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Everything posted by Wretch

  1. That's exactly what happened to MJ. He took on different aspects of the game. He made it a point to be good at everything he did - like a genetic super soldier or something *LOL*. Though it wasn't just the situations he went up against, it was his will to overcome them and the knowledge of what he had to do.
  2. What I'm saying is that Jordan would beat this Pistons defense and why.
  3. Michael Jordan was the most complete player in the history of the game. That is what made him so good. There was nothing that he didn't or couldn't do well. He could hit the shot, from any angle, from anywhere on the court first of all...but he had to develop that shot. He did and he perfected it. Before that, he was a dribbler and a penetrator. He's good in the post, behind the arc, getting into the lane...nobody could stop him. And if he were having an off night, he would beat you doing something else. He was an all-defensive 1st teamer, he could get into guys' game and their heads. He played team defense, individual defense, transition defense...didn't matter. If he wasn't scoring, he would rebound, hustle, and dig in deeper. And when they threw 2 or 3 guys at him, he would find open guys...not just people spotting up either - but guys cutting, guys posted up behind a tricky passing angle... Michael Jordan has gone up against some of the toughest defensive schemes. He beat them because he could do EVERYTHING. His teammates knew it and were ready to play off of him; and there was nothing really special about any of his teammates - except Pippen and Rodman. You put Jordan out there with this Lakers team...WITH SHAQ???? and this series gets ugly from the game one tip.
  4. No matter how much people cry about ugly, low-scoring games. This series creates drama - and that makes sports all the more interesting. Each game becomes important, each possesion critical, and the waning minutes of each game have a profound impact on how the series plays out. And should the Lakers storm back in game 5, the reaction of Laker fans (and sympathizers) will be all the more excited. Triumph in the face of adversity is always a good story and works better than stomping all over the competition. This is just great for the NBA regardless of who comes out on top. Detroit has turned this into a series. I don't really care who wins, I would just like to see the Lakers play a little better and tighten these games up. Detroit has been the better team, but the Lakers are just coming apart at the seams. Regardless, I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad that this isn't the Spurs and the Pistons. Could you imagine the blog-fest...
  5. ...but he owns a medical supply company that does business with the doctor's office that my wife works for. He comes through there all the time and I've talked to him on the phone about basketball stuff. Just thought I'd throw that in there.
  6. ...that we use the 6th/something to acquire the #2 and the #17/something to acquire the #7. I thought about it too. Work out a deal to get the #2 from LAC and the #7 from Phoenix. I'd take it a step further and try to move up to the #3 to snatch Livingston. Either way, I think we can get that #7 out of Phoenix AND come away with a deal for the #2 as well.
  7. Because that pick would probably be lottery protected. Otherwise, it would be like giving up a 1st round draft pick, albiet a mid 1st rounder, for nothing.
  8. "Don't draft me." He wants to play for the Hawks. There is no doubt about that. Orlando is mentioned because Okafor is being penciled into the #1 spot and if the Hawks can't work out a deal for him then he could end up jammed into the Clippers roster. There is also the possiblity that he shows more promise than any of the Clips PF prospects... Dwight doesn't want anything to do with the Clippers besides passing through their draft selection on the way to a Hawks jersey.
  9. Don't go mixing and matching what the two biggest "rigged lottery" proponents were saying. I stated what I believed would happen right before the draft, just like everyone else, but I didn't guarantee anything; and I don't recall Diesel saying anything about the Clippers or Bulls. Again, I said that if the draft was rigged the team that got the 1st pick would likely be inclined to take Okafor. I believed that Orlando would land that top pick, or we would and select Howard - with each scenario changing what would follow dramatically. I said that Chicago would not land in the top 2 and that the Clippers would not land in the top 3. I also said look for a Western Conference team to be thrown in there just to make things look legit. I thought that as bold as Stern has been in the past (assuming the lottery was rigged then) that he wouldn't give a sh#t and throw some deserving teams into the mix - like Atlanta or Philly and a wildcard WC team like Utah or Seattle - with Okafor going to the team that needs him the most in ANY situation. For conspiracies sake, giving Atlanta a top 2 pick would look VERY suspicious; but giving the Clippers (WHO CLEARLY DON'T NEED THAT PICK) does not. Is there a better team to have win the #2 pick? They almost have to deal it. I said that if things didn't fall into our favor, or if Chicago was given a top 2 pick, or if the Clippers landed ANYWHERE in the top 3...that I would be less convinced that the draft is rigged. I said that I'm not a conspiracy nut who runs around and bends the results to suit my arguement nor do I simply find a bunch of things that could happen so that I can play on them when it does. I said that there is NO WAY to know how Stern wants things to play out if the lottery was rigged. I admitted where I was mistaken...but I still am not totally convinced that it is legit. After watching the lottery for all these years, one lottery will not do that. What keeps my eyebrows raised is the fact that Orlando did with the lottery, Chicago did not land in the top 2, one digit separated the Clippers from us winning, and that we will likely walk away with Howard through the Clippers anyway. Though, if any fan (probably including Clipper fans) in the league had a choice to award a top pick in the draft to someone - there is no way in Hell they'd do it for the Clippers. I'd rather screw the Hawks than give the Clippers anything. Anyway, that's my take on it. I'm about 70/30 for legitimacy right now and I believe that IF the lottery is legit then it is because David Stern wants it to be. And not for any other reason.
  10. The search would have ended long ago. And what if Sura goes down (if he decide to resign him) as he has been known to do? We're back to square one - a team without an on the floor leader, no one that can get the rest of the team involved. If we could get a decent return on JT, I'd do it. I would sever the link between our 1 and 2 that has been handicapping us.
  11. But I don't want to give him up for nothing. I think that JT is a great shooter, that he's very quick, and that he could learn (eventually) to play the point effectively. But I think it's taking too much out of us in our search to find his perfect compliment...so in effect, you have two players that define one position; and if you don't have that complimentary player, then you don't have that position. It's a liability. I'm not so down on JT's turnovers or his defense. For one, I know he can defend, but we haven't had a decent defensive scheme in place since Lenny left. No one has been preaching any kind of defense to this team (another reason I'm hoping we'll pick up the Czar) - so I wouldn't put it all on JT that he's a poor defender. I'd say he's been allowed to be lazy. And playing in front of a clean up player like Theo only encouraged it. I like that JT can shoot and that he can get his shot off. I believe that with a PG by committee type team his weaknesses would be covered up. But I would rather this team not spend years trying to find the right players to put around JT - in effect, building a team around him. If we can get equal value out of him, I'm all for a trade. If not, we can't just let him go for nothing. I don't feel it's a get rid of him at all costs type of scenario.
  12. Is that this is sh#t that we talk about in our homes, in here, on the street...where ever y'know? It's just casual conversation. But should someone on TV say the same thing that many of us discuss "down on Earth" then all of a sudden you hear a collective... *gasp* From around the nation. Did Larry just say what I think he said? Then the media makes a point to drag a few choice statements out of a conversation while posting a mug shot of LB: ) and it needs heady black players. If for nothing more than to break the stereotypes and taboo subjects. I'm black, african-american, negroid...whatever; sh#t just doesn't make sense to me. Much in the same way KG makes a light hearted war analogy, and the world overreacts (with me bein' a desert vet who didn't), I find this whole LB issue to be blown way out of proportion. What I find far more disturbing is the fact that no one has yet to staple Jim Grey's mouth shut. I'd pay billions of dollars (if I had it) to put him and Stephen A. Smith in a real celebrity death match.
  13. But, the Clips probably know more than we do. They might have even discussed it, but the Clips probably would have wanted more for a better known commodity.
  14. Where do we stand on possibly our most controversial player issue right now? I'm hearing some people are disgusted with him, a few people think he's a true talent, and some are in between - but just don't want to deal him for nothing. Are we truly handicapped by his size and inability to run the point (effectively)? Does his speed and his shot make him worth keeping? Can he learn to be a productive PG? Do we go forward with or without Jason Terry?
  15. The swap of the #6 for the #2 isn't bad at all and if Howard becomes anything KG/Duncan-like, then we have made out like bandits. You need star power in the front court to do anything serious in the league and this will be a great start. Taking back Ely is nothing. Dude is on the rookie scale making like 2 million (pfft!?!?) - big deal. He's a former lottery pick, ironically from a draft where we gave up ours. We swap the #17 for a former #12. And who knows what he'll be...he's been in LA fighting through their ridiculous logjam at PF. Maybe the kid's got some real game? If he does, we've got a restricted FA that we can hold on to. If not, we don't extend a qualifying offer. We actually only give up a conditional 1st rounder. Knowing Billy Knight, and how he knows our history, this pick will be safely protected. Good deal.
  16. You can bet LB discussed that during the TO. There was no way they were going to foul him. But I don't think he tried to give him that space. Either way, I think the Pistons were willing to take their chances with a contested 3point shot that would only send the game to OT - with Shaq and Kobe on the verge of fouling out. As for who wins... The Wolves are gone so personally, it really doesn't matter to me. I just want a competitive championship - something we haven't really had since Jordan retired. It's good basketball and it's good for the NBA. I'm going to watch every game. This is great!
  17. That's what I'm thinking. I think with 11 seconds, Kobe dribbles frees himself up and BANG. They couldn't stop him. If they throw a double or triple at him, he skips the ball cross court for the open 3. It didn't matter who was gonna guard him either. If he puts it up with that look in his eye, he's likely to hit it over anyone. But if he skips it over to someone, then the Pistons would probably like to have a good defender on him - who would have likely been Prince. As for fouling Shaq... Maybe it's a miss and make situation, or maybe he makes 2, or maybe he makes one and the other bounces out for a 2 (which ties) or a 3 (which wins)... Maybe they get the ball back and get fouled, in either situation and they miss one or two and the Lakers get the ball back and can tie or win it with a shot... Too many variables... Let Kobe shoot, he misses...Pistons win. He makes it, overtime...Pistons D vs. 5 fouls on Kobe and Shaq. Let Shaq dunk, Pistons still up by 1 with the ball. I think LB quarterbacked that as best he could. You can't diagram plays to stop what Kobe did. If you could, you wouldn't hear about those incredible shots over and over again.
  18. I've read this before: Quote: Similarly, a team can't act like they're under the cap and sign free agents using cap room, and then use their Disabled Player, $1 Million, Mid-Level and/or Traded Player exceptions. Are they saying that you can't use an exception to exceed the salary cap? Then what is the point of an exception? Because here they say: Quote: For example, assume the cap is $42.5 million, and a team has $36 million committed to salaries. They also have a mid-level exception for $4.5 million and a traded player exception for $5 million. Even though their salaries put them $6.5 million under the cap, their exceptions are added to their salaries, putting them at $45.5 million, or $3 million over the cap. So they actually have no cap room to sign free agents, and must instead use an exception. Exceptions are added to the existing salary putting the team over the cap, and there is no cap room available to sign a FA - so they must use an exception. Quote: If a team is already over the cap, then the exceptions are not added to their team salary. There would be no point in doing this, since there is no cap room for signing free agents. When they were discussing adding (and increasing the amounts of) exceptions to the CBA, what I got from it was that they wanted teams - who were capped out - to have the flexibility to add talent to their team. Like GP and Malone to the capped out Lakers. If we absorb Hill's contract, in the example above, we're 5 million under the cap. It's either use that or the 4.5 MLE. Either way, we are right at the salary cap. So what if we sign a free agent using our cap space. and we are right at the salary cap. The exception allows you to work beyond the cap, that is the purpose, so why couldn't we then offer an MLE to someone? Makes no sense, because on one hand they are saying that you can't use the exceptions to exceed the cap, on the other hand, they are saying that the exception allows you to work beyond the cap... What is to stop a team from using it's available cap space, to get capped out, then use an exception? Either way, what I'm looking at is adding two top of the NBA draft prospects to our roster. IF they are expected to pan out as the future of the franchise, then they are worth taking a max contract for. I'm not sure what this draft class more closely represents. Nobody knows what it will actually look like until YEARS later. Last year was supposed to be a 3 horse race - with only one guy that was ready to help a team immediately; and LeBron wasn't supposed to be THAT good. Uh...I think it's safe to say now that there were more NBA ready guys than that. People say the same thing EVERY year when there are no sure things like Yao, Shaq, or LeBron. So you can't really go by that. It has to be evaluated team by team by the player(s) that they want to bring in. The NBA draft is different from every other major sport because YOU KNOW where the stars are coming from. 1 through 13...and there ain't no way around it. People make bad picks, some people have a better eye for talent, but in the end...Kobes, McGradys, Melos, Kidds, Jordans, Barkley's VERY VERY RARELY slip past 13. It just doesn't happen. Some years there are 2 or 3 in there, some years there are 6 or 7... But that is where the leagues premier talent is and if you see something you like and you can reach into that cookie jar twice...you gotta go for it. I don't know enough about any of these guys to say that either is worth taking Hill for...but I would for a combination Howard and one of about 5 other guys in this draft. I believe this will be a draft closer to 98. Not in the overall depth of talent per se, but in the way that good talent is spread out.
  19. That's it. He's not arrogant. He's just lived a quiet, disciplined, sheltered, honest life. He's young and feels like he's the biggest thing in the world right now. He's selling himself and he's selling God - but his mind isn't matured or worldly experienced. ...and there is probably a great deal of influence from people telling him what he should say.
  20. 1. The Joker Hands down, no contest here. 2. Unicron (Orson Wells) in Transformers the Movie. "For a time, I considered sparing the wretched little planet Cybertron. Now... You shall witness... Its DISMEMBERMENT!!!" 3. Denzel Washington in Training Day "I'm surgical wit' dis bitch!" 4. Jason. I've always liked Jason. But I actually found a new level of respect for him in Jason Vs. Freddy. 5. Agent Smith Annoying, ruthless, powerful, you name it...that @sshole has got it. I would have listed Kruger, but that som'biotch scared me too bad when I was a kid. James Woods and Christopher Walken pretty much make good bad guys no matter what movie they're in. Even when they're not playing antagonistic roles. Kiefer Southerland gets an honorable mention for the sniper in Phone Booth.
  21. I'm not a big fan these days. I catch it every once in awhile, it's just to "made for TV" now with a stronger emphasis on Wrestling's drama (soap) aspect. Matches are way to predictable and there are no bad guys that just whoop the sh#t out of people. I've watched wrestling since the early-mid 80's. I haven't enjoyed anyone as much as I enjoyed the Rock WHEN HE WAS UNPOPULAR. He was the people's champ, but nobody liked him...and he just kept talkin' sh#t! *LOL* One of the funniest things I have EVER seen is when The Rock gave the members of the nation solid gold watches, but gave Farooq that big-@ss picture of himself.
  22. First, I wouldn't include J.Howard's contract in this deal too. That would be too much salary to take back. So we would have that extra 5.5 million, plus the MCE. Secondly, we'd have these two prospects at PF and SG/PG. There really isn't a pressing need to go after anyone, but we'd still have a some flexibility to do so this off season. Maybe we can't go after a max guy, but who is worth the max this offseason that we are realistically able to lure? And anything else is comparable potential to what we could pick up with the #1 and #6. Hendu and Crawford give us 10+ million in relief the following year, and if we don't waste money on nickle and dime FA's this year...then we could likely offer a max deal to someone then. Again, if they are willing to play for us... Regardless, it'll take at least 2 - 3 years before we are ready to compete. By then, Hill's contract will have either been picked up by insurance or expired. The only real risk here is whether or not the #1 and #6 can turn out to be special. I don't have that kind of scouting ability, but I'll tell you right now, if this were 1998...with the 1 and 6 you could get any two of these guys: 1. LA Clippers - Michael Olowokandi Pacific 2. Vancouver - Mike Bibby Arizona 3. Denver - Raef LaFrentz Kansas 4. Toronto - Antawn Jamison North Carolina 5. Golden State - Vince Carter North Carolina 6. Dallas - Robert Traylor Michigan 7. Sacramento - Jason Williams Florida 8. Philadelphia - Larry Hughes Saint Louis 9. Milwaukee - Dirk Nowitzki DJK Wurzburg (Germany) 10. Boston - Paul Pierce Kansas If I'm Billy Knight and I see this kind of potential out there, I go for it. I wouldn't turn away from that kind of chance simply because it eats up cap space; and in fact, teams have inquired about us taking contracts off their hands: Quote: Knight said he has spoken with every team in the league about a possible deal since the draft lottery. He isn't just looking to move up; teams have contacted the Hawks hoping they can dump salary. "Remember, we have cap space, too," Knight said, smiling If Knight pulls a ballsy move like this, I will not complain. It means he has found the future of our franchise. And that is worth taking on a max contract. I'm not worried about next season, I'm looking at 3 or 4 years down the road. Hill would not be a factor then.
  23. I'm happy because it could be a series now. I wanted to say that before - because of Detroit's defense and the addition of Rasheed Wallace; but, I just thought there would be no way to hold LA under 80 points. That's the only way the Pistons are going to win this thing. But I don't see them getting 4 games like that out of the Lakers. I fully expect the rest of the Lakers to step up...especially Malone. He'll come out swinging next game.
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