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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. i wanted jordan crawford ever since i saw his performance in the tourny
  2. Trade Marv for Maggette and sign a soon to be cheaper SG such as Ray Allen or someone else.
  3. i have been saying Avery Johnson for 2 years now...
  4. soooooooooooooo true. we will not get past the second round unless we play the celts.
  5. we need somebody to take marvs place in order to win anything... or we need a true big man to bang with dwight
  6. who are you talking about trading for?
  7. Here's your best bet....Marvin and our 1st rounder for Corey Maggette, that will easily make us the team to beat in the NBA along with LA
  8. im all for signing avery johnson, hes just waiting for his next gig.
  9. atlanta needs a championship caliber team in a bad way and it looks like the hawks have the best shot at it this year
  10. stackhouse would make this team even better, why not sign him. hes in atlanta and probably watching us all the time.
  11. dumb post, we would already be champs if we drafted paul
  12. i still dont know about this team. but we are wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better than last year. thanks Crawford
  13. WEAR RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. i want us to wear the alternate reds this game
  15. bla bla bla im a dirty ***** is all im reading. sign bosh anyway how about that. otherwise we're stuck with losing by 20 to the lakers cavs and c's on the road for the rest of our lives.
  16. heres my 2 cents about this situation. let joe walk, sign bosh because hes way better than joe. let crawford take joes position. let marvin come off the bench. we will be unstoppable.
  17. i have a feeling we are going hard after artest
  18. id love to get artest, then we dont need marvin and artest's defense speaks for itself, plus he can score with the best of them
  19. he'll be a valuable scorer off the bench
  20. we need to trade joe and marvin straight up for al jefferson and the wolves 5th OR 6th pick
  21. let the blowout that was already going to take place begin... :computer8: :beer:
  22. if we promoted mark price to head coach? i for one think he would have by far better offensive schemes than woody, what do you guys think?
  23. time to get rid of joe, he always blows on the road in big games. go after D wade in 2010
  24. Unforgiven


    every game at the Q will be just like this one
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