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Everything posted by Rattler4life000

  1. What's does chernoff know, nothing as far as I'm concerned. I wouldn't listen to his advice!!!!
  2. Nique was a great finisher and scorer, glad I was able to watch him from start to finish as a Hawk fan...look at Niques top ten dunks in game
  3. He's a great player, I'm just saying look how many shots he took to get his 34.... I like our chances in a 7 game series too if it comes down to that.
  4. Yep, the so call mvp, look how many shots he took to get his 30 something points, he was like 11- for 30?.... Rose, 11-28, 0-4 at 3pt...... Not a high percentage
  5. would be the dumbest move this team could make, going from a contender to a lottery pick. We traded away last years 1st round selection, this years 1st round pick, no we want to move smooth. This team is heading down the toilet!!!
  6. You are just ridiculous. Have no idea what game you were watchn, pseudo hawk fan...... no zaza didn't head butt boozer.
  7. What have you been watchn, or are you just blind... get over it, Al has been horrible. We have a 6-10 set shooter... wow, great.... last night again he fumble wide open passes underneath the basket, threw away passes on the break, got man handled inside and you think he's our best player, gtfo!!!!
  8. I totally agree with you... I wonder have the players or coaching staff seen or heard the quote....
  9. that it should be an easy game..... I was listening to a Chicago sports radio station this morning, ESPN 1000. they played this quote from him yesterday..... I wonder have the hawks players heard this? Exact quote " I think if we jump on them and just take their confidence away, I think that it should be an easy game"
  10. Smh at the Al excuses. Well if u scared sit your scared azz down.... atleast you wont be the bulls b*tch on the floor anymore.... a scared leader, wow, isn't that special
  11. So many excuses for Al.... he needs to take his azz in the post, and man up on d and o... he is killing this team..... the bulls know he is soft and can punk him around.....
  12. 2 fta from an all star big man, laughable...weak, weak, weak.... I wish someone in the press would ask him Wtf is his problem. Al , are you scared of body contact?.. cause you are timid as a mouse.
  13. Josh this and josh that..... you would think he was the problem last night...... have you watch al play ? Are big man is a jump shooter, a soft one at that..... he is scared and getting owned. They are physical with him and they know he won't fight back. All star my azz!
  14. Excuses, excuses... smoove did play better and harder than horford yesterday. Horford is playing as soft as my pillow..... horford stop being a scared soft azz punk, and man up and play ball!!! Everyone ones to protect you, that's the problem, someone needs to jump in your azz.. Can you atleast bang somebody , and stop being afraid of contact.... You claim to be an all star and team leader, well act like one!!!! You get slapped in the mouth and the bulls no you wont fight back, where's your heart man.... It's one thing to lose, but Omg, can you atleast fight for it.... the heck with al right now.... You cannot excuse a guy who is claimed to be this talented not showing up and just being a 6-10 jump shooter, what is that.!
  15. We need horford to stop playing like a soft azz scared punk.... man up Al!!! So called leader, if you scared, say you scared.
  16. Horford...................... S - O - F - T. until I see other wise, you can punk him easily. It would be nice if he had some of the Zaza attitude to go with his talent
  17. It's a lot of fun when they play well... I think the hawks are a confident group, sometime to their detriment as a team. The Bulls are not overly impressive, but we need to toughen up a bit, get a little nasty inside. Hopefully being at home we will get it tomorrow night, wish I could be there. Has heard any comments from Al Horford today regarding his play or lack thereof.
  18. In a 7 game series, you want to to at least split the first 2 road games, sure we all want to win both, realistically a split is great. We have home court now, if we win just our home games, the series is a wrap. A couple of things, Jamaal wont have to bad back to back shooting night I love Josh's energy in the second half, rebounds, blocked shots and going to the rack, hopefully that's a good sign for Friday night Al, has gotten to man up, plain and simple, he has got to get tougher in the paint on offense and well as D, I know people keep referring to his rebounds last night, but really he was a non factor. Al is a 2 time all-star, he need to play like one, Al is supposed to be the leader, act like one and stopped getting punked by lesser opponents. Teague seems to be able to get the rack at will, great sign moving forward Please don't let Crawford guard Rose, that match-up has to change. Marvin, whats going on with him? why did I jut know he was going miss that fast break layup.... that was soft too, go to the rack and punch or get fouled trying I do like Wilkens energy, especially when hes going to the hole with it. I still like our Hawks chances , Go Hawks!!!!
  19. 6 points from a 2 time all star and so called team leader will not get in done, .. Al horford has done nothing, but are people scared to talk about Al?
  20. I totally agree.... for all the smoove bashing that goes on here, is anybody watching horford, soft, S-O-F-T!!!!! This guy has been a non factor.....
  21. Then neither should horford. smith was better then him tonight.... I know u hate josh, but were you not watching horror play tonight, awful and he is suppose to be an all star!
  22. C'mon, fellas, Smoove is not the reason we lost this game, this team look awful last night .... We are a good team, but really need horford and williams on the floor as well... It embarressing to get our breaks beat of like that ..... Coaching Coaching Coaching.... J-Smoove hads been the best player during the playoffs, leading scorer.... everybody should be upset with Joe Johnson... What is he doing? driving me nuts
  23. Josh has been our best player in the playoffs, I wanna know what the heck is Joe Johnson doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Acie would be a nice change up with his quickness and ability to get to the hoop, what you guys think?
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