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Everything posted by Hawkmoor

  1. Its not just the Hawks either. I see too many NBA teams playing playground basketball on offense or offenses with players just standing there with no movement. The players run the NBA. Good coaches don't have the effect they used to have. Very few teams have a culture where they don't let the players run the coaching staff: Boston, Golden State, San Antonio, etc.( though you can make a solid case that even Golden State lets Green get away with too much). Giannis is the latest example in Milwaukee. They had a legit good head coach who had them playing defense but through all the hoopla it came down to him not wanting Giannis non playing, roster spot taking, brother on the team so Giannis had him fired. Of course Giannis denied it, lmao
  2. Another elephant in the room: Quin Snyder put together one of the best coaching staffs that I can remember ever in the NBA, highlighted by Mark Brey, 13 NCAA tournament appearances, three sweet 16 appearances, two elite 8 appearances. Igor Kokoskov, 23 years NBA experience, worked under Alvin Gentry as his lead assistant in Phoenix. I mean they are stacked in the coaching department. The result of that is a team with Trae and Murray running a ( Its your turn, no its my turn) offense and zero defense for most part of the season. It can't be coaching.
  3. Edey is the most overrated player to come out of college in a long time. The college game is tailor made for a guy his size who can dominate at that level. The NBA is a different beast. He HAS to be able to play in space at that level and can't. Edey might be a career bench player in the NBA at most. In fact, not only is he not a space player either offensively or defensively, I noticed that if you go straight AT him on offense, he freezes and you can shoot over him. He is at best a weakside help defender who can block your shots when you ain't looking for him in the paint. He also got the Lebron treatment (can't touch him but he can run straight thru you without a call). Who else you gonna go get?
  4. I agree with the first part. As far as length and athleticism, they already got that with Johnson and MAYBE with a healthy Okongwu. 6' 8" is tall enough in today's NBA. Very few teams present a problem for you if you deploy that (Milwaukee, etc.). Since most likely they will attempt to move Murray and keep Trae, they need a defense ONLY shooting guard to rotate out with Bogi. Teams get the ball into the paint too easily with the combo of Murray and Trae. The last part of this is the most amazing part: Capela is garbage as a athletic scoring big but IS one of the best fits on this team for Young as highlighted by what Quin did yesterday. Outside of Murray freelancing, Capela was the team's best offensive option with Johnson out. They went back to Young and Capela's bread and butter pick and roll. I need to see game film but it even looked like they were working backside screens for Capela to get them lobs also.
  5. I guess Stephen A. Smith was lying too when he repeated what I said earlier: "the Hawks came back with Trae on the bench."
  6. "Murray upset with Trae." Thats not a good look.
  7. As soon as they benched Trae, the defense came alive and turned into offense.
  8. Trae trying to set a turnover record in the playoffs.
  9. Vucevic making Capela looks like Joel Embiid on offense...lmao
  10. Three losts in a row including this blowout fiasco since Trae been back. This team...
  11. Capela just had to be the only Hawk on that side of the court that could have received a pass from Dejuante in transistion after that steal of the ball.
  12. Looks up at the tv in time to see Capela fumble a uncontested pass to him at the front of the rim.
  13. His entire tournament has been like that. The refs and media are ACTIVELY trying to make this guy be great. I mean he is hooking players like you said, jumping over folks backs for rebounds and setting moving screens and the whistle is silent. You barely touch HIM and its free throws. All this for a bench player in the NBA who might give you a few minutes.
  14. All this hype for a bench player in the NBA. Edy can't play in space, can't shoot further than 5 feet from the basket. You go straight at him on offense because he is more of a help blocker on defense. The refs are helping him look like a allstar in college by letting him throw players around in the paint without calling fouls on him, letting him go over the back of players without calling fouls on him, but you can't touch HIM and its free throws. I've never seen anything like this.
  15. That might have worked. Playing Matthews against Giannis for even one possession was laughable.
  16. This defense was horrible in January. If you said he changed it in January, the only change SINCE is Trae being out.
  17. Quinn is the same guy he was 2 months ago when he looked horrible. The difference is he HAD to open up the offense when Trae went down and the defense is now operating at full capacity.
  18. Shoutout to giving Hunter the opportunity to be a 1st option. The guy BEEN developed.
  19. The Hawks have found OPTIONS and it didn't take a trade.
  20. They dapped. Thats good enough, lmao
  21. No doubt. Thats why I said he has to be a featured player. 1a or 1b on at least a quarter of the possessions.
  22. My bad. Let me clear this up. When I said "front court", I meant J.J. and Hunter. They can get rid of Capela tomorrow and on the fence about OO. If they can get something for him I wouldn't necessarily miss him either. EDIT: I went back and checked my post. I did clarify that its the forwards that need to stayed involved in the offense.
  23. I'm gonna say this one time and highlight it: The Hawks have proven that without Trae, the offense is WORST. They NEED Trae Young. Everyone knows I'm a big Trae Young detractor but the Hawks themselves have proven that they need him and I AGREE. If anything, Trae being out has proven to ME how badly they do need him on offense. Why are some of yall making this be "Trae bashing"? If anything positive is said about Hunter or another player because Trae is out, the narrative is put out that its "Trae Bashing". The pitchforks come out. The real issue is the Hawks are being able to get something positive out of something negative with Trae being out. It forced the Hawks coaching staff and players to expand and come up with alternatives on offense. When Trae comes back, thats a positive. If the coaching staff goes back to a backcourt heavy offense without using their bigs at forward, thats a coaching problem. The help that folks want him to have can come from INSIDE the current roster. It doesn't always have to come from a trade or free agent signing. Another POSITIVE that has come out of this is the defense has improved. Thats not Trae bashing, its just what it is. The Hawks have learned that they CAN play defense. How that works out when Young comes back remains to be seen. Maybe they sit him in certain situations and go offense for defense, defense for offense, etc. It can be worked out. Everything that is happening is a net positive. Trae remains the best option on offense, the Hawks have discovered that Hunter can help D.J. and Johnson, and they learned how to play lock down defense as a cohesive unit.
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