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Everything posted by tmac13

  1. What killed us was Seattle getting all those offensive rebounds late in the game and in the overtimes. I thought Shelson should have been on the floor to help Horford on the boards. Chillz and JJ would have been fine running the point.
  2. tmac13

    JJ's Defense?

    Is it just me or is JJ getting lit up on a regular basis? JJ' offense has been excellent but when his man is also having a huge game it seems to give us dimishing returns. Richardson and Wilkins the last 2 games have pretty much matched JJ's production. Maybe Woody needs to adjust and get Marvin more shots on offense(he had only 13 or 14 last night) so JJ doesn't expend so much energy with his countless one on one offensive plays.
  3. I think the 1st rounder we got from the JT trade was the 17 we used to get Smoove..
  4. Yes, you are right. He attacked the basket like it was a bag of weed! I wish we had him back.
  5. Smoove questionable for friday. Acie doubtful. Neither appears to be very serious.
  6. My heart says no since I have been pulling for this team to win for over 30 years, however as Mr. Spock would say..To lose one is better than to lose many...
  7. If we lose to the Bobcats at home on their 2nd game of a back to back its time for Woody to go. These are the games that we have consistantly fell short on during Woody's tenure. Charlotte has a ton of injuries and is no more talented than the Hawks so there is no excuse to come out flat. Anything less than a win will just be the perfect example of Woody's ineffectiveness as a head coach.
  8. Smith is a 4th year player and Horford is a rookie.
  9. Philly and Toronto come to mind immediately. Philly would love to move Millers salary for a yound talent like Smoove and in turn we could send Speedy Recovery back to help offset the money. Toronto has Ford and Calderon and would be nasty with a Smoove, Bosh, and Bargnani frontcourt.
  10. Smoove has been my favorite Hawks player since the moment we drafted him but here are a few facts that can't be overlooked. Smoove is the ultimate tweener..He doesn't have the shot or the handles to be an effective small forward. He doesn't have the needed size or mindset to be a great power forward. While he denies the reports of attitude problems, where there is so much smoke ther has to be some fire. Smoove is a turnover machine. Horford, Sheldon, and Zaza make a pretty good 4/5 rotation giving us rebounding and bulk. Marvin is developing into a very good classic 3 with a nice stroke and decent handles and defense. Chillz is a very effective backup at the 2/3 spots. Smoove is now in his 4th season and he still plays out of control making one boneheaded play after another. The flip side is he tantalizes everyone with his sheer talent and athletic ability. Smoove is going to cost a very large contract to keep. Trading Smoove along with some garbage could net us the real point guard we need along with some depth or draft picks. Is it time to trade talent for the sake of improving the team?
  11. The most important cog in a good running team is a point guard to push the tempo and get the ball to your athletes. The Hawks are missing that piece. We run against teams that also run because the other team always dictates the Hawks tempo. We play well against running teams and become stagnant against strong halfcourt teams like New Jersey or Boston. It may be close to the point where we have to give up one of our flyers to get a strong veteran point guard so we can play our game as opposed to being along for the ride.
  12. We are still a very young team playing on the road. Boston may have the best starting lineup that has been seen in the east in several years. Garnett is on a mission and he is playing MVP caliber ball. The Hawks are looking to be in the playoffs, barring injury Boston could win the championship. Those things being said Boston fans should give kudos to Danny Ainge. The Celts are one of the best offensively balanced teams I have watched in a long time. The won't have a long run but they may very well steal a championship or 2 before they are through. Even the complimentary pieces are perfect fits for their big 3. We simply got beat by a much older much better team.
  13. Yep, watching the Suns games the other night made me think the same thing. At one point we had JJ, Chillz, Marvin, Smoove, and Horford on the court at the same time. No matter what defensive switches had to be made we still had someone 6'8" or bigger with the quickness to handle it. Chillz even guarded to post for an extended period with no bad results. Its a given that the Suns are a small team so that may not work on everyone but it was still great to see.
  14. Every year teams that are basically capped out manuever under the cap far enough to grab a prime free agents. We have all witnessed it to many times before to discount that possibility.
  15. I agree completely. If Smoove was more disiplined he would be hands down the best defensive player in the NBA. He is the only player I have ever watched that has the god-given ability to guard all 5 positions on the court at any given time.His combination of size, quickness, hops, and natural shot blocking ability is unmatched in the league.
  16. The question that would be bothering me if I was BK is how do 2 chronically bad kness get by your team doctors during the physical? These problems had to pre-exist his short time with the Hawks. We all knew he had past knee issues but nothing near the point that he may never play again.
  17. If Smoove ends up averaging 18/10 with 3 or 4 blocks a game based on his age and potential he might very well get some near max offers. He is putting up tremendous stats even with his frequent mental lapses. If he ever matures as a player he could be a full blown superstar and many teams could be willing to pay the price.
  18. The Hawks have beat 2 very good teams at home and lost to 2 good teams on the road. I realize that is stating the obvious but winning at home is the first step any young team takes as they are turning the corner to respectability. We shouldn't get upset about the road loses simply because that is expected in the NBA. Winning against good competition at home is a sign of the progress of this young team. We need at least 25 to 28 home wins and hope to steal 13 to 15 on the road and we will be a playoff team.
  19. The Marvin pick will never be a disaster. He looks to be rounding out to the 20 point a game scorer that he was projected to be. The part that hurts is that we passed up 2 allstar caliber point guards when that was our glaring weakness then and now. A great point guard is almost always more valuable than an allstar small forward. All and all BK has made his fair share of blunders and found his fair share of gems. How Acie and Horford develope will go along way in determining BK's legacy as the Hawks GM.
  20. In my opinion Smoove needs to play the garbage player role ala Dennis Rodman. Smoove has a below average shot and below average handles but can change games with his athletisism, defense and rebounding. I am not saying he could be the rebounder Rodman was but use the same approach by playing near the basket offensively and stay away from the 3 point line or trying to lead breaks.
  21. I agree, Sheldon did a great job defensively and on the boards.
  22. Sheldon bullied Diop around the basket and got every big rebound from him. If people didn't know Sheldons height he would be valued as a tough young center. He plays much better at the 5 spot as opposed to the 4.
  23. Your starting 5 is the same as mine. I suspect we will also see quite a bit of a Sheldon/ Horford/ Smoove frontcourt as rebounding and defense will be a premium. Those 3 on the court at the same time will clean up the boards.
  24. He excels at being tall and being moderately athletic. He has no basketball IQ and at 27 is past project status. Solo is already better and is 4 years younger.
  25. Not debating Francis positives and negatives but is there any doubt he could help a team more than Salim if he came at the minimum?
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