hope Joe passes it to Paul. Only I hope Paul isn't looking and get his two front teeth knocked out again. That would be sweet...
  5. Indeed. ATL sure does shoot themselves in the foot with these contracts for people sittin at home all the time. The Mike Hamptons, Ed Hartwells, and the Speedys of the world piss me off.
  6. It's so hard to predict the Hawks cuz you really never know which team is gonna show. ...But even so, I predict we'll play the Lakers hard and then come out like bums the night after in Sacto.
  7. Well, he may never watch the Hawks, but he's sure spot-on about Josh and his threes.
  8. Since we got about a week off til the next Hawks game, I just wanted to see how everybody thought Mr. Claxton's speedy recovery was coming along.
  9. Absolutely. That's the knock on him, is that opposite of Marvin, Flip is maybe too aggressive. He absolutely doesn't care if his shot is 99% gonna get blocked cuz he's gonna try anyway.
  10. As it's been said... Anybody but Jersey please!
  11. Hope we keep him. Don't know where we'd be without his spark off the bench. He never seems to stay with the same team though.
  12. I believe we won like a week or two ago, no?
  13. We got the big-time lead. Rightfully so.
  14. Zaza was ballin' tonight. I don't know how they say Happy Birthday in Georgian but you definitely earned ya chedda tonight Mr. Pachulia. I wish to send you a bottle of Neutrogena for your present. Please use 1-2 times a day on the back.
  15. You're also supposed to put the team ahead of having one player make the All-Star team.
  16. Great win. But...it's the Wiz. You're supposed to win. The only thing that needs to be extended upon Woody is mah foot in his *ss.
  17. Zaza is beastin on his birthday!
  18. Is Bibs out again? Let's go Acie!
  19. They went with the general consensus. Everybody and their mama was talking about Bogut and Marvin before the draft.
  20. I like Nique the announcer. I didn't watch the Clips game to notice the Baron slip, but I know he's called Mo Evans "Mo Williams" on more than one occasion. But it's cool that Nique talks about the other team too, because if you've ever watched any other team's broadcast, the announcers never give a crap about the opposing team.
  21. I wouldn't be bitching if Golden State and the Wizards weren't on my TV all the time, but they are...so yeah, the Hawks get pitiful national love.
  22. Ya know, draft picks are all so iffy because anyone in any sport can turn out to be a bust. So you hope that whoever you draft, becomes at least somewhat of a decent player and someone that can contribute to the overall team's success. And Marvin has proved himself to be a decent player in this league with potential to get better and better. I'm more pissed at the 06 Draft than the 05. Sheldon, while he may get de hot bitches, was and always will be garbage.
  23. Yeah, I hope this can brighten him up a bit and let him have a little fun. He looks too damn serious all the time. If he's got his game on, Joe should school these yung'uns.
  24. I feel kinda bad for canadian fans. Every time Canada gets a star, they want out.
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