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Everything posted by HawksNWaffles

  1. I know it's the magic...but can we get more of this
  2. Hello everyone. First off, I'd like to thank all of the well wishes, seriously they have been very helpful. I've meant to poster this earlier.....but sleep has become waaay more valuable than before. But here she is ( my hawks gear for her won't be here until next week )
  3. That is a good question, I'll still be around, I may not post as much during that time....but i'll be a lurking
  4. Nah I'll still try to post what I have lol. Where I work blesses me with said opportunities, so I try to bless others.
  5. Well if no one else wants them, sure you can have them..just pm a first and last name along with a good email address, and they are yours
  6. I have two court side seats for next Wednesday's game....the catch, you only have to pay for parking. food and drink are included, I would go, but my baby girl is supposed to be coming that week.
  7. ........... Anyone want to go to the game tonight, two social club tickets and a parking pass
  8. Happy B-Day Nique .fun fact my mother was a big Hawks fan growing up, so she gave me his name as a middle name, sadly I do not have the same skills
  9. Let me try to bring this back to what this thread is supposed to be @NBASupes I know you are not the biggest fan of shipping out Cam, so I guess I will ask, and you have probably elaborated on this before, I am just too lazy to go back and look . Who would you be ok with Atlanta getting back from these rumors if we had to trade Reddish ?
  10. Side note: does anyone need a parking pass at least ?
  11. Someone just claimed them. I'll try to post when I get more. c'mon ya'll I want some real fans to get them I don't bite
  12. I got two tickets tonight's game...who want em
  13. Tickets were claimed, I'll post again when I have more. They go pretty fast, But I try to let my Hawksquawk brethren in on it first.
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