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Everything posted by Marvin24Williams

  1. Only a matter of time before DJ gets his first triple double of the season. God I love him
  2. Capela goona have a talk with Murray about stealing his rebounds sooner or later
  3. Hunter is still on the bench.... why?
  4. Would really love to see AJG get J. Holiday's minutes
  5. I am in love with Dejounte Murray. Also shoutout Aaron Holiday. LOVE his defense
  6. Well deserved contract for Martin. Always a place in the NBA for max effort and scrappy guys like him. That said, the hell happened with Sharife?
  7. Aaron Holiday enjoyed this game for sure lol
  8. Damn I miss him already. He was such an easy guy to root for.. it's a shame he just never took that next step we were all hoping for. Wishing him all the best in Sacramento.
  9. I love Kevin but honestly, i dont think its that bad of a trade yall are making it out to be. We get a lot stronger defensively
  10. Is this the MLE signing? Not quite sure how it all works but we dont have any actual cap to use right?
  11. trae killing me with these tease tweets
  12. Who the hell would the Wizards even offer us for JC
  13. who we gettin supes, the tea must be spilled
  14. Sources: Diesel is beside himself. Driving around downtown Brooklyn begging (thru texts) Simmon’s family for address to Ben’s home
  15. Just saw this as well Ayton wants that designated rookie extension. They already got Simmons on one, so he'll have to be shipped out if they want to make an Ayton S&T for Durant to work. Simmons to ATL cmon
  16. I don't think this takes us out of the Ayton running at all. Ayton S&T for Durant is going to be hard to work financially.
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