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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. http://hawks.realgm.com/showarticle.php?artid=379 Shareef Abdur-Rahim had 20 points and 10 rebounds, but don’t think that solid box score statistics let him off the hook. Those 10 rebounds could have been 15 or 16 had he kept the Wizards off the glass. Afterwards, Reef had nothing to say to reporters, saying that Stephen Jackson had said it all. When pressed for comment he asked “Why talk to me?” When RealGM replied that he had the “C” on his chest, meaning he was the captain of this team, he said “What does that mean?” and reiterated that he had no comment."
  2. Yeah the Thrashers and hawks are in such a great shape from all the work Stan did for them. He was good with the Braves, but he sucked with everything else.
  3. The hawks aren't making the playoffs for atleast 5 or 6 more years. Might aswell get used to that.
  4. It's a very untalented team...Nobody on the Hawks team are playmakers, none are rebounders, the best defender is a guy that does nothing else(Boris) it has no bench, no players that can create his own shot, no toughness......There isn't enough talent to compete...and when you add the fact that the players can't hold onto the ball you have a bad team. This is the worst team in NBA history. There has NEVER been a team as bad as this team. The only shot they have of winning is either catching the other team on an off night, or they simply dont take the Hawks seriousally. Teams like The Nets and Wizards really need a win and they beat the crap out of the Hawks. Seattle was undefeated and kind of cruising and the hawks caught them off guard....The Suns are simply an inconsisant team. The Hawks are going to win very few games when the opponent plays well.
  5. I could really careless. He could dissappear never to be seen again and it wouldn't matter.
  6. Whataburger sounds about like Sonics... My favorite place is Bo Jangles.
  7. I read rankings by Dime Mag...and they had the Hawks ranked 28th and said the following: The NBA should allow the Hawks to field 6 men so that can actually compete. That's funny stuff.
  8. It's confirmed Nazi was only a NBA player for 1 season. What was he at the FT line, 0-10? lol
  9. HAHA Reef whats up you little [censored]. Kenyon punking you.
  10. I have a feeling this will turn into a rout. We know the hawks don't really make halftime adjustments...and they already couldn't score in the second period...I think it will become a blowout tonight.
  11. He had injuries the first part of the season. He still hit almost 30 homers. Still hit over .300 and still had over 100 RBI's. " Stats stats stats. Stats tell you Stephen Jackson is actually a good player...Stats don't always tell the complete truth. "As far as his attitude. YOu don't have a damned clue what his attitude is." Well, when he speaks like just making the playoffs is enough I'd say that says a pretty good bit about his attitude about winning. Maybe it's enough for fans, but as a player would you want to settle for not being the best? Get real. Watch the games before you talk out your ass. wait, I don't know why you'd do that with the braves. You don't do it with the Hawks either and all you do it talk out your ass concerning them. " Yeah, lol you know so much...That's why you really thought The Braves would man handle the Cubs eh? You know so much, right? Get freakin real. Fact is that Chipper is overpayed. His defense is poor and you really have no defense for these things. He's not much of a clutch hitter either. I saw plenty of games and I haven't seen anything that good since his MVP year. He hit 27 HR? This day and age that isn't all that impressive. Maybe 10 years ago it was, but not really anymore. He doesn't suck, but he's not that great either. He isn't worth his salary, he doesn't have any upside, and he's a poor fielder. Chipper should be traded before Audrew....AJ still has potential to improve and he's already better than Chipper anyways. Oh and yeah, all the experts and knowledgable people predicted the Marlins to win the World Series didn't they? They are all so smart.lol
  12. I think with Eric Dampier it's a case of motivating him. Could Stotts get him going the way Musselman has? I really don't know....I know one thing, Damp looks like a mean person. He doesn't look like someone I'd want to know. Don't you think zone defense is also contributing to the teams rebounding problem?
  13. He blurts out idiotic half cocked "ideas" and then backs it up with intelligent and thoughtful things like "chipper is a [censored]". par for the course." He's overpayed-True He hits too many weak groundballs-True He doesn't have a win at all costs attitude-True His HR's have been falling-True His swing is weak-Just take a look at it Poor ole Chillz can't handle someone saying something bad about the Braves or one of their players. Even when it's true.
  14. Yap yap yap yap Yeah Chipper is a [censored]...He has the attitude of one and the personality of a hick. Adrew is better than Chipper....Crap...Andrew is better on defense ALONE. Marcus Giles is also better than Chipper. Andrew strikes out alot, but Chipper hits to many little rollers to the infielders.
  15. Oh yes he is...Kurt is a better scorer and defender and rebounder...All Theo does is block shots.
  16. Kurt Thomas is a better player than Theo is.
  17. He's still better than Chipper...Chipper pretty much sucks. He isn't half as good as his stats make him out to be...He's the highest paid player on the team, he's a poor defensive player, he has no passion......Chippers a P*ssy pretty much. He swings like one, acts like one, and doesn't seem to have the attitude of a winner. Getting to the playoffs is good enough as far as he is concerned....It's never ok for a player to few it that way. Chipper is a player that proves you can't go on stats alone to see how effective a player can be... Chipper isn't getting any better in Atlanta either. Trading Andrew is a big no no.
  18. http://www.nba.com/standings/by_division.html Why have the Hawks played more road games than any other team in the league? Why is the schedule fixed like this every year?
  19. The funny thing is that the Hawks might actually be the best team of the bunch.
  20. will be: Charlotte Bobcats Orlando Magic Atlanta Hawks Miami Heat Washington Wizards All these teams suck.
  21. What I like about Vlad is his ability to steal bases and hit those bad balls Andrew misses. Those bad ball hitters drive pitchers nuts because even when they go out of the strikezone they still have to worry about the ball getting hit. The Braves should look to trade Chipper...He had nice numbers on paper, but he really wasn't effective last year...It seemed like he never done anything of importance.
  22. Bonzi has beeen anything but impressive the last two years or so. In fact, his seasons have got worse and worse since his one breakout year a few years ago..I don't think he's all that good.
  23. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=1661406
  24. Jt is the biggest problem on the team because it's nearly impossible to play him 36MPG and the team actually win games.....Can't play PG and can't play SG on a winning team. He's contract is already bigger than he's worth.
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