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Everything posted by Vafan

  1. Thanks man. Great article.
  2. Thanks man. My brother is a huge Celtic fan. I just wanted to email him this picture.
  3. Does anyone have a picture of the Acie Law, Al Horford, Marvin William, Josh Smith, and I belive it was either Josh Childress or Joe Johnson walking on the court? Thanks.
  4. Very true. He has the Alan Henderson syndrome. Once he got the contract, it was all over.
  5. Speedy is a mistake. So you want to compound a mistake with another one. Who knows if Webber knee is gonna hold up?? You want to gamble 10 million plus on a couple of guys who's health is always questionable???
  6. When did Webber became a low post scorer?? Maybe when he was younger. But all he does know is shoot jumpers.
  7. Did I read it right? You want to pay CWebb 9.3 million for 2 years?? Man, that is crazy.
  8. I heard Stoudamire may be playing tonight.
  9. Sounds like Bruce Bowen. We need one of those type of guys on this team.
  10. It is funny. I really didn't have any injury problems until I had one freak accident on the basketball court. I had a guy that was over 300 lb undercut me and completely blew out my knee. After rehab, had another guy undercut me on the other knee. Had a partially torn ACL. Kept playing and eventually it gave out. Had surgery. But it never felt good. I suspect the surgery wasn't done right. During rehab messed it up again. Had another surgery and now I feel fine. Gave up playing basketball extensively. Used to play for all day/all night on the weekends. Now only play once in a blue moon. I been thinking about taking up biking. So I will take up on your advice.
  11. Just wondering. But why didn't you get surgery for your ACLs? Personally, I tore my ACLs three times. Twice in one knee, once in the other.
  12. Good article. But learning the PG position from Tyrone Lue??? Tyrone Lue has no PG skills.
  13. I think MW without shoes is 2 inches taller than Chillz according to the combine.
  14. You forgot Walter harping how Marvin was going to school instead of playing basketball or working on his game.
  15. "Plus, we don't allow guys to defend them properly if they're getting the ball early and can go at a guy while he's still on his heels. Really, it's just about taking advantage of the most obvious opportunity." This quote got me excited. Sounds like a true pg.
  16. I played with hot sauce once over the summer. Let's just say that I wasn't impressed.
  17. It was pretty funny on the second "best" play. Zaza was doing a little dance after the basket. I never knew there would be a Zaza video. This is a true Hawk fan right here.
  18. Vafan

    Is It Too Soon?

    Min 38 wins. Max is 45 wins. Anything less than 38 wins, then BK and Woody walks the plank.
  19. I don't remember who, but a poster on here said that Vick will never go to prison. Hmm, I guess he was wrong. They wanted to stamp out dog fighting. Convicting a famous person will help stamp out or reduce dog fighting. No one is above the law.
  20. The Surry county Prosecutor has been sitting on his butt all this time. The running joke around here was that he was paid off by Vick. He even made comments like "that this was none of the feds business." He also had made other comments like "the only reason the feds went after Vick was because he is a celebrity." You can bet that the feds won't help him in this case. When I think about it. He probably will do a lousy job trying Vick. The prosecutor smells pretty fish.
  21. Vafan

    I remember

    Hehe. Did you remember Volkov breaking not one wrist but two?? Those were the Ted Turner years. He was always trying to get the Russians to play for Atlanta because of the Goodwill games. I remember we drafted a center that was suppose to be one of the best. But didn't sign him or he didn't want to come over???
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