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Everything posted by BOShforRoy

  1. There is no kevin garnett type player here and i'll watching and hoping to see orlando drop out of the top 3. i hate that team.
  2. i don't think kobe is coming here to Atlanta and you can't trade JT away for almost nothing(Jerome James) hoping that kobe will sign here. otherwise a very good idea.
  3. Why has Phoenix given Martynes a promise since they already have a player similar to him in Cabarkapa. something is going on there. i think livingston should be above Gordon as he is said to be better. Why do you have JOsh smith so low, he is projected by many to be in the top five.
  4. i also don't think charles can coach. However, the funnniest thing would be if charles coaching karl malone considering the feud these guys have
  5. just read that peeler got suspended for two games and garnett was fined 7500 dollars
  6. Who here thinks that the kings will move on to the finals and will peeler get suspended if he does so should garnett but David stern or Stu jackson will probaly be too afraid to suspend garnett because of ratings
  7. what are shareef and RAtliff doing on on upper righthand part There pictures should be abolished. Where is Bobby Sura?
  8. check out this site it shows that the clock should be at .8 not .4 http://members.dslextreme.com/users/storag...s/08seconds.jpg
  9. could anyone post the insider
  10. Does anyone believe that an eastern counference team can win the title? I personally don't think so Detroit can't close the nets and Jermaine o'neal is too inconsistent
  11. You guys make a good point and but i think since Danny Ainge has three first round picks, Boston will take him. they don't have a very good point guard(Marcus Banks). Danny Ainge wants to run and gun, and telfair reportedly likes to push the ball up. BOston is building for the future so i say Bassy(the worst nickname ever)to BOston..
  12. Shaq is probably the most dominant player since Michael jordan's second retirement. Without shaq kobe wouldn't have any rings. a proof of that is orlando's situation Tracy mcgrady is about as talented as kobe and look them. Tmac couldn't take his to the playoffs and he probably won't win a ring if is all alone but with shaq he can get a few rings.to sum it up Shaq is better better than kobe.
  13. Could someone post monday insider beacuse unfortunately weez is on vacation
  14. please post insider on lottery team needs thanks
  15. would anyone please post the monday insider on the rookies thx
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