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Everything posted by aznsensation

  1. Look like I missed an entertaining game. Can't wait to get back to Atl to start watching some games.
  2. Quote: What ties to Atlanta? That was Jon and Drew Barry. I consider that somewhat having ties to Atlanta.
  3. aznsensation

    J Rich

    Glad to hear some good reviews of our bench. I've been over seas for about a month now so I couldn't watch the games. I thought we wouldn't have a bench at all when we traded away Lue, AJ and Shell.
  4. He's has ties in Atlanta but I still doubt he would sign with the Hawks.
  5. Already up shts creek....yeah we should sign either one of them.
  6. Man I gotta tell ya. Beginning of the year some of us including me thought 40-45 wins was realistic. And now we're talking about 37, 35 wins. Man what a letdown.
  7. If we make the playoffs at least I feel better about not giving up a lottery pick to Phoenix. lolz
  8. LOL...Yeah I saw that too. Definitely slept well after seeing that.
  9. Quote: Cats up 3 with 4.6 left. Very high scoring game. There you go the Bobcats just provided the gameplan.
  10. Look like majority on this thread is on board in giving up Shelden or Zaza for Noah. Maybe you should do a poll on another thread and see what people vote. I for one don't think its a bad idea to have Noah. I'm certain Horford wouldn't mind either.
  11. Hey Coach.....its all good. I'm sorry that I cannot make it to the game tonight. My sister wanted to take a friend so I'm going to give her my ticket. Good luck with everything.
  12. Quote: I got two in Section 121 Row A. Thanks for the post, looks like I'll be sitting near coachx. I'll be up in the VIP seats. Maybe i'll come down and say hi for old time sakes...hehehehe
  13. Awesome!!!! Though I thought you were married.
  14. I got VIP seats for this game. Me and my sister will be attending this one. Too bad this deal is not for a different game.
  15. LOLZ......I can't sleep man. Gotta wake up at 5am but i'm at an all time high with this win tonight.
  16. Wasn't the Orlando fans confident too? In their forum they thought they were going to blow us out of the arena. I'm not as confident as these Wizard fans are but I do like our chances.
  17. The Wizards, with their 7 game home win streak against Atlanta in jeopardy, they have decided to ask Michael to be in the lineup.
  18. Our transition offense is better definitely. Last year we'd probably miss half our layups and dunks. Defense does start lots of offense but what happens when we need to trade basket for basket or when were in a half court game? I do see some improvement from last year though and hoping it will continue.
  19. Hmmm...where do I start? Well, image source and then the link to the site won't work. What you have to do is upload the pics to a server like photobucket or something. I have my own server so I don't have to use it. Once you upload the pictures than you can use the image source coding or if you use photobucket just copy the html code to your post and wholla. I know I'm not very good at explaining but I hope this help otherwise other Hawksquawker can help too! holla!
  20. You have got to be kidding me. That game was the most lopsided foul calls against us I can remember in recent years. If anyone should be complaining it should be us. It is the scorer table's fault for messing up foul count but the 10 or so fouls on the us that were no calls and all the phantom calls against us.
  21. Lolz...Too funny! The Tuna, Bobby Petrino taking over the top spot.
  22. Defense is an improvement over last year and I think Horford is a major reason why. He is a considerable upgrade over Zaza. However, I think Diesel nail it on the head with this one. Our offense sometimes have no direction. I don't know if thats because Woody absolutely have no offenseive gameplan or because like how Diesel said it...we need a consistent offense. Where do we lay the blame? Woody, the players or BK?
  23. Nice work! Could use some more graphics but I don't know if it will take away from the nice, sleek, and clean look you have so far.
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