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Everything posted by TheNorthCydeRises

  1. This was a matchup win for the Lakers. Once they got Collins into foul trouble, that forced guys like JJ and DJM to guard Lebron. They were even using a Toscano - Lebron pick and roll on about 2 - 3 plays, to iso Lebron on Trae. If you blitz Lebron with a double team, he's too good of a passer to do that against. He'll always find the open man.
  2. This is the scenario in any city that isn't a historic winner. Plus, Lebron has always been loved in ATL. The Laker fans probably bought these tickets back in September.
  3. What is the defensive adjustment you would've made in this game?
  4. We're short handed. It affects us more than other teams, because our reserves aren't even average defensively. They simply have to figure out what works when they have certain people out, and play to that particular player grouping's strength.
  5. Hunter and Capela. Those are our 2 best defenders. Not like we're stopping a lot of teams if they're not playing. We have to outscore them. Hawks shoot 48% FG . . 29% 3FG . . 14 - 20 FT Lakers shoot 54% FG . . 31% 3FG . . 16 - 18 FT
  6. So concentrated on this game, I forgot my Vols were playing in the Orange Bowl. At least they're winning right now.
  7. Got the stop . . but something happened with Dejounte's legs. Look like he may have stepped on Westbrook's foot. Oh well. Collins being in foul trouble for most of the game didn't help us one bit. Trae with only 11 shots in the last 3 quarters, made 5 of them.
  8. I'll say this about Dennis. It's not like he's stopping Trae, but he's preventing Trae from shooting the 3 ball. Great strategy by Dennis.
  9. ISO doesn't matter. We've missed wide open looks from 3 tonight.
  10. Trae pointing at Murray to switch. Murray watches Toscano go by, while his man goes to the other side. Hawks guards need to get this together. Or they need to go zone.
  11. Do your thing Trae. Don't have lack of aggressiveness be the reason why the Hawks can't pull this out. Be the engine.
  12. Okongwu might play 40+ minutes tonight. I don't think he can come out of this game. Jalen on the offensive boards again.
  13. Trae with 8 straight points . . trying to keep the Hawks in the game. Tried to give his teammates a chance.
  14. Keep shooting Trae. Survive this Lebron flurry.
  15. Thank you!! Draw the foul. Stop the bleeding. Because no one else on this team can draw fouls on their shots.
  16. Trae . . don't listen to your critics. This team does not win unless you're functioning as the offensive engine. SHOOT THE DAMN BALL
  17. Now Jalen is afraid to shoot wide open 3s. Shoot the damn ball Trae
  18. Trae with only 2 shots this quarter, along with a few turnovers trying to pass . . and the Lakers are slowly crawling back into this. Shoot the ball Trae.
  19. 5 Hawks already in double figure points. Bogi and Collins threatening to get in double figures as well. We're balanced!!
  20. The NBA fans will decide that sir. The first fan vote may surprise you.
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