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Everything posted by Robdawg

  1. This might've been previously stated but how could we get the contracts to match up with Brooklyn? I tried trade machine and nothing worked. Personally i'd love to see MarShon Brooks, Johan Petro, Gerald Wallace, and possibly a 2nd round pick for JJ.
  2. haha I remember seeing this at the game last night and the thought ran across me as well. I think Boston had a full TO so i'm sure he didn't see it.
  3. Robdawg

    Jeff Teague

    Exactly my point, even though he's played in two playoff series he steps up to a higher level. You gotta factor that in also. A lot of the times yesterday he got almost any shot he wanted.
  4. Robdawg

    Jeff Teague

    First of all, i'm not SVG but I know basketball so don't rush to any conclusions. Now, I wouldn't say it's not an example of not knowing basketball, i'd say it's more of evaluating talent. He's not there yet but he has the tools all he has to do is work on his court vision and apply himself to make that next step.
  5. Robdawg

    Jeff Teague

    After going to yesterday's game im convinced that Teague will be a Top 5 PG in a few years. Guy is just way too explosive and when he gets his 3pt shot down we will be dangerous.
  6. watching Bruno and Brokeback Mountain....thankfully that didnt happen to me.
  7. ....paying $10 parking for a Braves gamegetting rick-rolledplaying football in Atlanta trafficgoing to a Nickelback concertLinkin Park changing musical stylesmaking two D's this semesterTHE CHARLOTTE BOBCATS SEASONlistening to Dom's brodcasting during the season.
  8. Please let's trade them Marvin lol.
  9. This is what I think, as far as I know Golden State (basically the city of Oakland) is the LAST major, big-market team with no current success. Now please correct me if i'm wrong but if they do pull this trade off it will create buzz in that city. I mean, Curry and JJ would be a pretty sick combo.
  10. I'm totally down for a trade that could get us Curry as well. I'm surprised that GS wants to get Joe despite his performance this year. If the right deal came along, I would trade Kirk. His value (what's left of it) will be gone at the end of this year and we need to at least get a pick and maybe a prospect out of it. The Smith-Howard rumor does sound like smoove going down there so i'm not looking to far into it. Hopefully we can trade Marvin for a bag of chips just like FutureGM stated last week some time as well.
  11. Golden State expresses interest in Joe "Average" Johnson LA wants capt. Kirk D-12 to ATL, wishful thinking or something behind the scenes... Honestly, with the exception of Kirk going to LA I don't see any of this happening right now. What do you guys think?
  12. I mean, your totally right there but at the same time this is probably gonna be the closest we get to a star PG for the next couple of years. I'm not saying trade for him right away but possibly explore the option. Last thing we need is a team with a player like TO. By the way: I realize that this doesn't directly involve the hawks but I thought it would be a good idea to discuss his involvement on our team so I wasn't completly sure where to put this topic. If it's in the wrong thread I apologize and please move it.
  13. http://espn.go.com/boston/nba/story/_/id/7631850/sources-boston-celtics-aggressively-trying-trade-guard-rajon-rondo When I first saw this on ESPN I nearly screamed because he is one of the BEST PG's in the league. Then I remembered what the asking price would be so who knows if the ASG would even think about a trade of this magnitude. Rondo does have some temper issues but if we could get him down here we would finally have that true PG that we have so desperately lacked. Thoughts?
  14. While I understand where you are coming from, I have to disagree to a point. YES Teague is a man and i'm sure he is very mature and accountable for himself but when you come into a team that already has an identity with a leader he can't make too much of an immediate impression cause it might upset chemistty. I mean, when he came in the Hawks were a playoff team so to a point we were doing something right before he came along. Now, he started asserting himself in the playoffs last season but he has to keep it up, which is where I agree with you.
  15. Teague needs some swagger in his step. I think he might be reluctant to do so based on the face that this is Joe's team. Now I'm not pointing fingers by any means but when you have a team that's already ahead of the curve on terms of development and you bring a young point into it he's gonna have to catch up.
  16. To me it shows that this team truly cant win with our personnel. Something has to change hopefully the ASG know this.
  17. I'm afraid that since Josh is attempting more shots he might become like an Al Harrington :( and get greedy with his shot selection. By the way, I'm Back!
  18. Robdawg


    like who? cause we might be able to do a S&T since his contract is expiring.
  19. Yeah, we gave the Magic hope but for once, i'm glad we have a game six in Atlanta. When we made this team we've gone through the ups and the downs from pushing the Celtics to a game 7 in 2008 to getting smashed in the second round. When our next game rolls around, I think ALL of us will finally know what this Hawks team is finally made of and because of this i'm glad. Oh and just to answer the question, i'm not nervous.
  20. It didn't help anything that J.J. Reddick went in beast mode early on in the game. Orlando felt the heat and some of their shots hit. They still have a couple of games left.
  21. I gotta admit that although we lost game 5, game 6 in Atlanta WILL BE ROCKIN! :yahoo:
  22. To me, it look like they had the mentality that they can win it at home. That's really dangerous.
  23. :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: here we go fellas.....
  24. O_O did that really just happen??
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