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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. Doesn't look very impressive to me. Other than maybe slighty taller, you don't look much more than average to me.
  2. And don't blame because your favorite player has no heart. I know you enjoy being the little groupie that you are, but try and keep that kind of riding to a min.
  3. No, everybody isn't. Not everyone has the ring I have and not everyone can say they are close to my size and strength. " WOW...This tough talk is really impressive. Where is your picture tough guy? lol I don't mean a fake. I mean really you... "it doesn't mean I couldn't squash you," it doesn't mean you could either. The bigger they are the harder they fall. "Oh yeah, just for future reference, people that say they aren't scared... are. Mentioning it is an act of self-motivation." I've got nothing to be scared off...And people that talk tough usally aren;t. " Actually, I did jerk one off a couple minutes ago. Nothing like it. Sometimes the real thing is just too much work." Choices are pretty limited when you need tweezers to take a leak. It's your problem and not mine. " Oh yeah, you have few male friends and get along with women so well... either you are a closet-case or you are insecure of your sexuality. Pick one." The way you ride Reef I'd suggest that you probably have some questions about your on sexuality. Sorry, I think Reef is married and if I remember correctly, she is very ugly. You'll have to look somewhere else.
  4. Actually, I am quite a tough, big guy. Not a body builder by any means. Those guys focus too much on look, rather than strength. I could care less if they are unoriginal "claims", I can actually back mine up." Isn't everybody? hehehe " Like I said, I hope you come. Not so that I could throttle you or anything so petty... but rather so I could see your eyes widen as you realize that I'm not a small individual. " Dude, I've been caught in a tornado, been in a car crash and so other people are about as scary as a rainy day. "truth be told, Hots ... they aren't turning to the same sex ... they just tell you that so you'll leave them alone." I'm not like you, I have a girl while you probably have Charlie and his 4 friends. And yes, I did say Lesb!an. I get along very well with women and way more so than other guys. In fact, I make it a habbit to have very few male friends.
  5. But if you look, last year he rebounded on his career average of 8.4RPG....Why not use last years stats? Funny how he rebounded right on his career average last year...And his 8RPG come from not defending his man just like Glen Robinson. That's why you can never tell their presence on the glass....Reef had 12 rebounds last night, but like JT's assist total...the stats don't tell the whole story...Reef often played off his man to collect rebounds last night.
  6. Again, I will try to explain math of it to you... if Reef misses his jumper so much and is getting blocked so much, and still is shooting a high percentage... he MUST be getting them somewhere." He gets some easy dunks and so junk baskets and so on.... "o freaking what? Reef is still averaging 26 PPG (according to the announcers last night) on Robinson. But, he always has fits against him. " he can't guard anyone...Everyone gets Reefs fits on defense. " But, it doesn't preclude me from seeing someone's strengths and weaknesses." You just see things so much better than the paid coaches. You just know so much more. lol atleast that is what you think.... "It is OBVIOUS that you don't understand doubling BEFORE and AFTER Shareef gets the ball. The concept must be above you. Let's just say... one denies him the ball," It's more of his poor outside game than it is his inside game. Coaches always look to work on a players biggest weakness. Reef can be played one on one inside and defended one on one inside....But why not force him outside to take bad shots and turn the ball over? "I wanted him to fail so I could quit seeing him every time I turned on the TV. " yeah, maybe we should get more dumb losers like Reef on TV...eh? That way the ratings would really tumble even more. hehehe The fact you want the kid to fail shows you are pretty much as big of a loser as your favorite player. "Boy, I really hope you come to the Hawks game that we all plan to attend. It would be nice to see the look on your face when you finally saw who you were so flippant with. Play. " Oh wow, Mr.toughguy.lol Let me guess, your somekind of big body builder...lol I never met a person on the net that hasn't made these unorginal claims. It's amazing how many tough guys sufer the net. Guys like you are the reason women are turning [censored] at a rapid pace. But I've never went to a game and never will until there is a championship game. I don't spend money on mediocrity...That's why I've never went to a game before.
  7. You kill me making reef out to be some kind of mega star because he has a decent post game... Too bad the other PF"s have that AND MORE.
  8. Now your selectively chopping off stats. lol
  9. Sorry, man. Reef does has a decent jumper. It isn't pretty, but he does hit it 45% of the time. " If you call that a decent jumper then you are as stupid as you sound. The lack of ability to shoot and the terrible ball handling is why he gets pushed outside...He's done nothing to improve his jumper or ball handling. Same ole poor ball handling Reef.
  10. Anyhow, if you are right and Reef ALWAYS misses the jumpshot ... heck, I'll even de-exaggerate it for you and say he misses 60-70% of the time ... and he took far more jump shots then he ever has over the past two years ... yet his shooting percentage is going up ... " He gets his fair share of dunks and such. His jumper is terrible... "if Reef was so great in the post, then coaches would put him there... I say "NOW YOU ARE GETTING IT!" That is my complaint... he is phenominal in the post..." So phenominal that his shot gets blocked more than any one else....If he was good enough the coaches would put him there...They aren't as stupid as you make them out to be. Why don't you become a coach? It appears you think that you know more.lol "Reef has never played well against Clifford Robinson. He also has difficulty against George Lynch." I thought Reef was so great? He struggles againest the all so great Lynch...But yet he's so great? lol just shutup "They try to deny the pass to Reef with doubles and triples BEFORE the ball arrives, which means Reef never TOUCHES the ball and is never in position to be clumsy. They deny him the ball, because he is a major scoring threat. " NO, teams know he can't make the jumper consisantly and he will turn the ball over underpressure. Again, if he could make the jumpshots he wouldn't have as many problems. And 47% is not 50% you nimrod. Lets see, he still will try and force the ball inside despite double teams, teams know that he's ineffective when you force him to handle the ball outside. "How am I wrong about LeBron? Because I hoped he would fail? That makes me wrong? I didn't know desire could be incorrect." Can't take it because people talk about Bron(Who is already a smarter player than Reef) and care nothing about a loser like Reef? It takes a real loser to follow Reef around.
  11. Those pile of crap come 13 million cheaper.
  12. Walker and Sheed are better than Reef..But they are still 2nd tier PF's.... http://www.nba.com/playerfile/shareef_abdu...x.html?nav=page 8.4RPG...That isn't up to snuff with the top PF's these days.
  13. Personally, your opinion doesn't hold that much weight with me. I am just bored at the end of the day at work... so I am debating it with you. Other than that, I could care less what you think. It's never positive anyhow." I'm sure Reef appericates his one biased fan, but nobody really cares about Reef besides you and maybe a handful of other people. Reef fits right in with the forgotten Hawks. What you do is make every excuses in the book... Either the coaches aren't using him right, the losing has got to him...Reef has been in the league almost a decate and hasn't improved since his rookie season. Why hasn't he added a decent jumpshot like Malone? You have this thing to where you are supposed to stick Reef in the post and give him the ball everytime. Wake up, he isn't Shaq. Duncan,Walker,Malone,Duncan,Dirk all have some sort of jumpshot.... You act like Reef can just destroy everyone like Shaq. THat isn't the case.
  14. et's start by looking at the Cliff Robinson statement. Again, how is Reef going to beat a guy when he isn't given the ball in position to score?" he was in position to score....Tell me, if he was so great in the post the coaches would put him there. He just doesn't have it. You look at Duncan/KG and other PF's and other other than maybe Brand they can all shoot abit...If Reef could hit anything outside the post maybe things would open up for him...Instead he shots that flat ugly jumpshot that always misses. Alot of times when Reef is one on one in the post he still fails to score...It happens more often than you act like it does. "I say Reef doesn't beat Clifford because he isn't in position." yeah I know, he's too busy getting screened off while Cliffy ws popping open jumpers. He should actually get into position to defend him. Reef doesn't have the size to play in the post all the time. What's so hard about that to understand? "If it was that easy to force Reef to turn it over or force up a bad shot, they wouldn't DOUBLE him BEFORE he gets the ball." No because Reef has a low basketball IQ. He will actually try and score in double and triple teams. "Then you point to Al Harrington... what is that?! Yes, I remember Al Harrington." Yeha he toasted Reef for 40.. "Maybe I should drop down on one knee and suck off LeBron James, just like they do? " Looks like you were wrong about him. Funny, he already has a higher basketball IQ than Reef or JT and he's 18 years old. " No one is beating down the door to get Shaq or Duncan either. That's because they aren't tradeable duh! Reef can be traded just like Jamison/Walker....He's in their class...which means he's tradeable.
  15. I wonder what your definition of consistency is... 20 points 9+ rebounds is pretty freaking consistant." Sombody's got to score....Besides, 8RPG is nothing for a PF for these days.. Duncan/Dirk/Brand/O'Neal/Stoudamire/KG all rebound better. Those numbers put him on the Rasheed Wallace and Antoine Walker level and no higher.
  16. He shouldn't have been on that list at the time. Going to the championship game doesn't prove otherwise...If that's so, why didn't Penny make it? He didn't belong on the list then.... And it's still no point because Reef/Bibby aren't Shaq/Kobe...
  17. As for asking around with all your little circle jerk pals and getting laughed at... these are probably the same retards that voted in MJ after he retired... sorry, not interested. I don't need the opiate of the masses to validate my opinions. What is really sad, is that you obviously do. This has always been your crutch.... you say "GO ASK PEOPLE ABOUT IT... THEY'LL TELL YOU". Good for them. Guess what... the average person can't name all 50 states, does that mean they don't exist? Sorry, the average person doesn't know jack and follows the masses. " Reef can't evne outplay Cliff Robinson appearently, so hows he going to outplay a top star? " He constantly sees double and triple teams BEFORE the ball gets to him on the post. I guess they do that because he isn't taken seriously. " Because if you put pressure on him you'll force a turnover or force him to take a bad shot when he has the ball. Sounds like a perfect game plan to me. "3: Reef has beaten, one on one, the best defenders in the league and outplayed top superstars when they were matched up." he gets outplayed more often than he actually does the out playing...Remember Al Harringtons 40 point game last year? You know you'll get laughed at for posting this crap on other message boards. And answer my question, if Reef's so great, why aren't other team knocking down the door to get his overpaid and overrated @ss?
  18. They talked about Shaq as being a second rank player and a lot of experts Scoffed when Shaq made the alltime top 50... " That's because was young and really he didn't deserve to be called a top 50 player ever back then. I wouldn't have put him on that team back then either.
  19. If Reef has as much potential as you think he does you'd think GM's would be beating down the door to trade for him. Instead, GMs and coaches keep away from him it appears. Reef can't dominate and top player on a consisant basis because he doesn't have the size or skill to do so.
  20. Shareef Abdur-Rahim, F, Hawks -- The Hawks look like they're going to be as terrible as advertised. Keeping Rahim, they're one tradable asset, doesn't make a lot of sense. Rahim's career low 14.4 ppg average doesn't help things either. Would a team like the Nuggets or Jazz (who are clearly better than we thought they'd be) be willing to give up a young player or two (like Nikoloz Tskitishvili and Rodney White) for Rahim? The key for the Hawks is to get well under the cap next summer. " Call it a done deal! Get the paper work started.
  21. Offensively, Reef can step over KG. He has more ability offensively then KG." That comment shows you know nothing about the game of basketball. " So can Reef." Watch games....What Reef try and score or turn the ball over....Those are the only two things that happen.
  22. You can say that Duncan and Garnett can shut Reef down, but neither has yet to do it. So, your argument is as valid as mine about Glover could school MJ." Show m,e the list of games were he supposed to have schooled them. He might have had a few good games because they don't take him seriousally. " Reef IS good enough to be the focal point. He has never been afforded the opportunity. You are the only one that really knocks Reef. Most "real" basketball minds will say that Reef is underutilized. He should be given the reigns. If he fails, then so be it. I'll say you were right... but he should have the shot." Go ask around the net and you'll get alot of" He should be a second or third option" and go spew this stuff to fans around the net. I think you actually think Reef is a top player in the league...Go say that around and you'll get laughed at.
  23. I surely wouldnt have drafted a guy that couldn't produce overseas. The Hawks have a star? That's funny, I don't remember seeing one. I remember see a stat paded player that nobody really cares about. Reef is not a star. He doens't have the talent to be one... He's a 2nd tier PF.
  24. Despite Garnett being a top 5 player (which is only a great indication of how well the team is coached and that the offense is designed with him in mind)... if the offense was designed for the SG to dominate the ball, Garnett wouldn't be able to contribute much offensively." Do you realize how stupid you sound? KG does more than score, he can actually passes the ball.......He plays with passion...He is a mis match every night.....He rebounds, plays defense, blocks shots....Can Reef do any of those things? NOPE. Reef lacs athletic ability, is slow..... Reef couldnt carry KG's jockstrap. Your just a biased fan. How many times has Reef averaged 12RPG? Try never..... How many triple doubles has Reef had? Never had one.... KG can't create his own shot? lol you really are biased. Also, Reef gets his shot blocked more than any other player in the league due to his lack of athletic ability.
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