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Everything posted by Wretch

  1. Was that they were never into the 'underlying theme' (for lack of a better way of explaining without spoiling). Not to say that everyone who's into that kind of thing should have just automatically liked it, just that they should have been able to appreciate it more. Prime example... My brother and I were blown away by it. It totally made sense and we thought it was an AMAZING twist and a cool use of the metaphor; yet when my mom watched Unbreakable it went right over her head. I have to think that many of the people that watched the movie just didn't connect with it's theme. The Village...? I'm not an anal film critic looking for a subtitled, foriegn, yarn perfectly spun together that rides on groundbreaking performances by elite thespians; but, I wouldn't say it was an absolute bomb. The movie was quite interesting and deliciously creepy at the outset. The characters were compelling and it all fit together...the movie just begain to unravel towards the end and then plodded to a complete thud. Once you understand what's going on, it's not an enlightening expeirence backtracking through the movie...it's just a let down. Sometime before the climax, I had figured out what the deal was. I was hoping for more to it than that and found myself eagerly awaiting the end. Overall, I'd say it's actually good for a Blockbuster night but lower your expectations.
  2. It's the Microsoft Intellimouse. It's just a joy to put my hand on! *lol* I love this damn thing. I need two so I can have one in each hand! If there is anyone out there who ever ponders the decision to buy a new mouse...YOU GOTTA GET ONE OF THESE!
  3. Just to get the talk started, they'd have to throw in a 1st rounder and a couple of Club Chalupas - even if the promotion isn't running!
  4. ...and I think you can buy an international version that's dubbed in english...but I want to see it on the big screen. My brother pirates movies out the ass, but how can you watch blockbusters like that? I can't do it man... I gotta be in the theater, with that jumbo widescreen, THX surround sound...
  5. But dammit, I've got to see it anyway!!! I don't care if it was 2 hours straight, from open to close, of Aliens and Predators goin' balls to the walls. I'm gonna get a good buzz and a big-ass bucket of popcorn and I'm gonna be all up in that sh#t! Oh yeah, it's on. Going to see the Village tommorrow. I can't hardly stand it man. It's to the point where I can't miss anything Shyamalan drops.
  6. I knew eventually, it would start happening. At least, where I live anyway, the commercials only last for like the 1st 3 or 4 minutes into the movie...and at least their good commercials y'know? *lol* Imagine if they start running local works... What I find REALLY funny is during the previews. I need to hear this sh#t EVERY TIME I go. It happens right about the time the umpteenth preview comes on. I completely dig the previews and feel cheeted if I ever have to miss one (not often). But some people get so annoyed *lol* and when that one hits that breaks the camel's back... It's too funny. They're like, "Damn! Get on with the movie already." *lol* Sh#t is like clockwork man...
  7. And I got this Wireless Intellimouse... Damn this thing is sexy. I'm sorry, but I'm easily amused some times. *lol* I'm a bit of a PC enthusiast, but I'm also very frugal and practical... I've had the same optical mouse for like...YEARS. But my sister had me do some work on her laptop and she bought a wireless mouse that she wanted me to install for her. Yeah. It's mine now. Sh#t was all good until I got up and took the mouse with me to the opposite side of the room. I noticed that the cursor was moving on the screen *lol* Needless to say, seconds later I was all over the walls with this thing...all over the house peekin' around the corners. Damn thing's got some range *lol* This is like the coolest little sh#t! I have surfed like all of my bookmarks today, just clikin' on sh#t...screwing with the buttons and whatnot. Everybody should have a wireless optical mouse! It's the joint man...!!!
  8. You are a silly-ass sarcastic SOB...!!!
  9. The article is fake, and taken to the extreme, but I've read some crazy sh!t about her. That's still pretty funny... *lol*
  10. He does many things well, so I don't think we'll be seeing him try to do one thing to dominate a game...especially not scoring. I don't care what they say about his release either. I've seen much uglier fall with regularity (Payton, Prince). Chill was also a penetrator in college. He's got the speed and the athleticism, and if it translates into the NBA he'll be fine. Watching him, he's got Pippen written all over him - and that isn't a bad thing.
  11. The children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride to make it easier. Let the children's laughter remind us of how it use to be. We are the world, we are the children. We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving. There's a choice we're making. We're saving our own lives. It's true we'll make a better day just you and me. Yes we urge to merge. We live for the love of our people the hope that they get along (Yeah, so we did a song). Getting the point to our brothers and sisters who don't know the time (boyyyee, so we wrote a rhyme). It's dead in your head, you know, I'll drive to build and collectourselves with intellect (Come on!). To revolve to evolve to self respect, because we got to keep ourselves in check. Or else it's... Self Destruction, ya headed for Self Destruction Self Destruction, ya headed for Self Destruction
  12. Just let me know about postage charges and the cost of the tape.
  13. That's for sure. They're saying he can go with either hand. He's blocking shots... And most importantly, he's showing NBA range on his shot. Consistency, energy, and commitment will play a huge role in his development, but the foundation is there. Couple that with his well above average athleticism and we've got the makings of a star. ...and, of all the veteran tutilage and mentoring that we're talking about bringing in, now more than ever, WE NEED A TRUE POINT GUARD. I don't care about superstar crossovers and behind the back whatnots...and I don't care too much for makeshift "point guard by committe..." I WANT TO SEE A COMPETENT PLAYMAKER OUT THERE RUNNING A SMOOTH OFFENSE HELPING JOSH SMITH FIND HIS GAME.
  14. We all want the Pacman back! Funny story... Couple of years ago... I was working one day in the mall and this kid comes in the store out of nowhere with a big-ass starter jacket. The old school kind with the pouch on the front. Kid was like, "Can I just leave this jacket here. I don't want to carry it and I don't want to come back for it." At first I was thinking, "Kid, get the #$&! out of here." But as he turned around... OOHHHAAAAHHH!!! Big-ass Pacman Hawk all over it...I was speechless. I was like, "Yeah kid. You just leave that right over here with me. Matter of fact, here's 5 bucks. Go nuts." Crazy thing is, I'm a big dude and the jacket is like triple extra large - and nearly perfect condition. It's the bomb. And I got it free! Anywho, MAAAAAAN if they go back to the Pacman I will buy a Hawks shirt, go to a live telecast, and run across the court slap naked with it attached to a stick like a flag.
  15. If he signs. Great. If he doesn't and takes less money to play somewhere else, then more power to him. Personally, I'm not going to get worked up while we get used like step ladders in everybody else's million dollar schemes. We'll get better, the tables will turn, and scrubs like him will be winding down their careers BEGGING to sign with us (or a team like us) for the change in our wallent. *lol* I'm not sweatin' it.
  16. But if Gordon was there at 6, I probably would have taken him over Chill...and I would have dealt Terry. Gordon has the potential to dominate. I did not like the comparisons of Gordon to JT. He does what JT does not...HE GETS INTO THE PAINT. When you get a guy like that who's fast, attacks the basket, and has that kind of shot...you got a dangerous thing.
  17. If both of Smith and Childress play up to thier potential, alongside Harrington and even JT... The lobs! The DUNKS! The J's...! The excitement! Maaaaaaan! I can't wait. I hope to God that these guys blow up!
  18. I KNEW there was no way we could pass on him. This was the exactly the kind of thing that I was talking about when people were suggesting that we deal all of our picks to move up. I said that this would be the year to have multiple 1st round picks. There were SO many hssrs and foriegn players that the real talent would be scattered throughout the draft. When Josh Smith was there at 17, and he had been projected to go as high as 6 to us...? Oh, man...I almost sh#t my pants. I was VERY happy with the selection then and I'm excited about the possibilities now.
  19. I don't think winning should be made a priority, nor am I really looking forward to another lottery pick - though if we're there, we'll all be excited just like we were this year. I just want to watch this team grow and form an identity. Sh#t, man... We've been nobodies for what seems like a decade now. I just want to see these guys develop. When THEY are ready, then we can talk about playoffs and whatnot. I don't have any expectations other than for them to go out, play hard, and entertain.
  20. I mean, people can say the Cavs were looking to lowball the guy all they want. But it's not like they had something that legally bound Booz to a lowball offer. At best, the Cavs were taking a HUGE gamble; and I would not have put $10 into it coming out in the Cav's favor. But the cavs were going to risk MILLIONS on it and the complete loss of an up and coming star? Sheah... If we were talking about Kwame Brown or Darius Miles...maybe. But we are not. Other than some kind of agreement behind closed doors, there is no logical explanation for why the Cavs simply did not pick up the option on Boozer or why they would even entertain the idea. Without an agreement, which would have been illegal, it would have bee a VERY BAD gamble.
  21. No sooner than we rid ourselves of inept management and begin to start on a new direction, do we find ourselves in a position to take on the big names of yesterday's NBA. Wouldn't it have been great to have aquired a Shaq, Odom, Oneal or draft a Kidd, Martin, McGrady, Franchise...BACK THEN Sure. Though as we start FINALLY building a recognizeable team of our own, developing tomorrow's stars, all of a sudden...people are in a WIN NOW!!! mode and are looking to bring in all these players for all this money that may or may not be able to produce for us long term. Not that players like Shaq, Kidd, or Iverson are used up...it's just that it will cost us entirely too much to acquire these types of players. In the long run, we'll overspend ourselves (in terms of capspace and talent traded) trying to piece together a WIN NOW!!! team. In the mean time, we float around the middle of the pack, secure no impact talent in the draft, and tie up every cent that we have. We need to rebuild this team slowly and the league salivate over the superstars that we groom for tomorrow.
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