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Everything posted by IllestPamfilis

  1. David Blatt is my choice. I think if we have a somewhat impressive season LD will get his 2-year extension
  2. Times would be ideal, I live right by Grady HS would love to check our team out.
  3. I think you fellas forgot someone...ZAZA PACHULIAAAAAAAA!! lol I'm just messin...I'm gonna go with Matty Ice, depending on how well he does in the playoffs this year and next year. My second choice is J-Hey
  4. Breaking Bad....best show on television since the Sopranos in my opinion. Boardwalk Empire is also an amazing show.
  5. Athletes LOVE the city of Atlanta. As said before, I think our biggest problem was the ownership and the thought that they were satisfied with mediocrity. Now that Danny Ferry is here, I think it'll all change. We have management that WANTS TO WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS. 2013-2014 is the beginning of a new era.
  6. IllestPamfilis


    Why not start Ivan at the small forward position? I think he could bring a solid 12 and 7 every game. Not many people are scared of Kyle Korver...
  7. We all knew John Jenkins was the real deal. Being a Georgia Tech fan, I saw a lot of Mike Scott last year. I love his game..great shooting touch, good rebounder, and he can be physical down low when need be.
  8. I really wish we would go out on a limb and try to pry Jordan Hill from the Lakers. I think given the right opportunity he could be a beast. Wishful thinking though...
  9. I love having Deshawn on the team. His grit and experience goes well with our bench. As said before, the tough tandem of Ivan, Zaza, and DeShawn can do wonders for us. Nobody can call us a "soft" team that's for sure.
  10. True, the preseason is the time to experiment. I myself would like to see more Teague/Williams than Teague/Harris. Can't wait to see how Jenkins shapes up in his first preseason action, I think this kid is legit.
  11. I certainly hope I've grown up since 2003 lol. I think moving out and living on my own starting at 16 really did the trick, but again, it's nice to be back fellas, thanks for the warm welcoming.
  12. How about "I stay in the paint Shawty"...I like that one a lot better.
  13. @ Pimp. Yeah! Dolfan made an awesome Kiss signature making fun of me. If he still has it I would love to have it haha. I actually just finished at Chattahoochee Technical College and am aiming towards a journalism degree next, my dream as a sports writer hasn't diminished a bit.
  14. Hello fellas, it's your favorite annoying kid from about 10 years ago, Michael Pamfilis. I'm 23 now, but when I was 13 or 14 I'd be here annoying you guys daily lol. Good times, good times. Still a diehard Hawks fan, and I'm very excited about the path this franchise is going. Glad to be back dudes, GO HAWKS!
  15. Larry Drew is just a plain idiot. Hopefully his Lou Williams PG experiment was only because Devin was out. Lou is a pure scorer and I think if we leave him as that, he's going to excel to possibly 19-21ppg. I can see a potent Teague/Williams combo down the road, depending on how much Teague improves on his facilitating skills.
  16. I think it's definitely possible although I believe he will get to about 21ppg maybe a bit less. His all around game is what we need, I think his above average passing will be noticed more now that Iso Joe is gone. Josh knows this is his year to show the League that he can be a #1 guy.
  17. Ivan, DeShawn, and Damion Jones gives us a trio of tough bodies off the bench. I'm hoping we hold onto all 3.
  18. For whatever it's worth, my Pops used to play Summer League ball with David back in the late 80's. He told me Blatt loves the city of Atlanta. I believe he could definitely be groomed to be a head coach in the NBA, and a very good one at that.
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