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Everything posted by deester11

  1. Gray...I love your eternally young optimism...but this reeks of drinking the kool aid...
  2. Agree but that's the point. Every single deadline.."Watch out for the Hawks...,""they're interested in...,""deal discussed.."...yada..yada. They are full of ish. Then we wait until the summer and settle for pennies on the dollar because someone screams "taxes." Like you said it's a cycle. As much as Jeff irritates me with the "I won't get upset about hypothetical trades," he's not wrong. It's just...damn..for once, will things break right? I'm positive it won't. Lol
  3. Yep..I love our insiders because they give us as much as possible, but I'm beginning to think the FO feeds bs for engagement purposes only. The deadline always comes in with a bang...out with a whimper.
  4. You guys get well soon and stay well. Hawks gonna Hawk. . Stay away from Dr Nick.
  5. Sigh..an athletic..hungry team. I'm loving it...but no. No Bogi....This is a family friendly site, so..just no. Lol
  6. Man..we ain't watching the same damn player. He put it on the floor, it's going the other way. Lmao..what you watching?? Ugh
  7. You really think the sole focus of venom is Garrison? He's not. We can all acknowledge the many deficiencies of each player if we so choose. That said, the argument for me is Garrison would be better served in the 12th spot, not the 9th. Perhaps the circumstances dictate his minutes, but it is what it is. I can go down the list. But I stopped at him because...well...if he's getting more minutes, I don't think it's a good thing. That's my opinion. And that would be the best defense he ever played.
  8. So does this merit more minutes..or less? I'm not seeing that's he's a difference maker one way or the other. Of course..when Hunter is back, does that alter the need to play Matthews the same amount of minutes. It could and should be a moot point.
  9. Preach. Good lord. Say one thing bad about a player and they got someone coming to their defense. Jeff!! The post above is spot on. Aimlessly flailing Jeff
  10. For what? Ain't enough young players to pass out Gatorade? We got Garrison freaking Matthew's...why the heck would Quinn add anyone who can play to mix. Screw that!
  11. I keep saying this. I believe it.
  12. You keep saying this. We get it. But if I want to poo poo...bytch, whine and complain, I'll do so. Thank you very much. The Hawks have given me PTSD. 2 military services didn't .
  13. While I agree, I contend that the Hawks will not get KAT. I just don't see this FO being competent enough to pull it off considering we don't know what the vision is for this team. I've heard the hypothetical thoughts and they SOUND good. But the Hawks are always the bridesmaids...never the bride. I guess we will see. I think this is who we add:
  14. If DJM is becoming a cancer you gotta cut it out. But someone in his camp should tell him to stfu. I get it. He's unhappy...but this ain't it. If I'm Landry, I tell him you'll get your wish...under our terms. Don't like it. Don't play.
  15. Lmao...I'm in. But first...the Resslers need this :
  16. [M]any of us are basketball lifers. I played, coached all sports my entire life. Up until recently I posted here and there. But to see others talk down to other people about their knowledge of ball is...inherently stupid. You can disagree with what player is this or that, but at the end of the day I'm not, you're not and no one else on this board has control over Hawk decisions. If it were MY decision, the construction of this team would look different. I'm admittedly a Hunter detractor..hater..whatever you call it. I see value in his being a big wing. Defense. Ok if that's your argument. But it's 5 years in and I'm hearing the same things about him. He doesn't do it for me. Sorry if that's not KNOWING basketball. He's not the issue though. I'll say that.
  17. That man truly loved his teams. Some were atrocious but he never lacked for trying. Something this bumazz owner has done.... Is half heartedly try.
  18. Lmao. People can not like Hunter and still see he has SOME value.
  19. This has become a joke azz laughing stock of a team. I don't agree with a Damn thing they've done or are doing. If that DJM tweet is right, it's a bad look for all involved. The Pistons are the only team saving us from sheer ineptitude. Can't fire the owner. This feels as bad as the Atlanta Spirit Ownership group. Yet, they have a better winning percentage than the Ressler led group. Smdh
  20. I don't either but if this front office is interested a bunch of crap for DJM, READ THIS NICK : You're the worse. You don't know construction of a good team. Yall don't wanna win. And lastly, you suck at NBA2K. We're watching Nick. You bet yo sweet azz we are.
  21. Wait...Supes...Bey will fetch a first, but we're begging teams to give 2 bad firsts and an expiring contract for DJM? What bizarro world is this?
  22. I'd rather we leave politics away from sports and religion. But here we are. That said..free speech is saying the Hawks and their FO can suck a mean bag of hot dogs. They stink.
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