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Everything posted by 99PROBL3MS

  1. Other than the rumor what is it making people assume JJ won't resign? I see people saying "If JJ doesn't want to be here he shouldn't.......etc." Where has he said that? Has everyone given up on the possibility of resigning him?
  2. What am I missing? Where/When did JJ say he didn't want to be here?????? I see that comment has come up 4 or 5 times in this post alone.
  3. I agree. This team has asked JJ to do a lot. Be the primary ballhandler. Be the primary playmaker/distributor. Be the best defender. Be the leading scorer. etc.
  4. You can certainly allude to a trend of better/worse production based on 5 or 6 years in the same system. I just think that JJ would be much more effiecient in a different offense. Put him in a Flex like Utah's, a triangle like L.A.s , a motion offense. Heck anything but this iso (one-on- five Barkley likes to call it) and his production could sky rocket. As nm said, the fact that his game isn't based on athleticism makes me think his game will age well as long as he is in a system besides the iso. He has never been much of a stat stuffer defensively but his overall defensive IQ is good and his anticipation is top notch. Neither of those can be measured statistically.
  5. Good post but I wonder how the Nets feel about Byron Scott as a coach now? If Casey is the next coach I am behind it 100% I never said I wasn't. But the fact that they apparently haven't exhausted all options and zeroed in on him says something. I hope he works out. News that Sund thinks this team doesn't need serious roster upgrades is bad news to me also. Maybe they don't mind being nothing more than a 2nd round out.
  6. Thanks for the links mrh. It is interesting to see that Casey is the reported lead for a job he hasn't interviewed for yet.
  7. Woody walking is just the tip of the iceberg. If they let Woody walk and bring this team back in its same incomplete state, Casey would suffer the same fate. That also would make me further see him as the fall guy. Would people have been celebrating Woody's walk if they knew Casey was the #1 option? Serious question.
  8. I agree with this but they have to do more than get rid of Woody and bring in a new coach. This team is seriously flawed. If Sund isn't given the free reighn to flirt and maybe go somewhat past the luxury, we will continue to be a second round playoff team. I'm not saying ATL has to go out and get Lebron but their are obvious roster moves that must be made INSPITE of the fact that Woody got his walking papers. Will they pony up? I can't wait to find out.
  9. Does Woody fall in the category of routinely terrible coaches? I would like to know your opinion on that before I give a full answer to your question. I do believe the impact can be overblown and you missed my angle. If you don't think Woody is in that "routinely terrible" category and admit that there is "very little variance from head coach to head coach" then doesn't that make my point about Woody seeming like a scapegoat? Did you totally disregard that part of my most? My point was if you are not renewing a coach who gets put out of the second round twice, and steadily shows some improvement. You have to make an upgrade that shows the fans players that you serious about contention. I wasn't taking a shot at Casey or Woody. I was actually taking a shot at the ownership group which has shown no commitment to longterm excellence. Woody is starting to seem like a scapegoat. How many other 2009-2010 playoff teams let their coach walk? The Bulls and who else? Miami may demote Spoelstra but they well get HOF coach Pat Riley to come back down to the bench. Should a coach be fired everytime he loses two consecutive times in the second round? I am not saying I wanted Woody to stay, but just overexaggerating so you can see what my point was. I guess we are what we are though. At some point we have to push past this point. I never said that Casey wouldn't work out great but should he have been Option 1. I was hoping Byron Scott would be option #1. I could see if we were in MIN, or LAC's situation (total rebuild) then bringing in a guy like Casey would make good sense. It may end up being a moot point because if I were Casey I would look hard at the N.O. and LAC jobs first. Will ownership tightrope the luxury line to get the pieces of contention or will the new coach be stuck with the same incomplete team and be let go when they peak and don't get past round 2?
  10. Woody played his part in why he was let go. With that said, with every passing day, he is beginning to look like more and more of a scapegoat. He wasn't renewed and we are gonna offer another assistant as opposed to a veteran head coach. This ownership group is not commited to winning. I'm not saying Casey couldn't work out great but is that the best they can do?
  11. Outlaw is a solid wing but if we are going that route, I would rather try and steal Tony Allen from Boston. Allen is MUCH cheaper and plays with 100% effort every second he is on the court.
  12. If we found a away to swing it sort of how you say and ended up with Iggy and that pick..... PG Jeff Teague SG Joe Johnson SF Andre Iguodola ={ Al Horford C Demarcus Cousins Damn that is wishful thinking man lol. I would faint.
  13. Great post man. I was purposely exaggerating Bibby's compensation based on his production vs PGs of comparable/salary. I was speaking of Bibby in comparison to players like Stuckey (made 1.8M this yr), Felton, who athletically are much better fits. Its really a moot point because I don't see any takers imo. His name isn't even coming on the basement bloggers rumor mills lol. In order to vastly improve, Marvin and/or Craw (thinking long term) Craw must be moved. Even if its a Marv for Tyrus/Craw for Iggy/Chillz returning to replace Mo type scenario. Good post though man.
  14. Man I have really been thinking about this but the truth is, in order for us to be a championship caliber franchise we are gonna have to tight-rope that luxury line. That is where ownership comes into play. Are they satisfied with just a midtier playoff team that turns a profit??? Unfortunately part of me thinks they may be. I know the fans want a contender. It is a sticky situation. I would rather resign JJ and cross the bridge with Horf when we get there next summer. There are some BAD contracts on this team between Marvin and Bibby. Unfortunately I don't think they have much trade value. Maybe there is some cocky GM/Coach out there that still thinks he can make a star out of Marvin. Even though he is paid borderline allstar money for his position, I have no problem keeping Bibby if he comes off of the bench. The think about Horf is we could let JJ walk in hopes of saving room to hold on to him. But what if someone offers him more than we are willing to pay? Then we lose them both. A bird in hand...... We will have to pony up anyway. Will Hawks management do that? It may sound farfetched, but I would love to add Iggy. The question is would management pay the money. Would a nucleus of JJ, Iggy, Horf, and Smoove get us closer to being a contender next year? Replacing Marv with Iggy would do WONDERS for this team. When you are trying to compete for a title, money can't always be the deciding factor. I know its easier said than done but that is the truth. It is always easy spending someone else's money lol. It really wouldn't suprise me if Philly doesn't see Iggy as a part of their definite future. He would be much better playing along side a player of JJs caliber. This is all a dream I am sure because I doubt Hawks management would bring us Iggy. It would show JJ we are serious about contending and make him more likely to resign. I would trade Marvin straight up to fellow UNC alum Michael Jordan for Tyrus Thomas. Maybe Jordan thinks he and Brown can make a player out of Marv? How about Joel Pryzbilla for the MLE? Gives us a true center to come off the bench vs Orlando. His splits as a starter and reserve are nearly identical. PG: Jeff Teague SG: Joe Johnson SF: Andre Iguodola PF: Josh Smith C: Al Horford Tyrus Thomas Mike Bibby Joel Pryzbilla Anthony Morrow Zaza *Draft pick* best availabe player Shelden Williams Jerry Stackhouse We would be at the luxury but I think that team could pose a threat. I have to admit that I don't think ASG is willing to pay the price for a championship caliber team though.
  15. Craw for A.I straight up with no fillers. IYAM[
  16. Heck, I would trade Marvin to the Bobcats straight up for Tyrus Thomas. He is another athletic forward (like Smoove without the attitude) who can defend the 3,4,and 5. He also happens to be a great shot blocker. He helped Charlotte give D12 hell in their 1st round series. He is younger, cheaper, and has a ton of upset. I also wonder what it would take to get Sonny Weems fromt he Raptors here.
  17. Throw in the fact that JJ is 6'7 (really 6'8) 245lb. making him the biggest SG in NBA history and that makes him even more unique. How many 6'7 240+lb players are versatile and skilled enough to guard PGs like Brandon Jennings well? Maybe Lebron? Shane Battier? (Whose offense is so limmited he doesn't warrant comparison) I think many of us have talked ourselves into believing he is nothing more than a Jalen Rose or Rip Hamilton. That is so far from the truth that it isn't even funny. I hope like hell he stays and proves you guys wrong. P.s. I know he played bad in the playoffs, but that doesn't change what he is capable of. We all have seen the best he has to offer (07-08 Celtic series) and the worst (09-10 Magic :magnifier: series). If he consistrently plays somehwere in between we have ourselves a winner.
  18. 99PROBL3MS

    Deal Crawford

    My dream scenario: 1) Byron Scott as coach 2) Resign JJ 3) Craw + Marv for CP3 (reunited with Scott) 4) Bring Childress back 5) Sign Haywood That would be a great start imo
  19. Damn......Doc Rivers would be a freaking dream hire. I think he owes it to Ainge and the BOS guys to fulfill next season. Then again......this is sports. Okay the pipe dream is over lol. I really like Byron Scott as a candidate. He got a bad deal in N.O. My only fear of hiring A.J. is that he might become to "cliche" if you know what I mean. Scott has the drive and demeanor to keep a guy like Smoove's attention span longer in my opinion. I would be alright with 1) Scott 2) AJ 3) Mitchell in that order.
  20. The Hawks were tied for the #2 home record in the NBA this season. I can't think of any reason people shouldn't be packing into Phillips (GREAT facility btw) to see this team play. I stay 2+hours away from Atlanta but still made it to 8 home games. Me and my brother made the trip to Memphis to see them play on the road in early Feb. Luckily, every game I attended was a win except for the OKC game. :cant believe: I am not stating this too pat myself on the back. The people of Atlanta could be in those seats if they wanted too. I would just like to say I really envy those who stay within minutes of the arena and could make all the games. At times, Hawks games can seem like more of a fashion show than a sporting event, but that's another topic. It is just funny to here people use the economy as an excuse when the cost of a ticket and gas money to Phillips is less than what they spend on cigarettes. As a fan base we could be much better than we are in terms of attendance. Only one team in the entire league won more home games.
  21. Good post. I honestly believe, they winning may take the center stage for JJ this summer. He has to know that money won't be an issue because he will get a huge deal regardless of where he chooses to play. That is unless someone offers him a huuuuge deal of course. If we somehow got Bosh in here to go with JJ and Al. That is a very strong nucleus to build around.
  22. Joe Johnson's versatility is what will allow him to play in any offense. That isn't the concern. He says he wants to go somewhere he can win but hasn't ruled out returning to the Hawks. We can't ask for anything other than that at this point. Is there anything to your opinion that he won't play in any other style of offense aside from Woody's iso offense? I haven't heard our read him say he prefers that style or even likes it. He is one of the best offensie players in the league playing offball. He is great on backdoor cuts, coming off pindowns, etc. From reading his comments, it is obvious that he wants help on the offensive end regardless of the system. He will still get his shots and 22-23pts per game. That would be my selling point if I am Sund and the Hawks. Danny Ainge and the Celtics had to use this same approach of convincing with Ray Allen and it worked out for the best. #1JJ, #2Bosh, #3Horf. That is a hell of a trio offensively.
  23. I would trade Toronto Smoove/Marvin straight up for Bosh/ Weems would give us a 6'6 wing player who can create his own offense play solid defense and also plenty of highlight dunks for the highlight factory all for the cheap. That would give help give us some capable scorers which is what our bench lacks. It would also take pressure off of Jamal if we choose to keep him. We could trade the rights for Chillz to clear space or help acquire a PG.
  24. Mo had his value to the team but I can't call him a bargain at 2.5M when the Magic got Barnes for 1.6M.
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