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Everything posted by Vafan

  1. Torn ligaments in left thumb. Non shooting thumb.
  2. You have to trade something for something. We are trading trash for Bibby. Is there anything you can propose that we can get for Bibby that is better?
  3. Exactly. I couldn't say it any better. Much better rounded team all the way around. Still need one bruiser off the bench. But I can live with ZaZa and Solo getting reserve minutes.
  4. Yeah, we got a little smaller. But Bibby is a upgrade defensively over AJ and Lue. So that helps in one respect. But Shelden/BLO minutes hopefully goes to Solo now. Much better all around team now.
  5. You forgot to add that Lue is probably the worse defensive player in the league, does nothing on offense other than dribble or shoot. Lue is just a gunner of the bench, and a poor one at that. Just having him off the team is a plus.
  6. Getting rid of Lue is a major plus. Not giving up any draft pick is another plus. Win/win in my book. Now Woody is force to play Bibby/Acie most of the time.
  7. I really like this deal. Just by benching Lue or trading him to the Kings we will already be a better team. Plus we are getting a solid starter who could show Acie the ropes, how can this trade be nothing but a win-win??
  8. I haven't seen the trade particulars. But if Lue and AJ are still with the Hawks, Bibby makes them irrevelent. Which to me is a good thing.
  9. Here are my thoughts on Bibby. 14 million is a lot of money, but it is not our money they are spending but the owners. So we shouldn't get too upset. Plus his contract ends next season, so he becomes a highly coveted asset if things don't work out here. Bibby is also an upgrade because Lue won't get any pt now. Also, it puts AJ back to the bench where he is a plus bench player and not a subpar starter. Plus, Bibby brings outside shooting which we despartely need. I like this trade.
  10. Say no to Woody at all costs. How about we fire Woody now and still trade for Bibby???
  11. This team has talent, unfortuantely it is being used wrongly. Woody needs to go.
  12. They still have a decent squad without Kobe
  13. Finally, Diesel makes sense. Rose would be a coup for them
  14. Diesel what do you think of this trade? Zaza, Shelly, Childress, Lue or AJ for Hinrich, Noah, and Slefo. Starters would be Hinrich, JJ, MW, Smoove and Horford. Bench would be mainly Acie, Noah, Slefo I like Hinrich because he can also see spot duty backing up JJ.
  15. Ummm. You forgot to say that the announcers were also giving us grief about Shelden over Roy
  16. I completely agreed with Shee on this. Marvin has improved every year he is in the league. Saying that he hasn't work on his game is a complete lie. His numbers has improved every year. Like I said earlier. Scoring 17ppg while being the third option nothing to sneeze at. If he was the first or second option, 20ppg is not out of the question.
  17. What? You took a backhand shot at MW by saying Chris Paul is the MVP while Marvin is averaging 17 ppg by being a jump shooter.
  18. Steve Smith would be my number 1 choice in the offseason. He seems like he knows the Hawks player better than Woody. Only thing I hate is that he seems to like Lue aka "the closer."
  19. I don't hear you ever bashing Shell head. Shelly when compared to Brandon Roy is a bigger bust than MW is to Chris Paul. You should take your anger out on BK. What is the point of bashing Marvin? Marvin didn't pick himself. Marvin may never become a superstar. Heck, he scores 17ppg being the third option. If he is the first or second option on this team, he could easily score 20+ppg this year.
  20. Can someone make a poll to see which Hawk player or someone in the organization we hate the most? It should be betweeen Lue, ZaZa, BK, or Woody. Thanks.
  21. Anyone who puts in Lue should be fire..........
  22. For god's sake, get rid of Woody
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