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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. haha Stephon Marbury ROFL STEPHON MARBURY LOL
  2. heres ur links idiot Ur a fag suck a dong Google it b*tch
  3. RJ is still a good player. Pops system didnt work for him in SA i would love for this to happen
  4. obviously. who were we going to get to replace him? we cant sign anybody.
  5. u know what i mean by suck right? it means we are not a contender. so we suck maybe LD will make us a little better, but as of now we're still the same sucky team and worst team on the road until we get another STAR on this team. dont take it so damn personal u know exactly what i mean when i say we suck in general
  6. Shaq would def come if we got lebron
  7. can you imagine LeBron and Smoove on the same team? Highlight factory would be an understatement.
  8. is there a realistic possibility we could get lebron through S&T? get rid of bibby and marvs contract first.
  9. Signing Joe just put us in scoring position, now lets see if Sund can drive that run in with a big trade or signing
  10. now can we trade for somebody please im tired of watchin us suck on the road and suck in general
  11. theres a difference between agreeing and signing. yes they cant officialy sign till the 8th
  12. obviously they wanna know what team theyll be playing for then watch the fireworks go off.
  13. Joe to accept deal, Hornets agree to trade CP3 to hawks for Jamal, Marvin and Teague. - link is to YouTube video clip Moderator edit - please don't disguise your links as different names.
  14. hes a Restricted FA so he can sign an offer sheet with another team, but we have the right to match it and keep him. much like when Smoove signed the offer sheet with the Grizzlies a couple years ago. if we match it we can work out a trade so we can get something in return for him rather than nothing.
  15. who doesnt want Shaq to have your back? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_hUNsfX7NA&feature=related
  16. i had my doubts but i knew he was the best we could do in the end.
  17. that espn has always hated atlanta sports. u know they all really wanted him to go to boston.
  18. hope its a Done Deal so we could go after a big such as haywood or maybe even shaq.
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