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Everything posted by terrell

  1. Guess you dont think his assists, rebounds, and being the teams best man on man defender, had anything to do with those 12 wins, huh? Agreed.
  2. Agreed. JJ keeps his body in tip top shape. And btw, it takes time to get adjusted to playing without the ball in your hands. Look at Lebron and Wade in Miami. Players that have ALWAYS dominated the ball on offense have to adjust. You need to calm down man. Not to mention he was still our best man on man defender with a freakin catchers mit on his hand.
  3. Joe said his elbow had been bothering him since last year. So why didnt he have it evaluated in the off-season? Didnt have anything to do with gettin paid 1st, did it?
  4. lol !And Rick Sund gave this guy a 20 mill$ contract. lol! He's the only player that played tonight but DIDNT contribute. Mike Conley is much improved in his 3rd year. Shouldnt we afford Teague at least that much time, or more? Considering Conley was a lottery pick, and Teague was rated as the 7th best pg.
  5. We've won many games with him shooting 4-16, because he's still been our best assists guy and best man to man defender. Wait until you see Bibby and Jamal out there defending on the wings for an extended amount of time. You'll see what I mean. Probably see a lot more of Mo at sg, and Josh Smith at sf.
  6. Your'e right, he's not a bust. He's close, considering he went #2 overall, but he's not even close to Shellhead(Even though we needed a big body who could rebound, and didnt need Roy because we already had Joe). But still. Rudy Gay woulda been nice, but Woody, Dominique, and BK still had high hopes for Marvin. And btw, the only reason Marvin got a raise is because our FO and GM dont know their azzes from a whole in the ground.
  7. Rasheed for Josh Smith never happened. Rasheed was a rental. lol! I'd have to say that Jamal for a bag of fritos has been pretty damn good.
  8. Dont think they'll give up Holiday.
  9. Marvin Williams = a decent role player who makes 8 mill a year. Sund's an idiot. Didnt even let Marvin go on the market before he broke the bank to sign him. Marvin's worth about 4-5 mill per year tops. Must have one helluvan agent. Not saying I dont root for him, because I do. Just sayin.
  10. Phillys cleaning house. Collins wants to rebuild. How bout Mo and Jamal's expiring contracts and a 1st, for Iggy and Louis Williams? Bibby/JJ/Iggy/Josh/Al Williams/JC2/Marvin/Powell/Twin Teague/Zaza Makes sense for both teams. We need a GOOD backup pg, and more production from the sf spot. They need cap space and draft picks. Then we can use Teague and the TPE for another big. Thing is, will the ASG be willing to pay the rest of Iggy's salary? Thoughts?
  11. lol! Joey Crawford had to hold his clumsy butt up. lol!
  12. Wow! Marvin gets his own thread for playing two good games in a row in 6 years. Congrats Marvin. lol!
  13. Agreed. Marvin and Zaza's contract are the ones that screwing us up. Bibby's too. (even tho he's playing better this year.) Sund didnt even let Marvin and Zaza test the FA waters before he gave them their deals. What's up with that? Nobody in their right minds would offered them what we gave em.
  14. At least Drew has giving the kid some opportunities. Woody NEVER did that. Teague just hasnt taken advantage of it. He still seems timid out there. Signs of the Woodson effect on young players.
  15. No way the Hawks trade Josh Smith either. He's also playing like a beast. He's their best player and probably only all-star this year. Not to mention, he's from the ATL. They can keep Hibbert. Horford takes him to school every time we play Indy anyway.
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