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Everything posted by Plainview1981

  1. The team is getting outrebounded by 6RPG on the offensive end..... Teams are only shooting 41% againest the team, but the team turns the ball over about 6 times more than the other teams and give up 6RPG more on the offensive end...The team the Hawks are facing are getting about 11 shots extra a game. You just can't have that happen and expect to win games. The guy we need wouldn't have to be completely a starter either...He could be a guy that comes off the bench to spell Theo when the team really needs it. But I wish we could get Stromile Swift to come off the bench...I notice he hasn't been playing lately so he might be up for trade. Theo gets pushed around by even the biggest bums of centers. I wonder if Detroit would part with Zelko Rebraca....
  2. We'd probably be better off with just a decent big man that is alittle bigger...One of Theo's biggest problem is that he looks for shot blocks all the time... Instead of thinking about defense and rebounding and making blocks a secondary thought he only considers blocks. However, I think the Hawks biggest problem is that Dion(considering position and such) is the teams second best rebounder and that just isn't going to get it done. Reef isn't like Webber/KG....He doesn't have that athletic ability and quite frankly doesn't have their versitility....He doesn't have Cwebbs passing skills or KG's either.
  3. http://www.nba.com/features/playersurvey2003_height.html 16th youngest team in the league
  4. When the team starts to rebuild I think Dion should be kept in addition to Boris...I haven't been impressed with Boris, but since he costs so little we might aswell keep him. Dion sometimes turns the ball over, but as I said in the other post...he has more burden this year than in any year he has played....He has to do more than score this year.
  5. I'm somewhat happy with the road trip. I think the team would have to win about 17 road games to make the playoffs but I dont see anyway possible.
  6. I know play likes to bash the guy, but he's been a hellva lot better than Reef this year. He has hit some huge shots this year.. 22 points 5 rebounds tonight. He had a good game last night and have gave good efforts most nights. Very happy with his efforts...He has bad shot selection...but if could settle in as a legit 3rd option and some of the defensive pressure loosened off him he would look better...he surely looked better last year playing next to Dog,Reef and JT.
  7. Trace, didn't you know, Reef can do no wrong. Play reminds me of that Bud beer commerical...He sounds like that dude" My fumbles wouldn't matter if my teammates jumped on the ball" Just picture Plays personaility combined with Reef... He would everybody elses fault why I can't take over a game.
  8. The blame has to go to the coaching style and to the coach putting JT in at PG. JT cannot flourish or do anything at PG. " It's the coaches fault! It's the coaches fault! blah blah these players just suck. Quit making excuses for these piece of crap players. THEY SUCK. JT CAN'T PLAY SG...HE CAN"T PLAY SG. You think the defense is bad now? What do you think happens when you put him at SG? Some how you guys would still find away to blame the coach. Did you just say that Dion was the most complete player? Wow. What game have you watched? " Well he's a better defender than Jax or JT(even though that isnt saying much) he's the best rebounding guard on the team...He's the best passing guard the team has....He's like 3rd on the team in scoring.......Yeah sadly enough he's the teams most complete player. Some of you live in a fantasy world. It's not the coaches fault that this is the leasted talented and most flawed team in the league. It has no future, no guys that can develop, no rebouders, no defenders... All it has is a overpaid Forward, a undersized SG, and a weakside shot blocker. A coach doesn't win with this crap. Put the blame were it belongs....Reef/JT/Theo. If Jt could do what he was drafted to do alot of the teams problems wouldn't exsist. Instead, he's become a bust for a lottery pick. Reef? Leadership? When other players around the league like Cliff Robinson say it doesn't seem like Reef competes enough there is a problem.
  9. I find it funny how you guys look to blame everyone besides JT/SAR. Dion has actually been the teams most complete player other than shooting percentage but he's the one you guys are attacking. If JT could run a d@mn team Dion could work on being what he is....A scorer and a rebounding guard. 80% of the blame has to be thrown on Reef/JT and Theo. They don't get the job done. NONE of them defend, and not of them do what they are supposed to do.
  10. LOL as if Theo would have helped...He doesn't stop offensive rebounds.
  11. Yeah KB, Reef looked really good getting ate up by Wilcox didn't he? The great Shareef can barely out play a backup. What a great player. hehehe
  12. Reef was no help. He turned the ball over and his defense on Wilcox was just terrible. Reef is just as bad on defense as he is good on offense. He really isn't much different than Dog.
  13. And the reason we lost to Portland was because of OUR inability to hit open threes... so what of it? " The reason the Hawks lost to Portland is because Randolph whooped up on Theo. But the difference is that while Seattles deep shot was off it's alot more rare for them than it is the Hawks considering the teams lack of 3pt threats.
  14. The difference in this game was Seattles inability to get the 3's to go down that night.
  15. http://www.basketballboards.net/forum/show...2&forumid=2 Artest put the choke chain on him. lol Funny stuff
  16. Guys that can contrubute are easy to find...Guys that can be the best player on your team for 10 years is not. The gamble for the star is more worthwhile.
  17. Doesn't look like New Orleans needs him.... After watching new Orlenas play I think Paul might have been overrated...
  18. This was typical. While the Los Angeles Lakers hug former players, the Hawks ignore them. You had the Doc Rivers fiasco. Long before he signed to do wonderful things with the Orlando Magic as coach, Rivers tried and failed to join the Hawks in some capacity. Explained Pete Babcock, the overmatched general manager at the time, "I knew he wanted to take my job someday." Boy Pete really is a snake isn't he? He felt his job was threaten...Big surprise, eh?
  19. Maybe his offensive sets look stupid because the players don't have a brain and don't understand how to run the plays.
  20. What kind of need can Boris feel that can't be found? Howard surely isn't a superstar, but there is a higher chance of him becoming one than there is Boris becoming one. I don't care what the other GM's said..I believe they had the Hawks making the playoffs last year. These are also the same guys that give the Travis Knights/Alan Henderson Allan Houston's the huge contracts. The only time Boris can score is off a junk basket...He might sneeak something else in there every once and a while, but he's less polished than Dermarr was.
  21. I don't think it really matters. When you look at long term and winning Boris Diaw or Dion Glover aren't going to do that for you. That's my problem with the drafting of Boris.. This team needs to build a good team and as a role player Diaw is only a really small piece....THis club should be going for guys that can be future stars. Your not going very far when your best project on a bad team is a role player...Perhaps Diaw turns into a version of Ron Artest with some defense, rebounding and alittle bit of every thing..But this team will not ALOT more before it can build any type of future. I'm not trying to be negitive, but nobody should consider Boris a main piece of the future. I wouldn't have mind him IF we had some star potential on the team.
  22. Well I think the team needs a guy that has a chance to develop into a real star...It's a matter that the Hawks need that kind of talent because they simply don't have it. Dion and Jackson probably should be coming off the bench. Theo is passed his prime and he once had a decent offensive game that he no longer seems to have. He was a 12PPG scorer but now appears to be more crippled than Deke on offense. Dallas are in a better situation to draft a role player like Boris.
  23. The team is mismatched in any situation period...Portland has a tall team that is underacheving for whatever reason. Reef didn't get his chops busted by Rasheed Wallace so I'll give him some credit. Theo sure got killed though.
  24. THis team needs talent is what it needs. Only scorinv 86PPG and not playing great defense either..It's not being negitive but being truthful... The team has little ability to hit the 3, doesn't have any player with court vision, no big tough bruiser inside, no beef, no skills to break down an opposing player, mediocre jump shooters(Look at Dion and Jax shooting)and you better face that this team simply isn't good.
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