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Everything posted by JTFan31

  1. Does anyone know what channel is that on Directv? Because I dont think I get "the last word"
  2. Oh I would of rather have him over DD anyday, especially this year because we will be making a run to the playoffs and possibly championship. I always liked McInnis, me being a big Tarheels fan, he was a great player in college. He really became a very good PG in this league and was a great part of the clippers run last year.
  3. My conclusion and I'm sure alot of people here feel the same way is not really pay attention to these people, because in reality all they talk about is negativity. These so called "experts" and "insiders" really dont see what we see night in and night out. I understand that they have to follow all 29 NBA teams. All I ask is for them to be accurate in their assumptions and judgements about players and teams, because honestly it pisses us fans, players and managements off. IMO most of these insiders and analyst are going with what just one analyst have said before and they stick together like glue, they keep repeating the same thing and over and over again. For anyone to say that JT is not a true PG or that Dickau is a better PG than JT is totally ridiculous. The only reason they say JT is really a SG was because he was moved to SG his 2nd season. If Kruger would of never moved JT to SG, I guarantee they wouldnt of been calling JT a SG. He gets no respect whatsoever until this year, this is the year JT has to prove everyone wrong, he has the talent, skills, work ethic and especially heart to be an allstar PG. This kid is just one of the most honorable individuals in this league and he demonstrates it every single day and I wouldnt trade him for anything.
  4. Pretty good article, I would of love to see more of him commenting about coming to Atlanta, but he did mention he is very happy to come to an organization who wants to win and is an up and coming team. He does sound very hurt from being traded from the Bucks, because he leaves ties behind in Milwaukee, he did admit that he will never make a mistake like his domestic violence again. I like this guy alot, he admits when he is wrong and it sounds to me he is very straight forward and honest and has nothing to hide. Good Job, Glenn.
  5. http://www.suntimes.com/output/banks/cst-spt-banx09.html
  6. Maybe not a force, but he is defnitely a steal, I see him more like a Brian Grant type of player, thats one hell of a steal to me.
  7. Hi Chad, I just wanted to comment you about that article you had on ESPN about the Hawks. The five steps to make the Hawks better. First off how can you say that with Terry we can't win, because he is not a true point guard....didn't you see what he did the last 50 games of the season.....I forgot you dont watch Hawk games, right? How do you figure that Dickau can take us there and not JT. First off Dickau shouldnt be mentioned in the same sentence as Terry. Secondly, Dickau is just a rookie that hasn't even played one minute in the NBA, how can you make that assumption, I think it was totally clueless in your part. Basically in that article you insulted pratically everyone that has something to do with the Hawks, especially Jason Terry. I'm sure he reads all that stuff that is written about him and i'm sure he doesnt appreciate it by having one say that a rookie can do a much better job than him as a PG. Knowing the way Terry is and watching him play in the last 3 years, that will only bring fire to his eyes and take it upon proving everyone wrong. In closing I just like to say that before you make judgements and assumptions remark about our team and any other team, you should actually sit down for a couple of games and watch some of them. Obviously you are not and you are getting the same info as the other insiders and analyst, that basically no nothing also. Guys if we can get more comments on here so Dolfan can email this to Chad Ford. Like that we can show this guy how we really feel. Remember none of these so called "experts" have anything above us, because as far as I am concern we are the ones sitting in the games or at home watching night in and night out our Hawks.
  8. By any chance do you know Chad Ford's email address? By the way man, I really enjoyed the last article, IMO it was the best one I have read. I thank you for being also another JT supporter, since you know alot about the game and always near the Hawks and players, seem to me that you know what you are talking about. It makes me feel right about the way I feel about JT. Thank you
  9. Is that their title "experts"? It sure doesnt look like it to me, these guys make no sense in the regular basis. And from this day forward I would just read what they say and just make myself laugh, because everything I always hear from them is nonsense. First off they show no respect to JT, and for us to read that and see that they actually think that Dickau is the better PG, make us think that these so called "experts" are totally clueless. I have had it with these guys. Saying that about JT, a proven player in this league.....insults us, JT and hawks management. But they turn around and call Dickau the better PG. I dont hate the kid, but what I do hate is the comparison that they give him with Stockton and the status that they are giving him over JT. If i was this bad at my job, I would of been fired by now.....maybe I should work for ESPN and I would probably get bonuses when the Hawks are rolling and Terry is just looking like an allstar PG, because I will be praising him left and right. Second thing that they do is put down our team. I mean just look at our present roster, and we definitely have one of the elite teams in the East. On paper we are the most dangerous one. But no they keep trashing our team day in and day out and I have had it. I just have one more thign to say, I will email this Chard Ford guy and have him have it, just like he does to our hawks. "Whats good goose is good for the gambler" (not sure if I typed it correctly, but feel free to correct me on that phrase).
  10. Atually I think we have a very experienced bench with a mix of veterans and young fellas. All these guys can do a bit of everything, Hendu can bang inside and can do his scoring......lets admit it, Hendu is one of the leagues top BU PF's. Crawford can play pretty D and can really drive to the hole and plays with great intensity. Newbie ( if we sign him) I love this guy, hard worker, intensed and gets the garbage points. Dion , can score in bunches, he just needs to pick up his defense. Nazr can step in, into any NBA team and be a starter, that says it all. Last but not least, The Rookie, he can be somewhat effective this year and he will provide some outside shooting. I think we have a very effective bench and pretty damn good too. We can definitely win with this bench if we stay healthy. As for Chad Ford, Have you ever watched hawks basketball? I doubt it.
  11. again back to the point that ARR pointed out, Gonzaga played in a $hitty conference unlike Georgia tech has to play in the ACC and California plays in PAC - 10 ACC - Clemson, Duke, UNC, Georgia Tech, Maryland, NC Sate, FSU, Virginia and Wake Forest. PAC -10 - Arizona, Arizona St., California, Oregon, Oregon ST., Stanford, UCLA, USC, Washington, & Washington St. Now those are top level teams right across the board, these are all big time schools with excellent basketball programs with Hall of Fame coaches. California and Georgia Tech had to play each of thos team 2 times, wow and you expect them to make the elite team of 64, with the level of competition that their respected conferences have. Now lets look at Gonzaga's competition in the conference, which is basically none. Buts lets have a look. West Coast Conference - Gonzaga, Loyola marymount (Bo Kimble was awesome there and was nothing in the NBA), Pepperdine, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Clara, St. Mary's (CA). Lets look at those teams, they probably have not even one guy drafted from any of those schools and only Dickau was the only draftee. From the ACC and PAC 10 you have guys drafted year in and year out, not just 1 guy , but quite a few just in the 1st round. In other words Dickau's competition in college was basically none and nonexistent.
  12. Good point ARR, do the kings have a message board, I sure want that address so i can be laughing when Webber will be watching the games with Bubba in the prison Lobby. Then we will be playing in June and Webber will be saying " damn I should of told the truth" You better hope your little superstar player there gets lucky and dont get any jail time.
  13. I Just repeated what someone else said, calling him the great white hope, and IMO he is no hope. BTW I'm white so is not about race to me, partner. It just lights me up of all theignorance that people have, still calling JT a SG and Dickau being a better PG, which is totally clueless, then we have this Kings fan (dimes4life) saying the same thing, thinking he really does believe Dickau is better than JT. IMO like I have said before Dickau shouldnt be mentioned in the same sentence as JT. JT is a superstar in the making and he hasnt hit his prime yet, damn thats scary.
  14. and what was that? Is not being on JT's jock, kiddo, is just defending JT that he is a very good PG now and will only get better. The guy is a proven player and will be an allstar in this league and IMO Dickau hasnt proven anything and hasnt impress me one bit, yet JT impresses everyone on here except for dumb Kings fans that want to just start some rumbling in here, saying that Dickau is the better PG. When Dickau can do what JT has done then I'll consider it. Is the same thing as if we compare JT to J. kidd, no comparison, J. Kidd is the best at his position, and saying Dickau in the same sentence as JT is totally clueless.
  15. First we arent talking about me playing basketball and if I know how to play the game, but if you wanna go there, we can. I aint gonna brag about my game, but one thing for sure I will use you like a rag doll. Why dont you keep talking ahit about your great white hope Dickau, because until he proves me wrong then you talk, but dont be saying that a rookie will take JT's job, JT is just not anyone, he is a proven player in this league and a rising allstar and one more thing, Terry will light up Bibby and Dickau like a christmas tree.
  16. You also make no sense, with all the rumors that have been going around, little did they know that the last 2 major trades were gonna down and you sit there and say these guys are great analyst.......yea right. First of, they know jack $hit about the Hawks, Kruger has stated that JT is the starting PG, final. These same analyst are saying that the Hawks arent gonna make the playoffs, who are they to say that they are not, and yet who are we to say that they are, but one thing for sure on paper the Hawks look like one of the top 3 teams in East, and maybe the most dangerous one. The same way these ESPN no nothing said that Bobby Hurley is Sacramento's PG of the future and Antonio Daniels is a rare talent at the point and the Grizzlies PG of the future and what happened both of them failed. Is not Easy to be a good player in this league, year in and year out they all say that this draft class is deep and every player in the lottery are rare talents, but the truth of the matter is only half of that become rare talent and other half just stink it up. Nevertheless you think a 28th pick, barely a 1st rounder will become a superstar? I dont think so. JT is slowly becoming a star in this league and he hasnt even yet hit his prime, just wait till he does. If Babs really thought that Dickau was a rare talent he would of shipped Terry already, but he knows that Danny boy wont be anything near what JT has to offer.
  17. Only one thing was asked about the Hawks. I figured only to pst what we are really most interested about and that is the Hawks. Here is the question and answer, but of course we all know what to expect from an ESPN analyst. Jim (New Orleans): Hey Chad, what are the hawks going to do at the point? i thought they had given up on terry as a 1? is dickau goint to start, if then do they trade terry? Chad Ford: It's a problem. The team will have a tough time playing Dickau and Terry together. Given that Terry has struggled and Dickau looks like the point guard of the future, a trade makes sense. The Hawks, however, insist that they aren't shopping him.
  18. high sock players. Not many players in the league wear their socks high. Now the Hawks have 2, JT and Big Dog. Big Dog never wore a head band in Milwaukee maybe that will rub down on him, because JT, DJ, Ira (if signed) wears them.
  19. The Nets yesterday became even better with Mutombo. They get one of the most intimidating centers in the league and one of the top shot blockers. The East is getting so much better now and it wont be as weak as people might think. Celtics, Hawks and Nets upgraded their teams big time and IMO those 3 as of right now ar ethe favorites in the East. Even though 2 of these trades were between East teams, but I believe that Mutombo and Big Dog will fit better with their new squad rather than the old one. If the Payton deal goes down, him going to the Bucks, then the Bucks also become a legit playoff team. Folks the East just got so much better in the last couple of weeks and I feel that 3 of these teams can give the Lakers and Kings a run for their money. Most dangerous team in the East IMO has to be the Hawks, they have 3......20 point scorers and they can light up any team......any night. I didnt want to sound bias, but I d believe the Hawks are the most dangerous team in the East as of right now.
  20. I wanna see dimes4life around here in mid January with NO Chris Webber and losing games, while atlanta is winning left and right. He is just bragging about his Kings because they were one of the best teams last season, so he just wants to act like he is number 1, and we have to kiss his feet because his Kings were one of the best last season. Is that why you are here kiddo? By the way JT will be bustin up Dickau in training camp, remember they will go head to head and JT has points to prove to the media and everyone else. That he is a PG and he is the starting PG of the Atlanta Hawks and no rookie is comign in here to take my spot. BTW is Jordan wanted Dickau, Wizards would of drafted him ok smarta$$.
  21. The same way Jordan really has the final say for the Wizards he also had the final say back in the Chicago days. Traceman made a great point, what Jordays says goes. Jordan wanted Kwame Brown and he got Kwame Brown, he knew he was gonna play that season and so did everyone in the Wizards management, but it was Jordan's call. I dont Hate Dickau, I mean I'm pretty glad we got the kid, but just dont include Dickau in the same sentence as JT, because right now JT is being considered as an up and coming star in this league and to say something like that it takes alot of skills and basketball knowledge. Dickau can be good, but definitely will not be great. Why didnt the teams with PG needed help get Dickau, make you figure why. I can name so many teams right now that needed a PG, why didnt they get Dickau, heck they saw something that didnt really convince them about Dickau. We will just have to wait till training camp when JT is just busting up Dan. p.s. Dont the Kings have a messageboard for the fans, or did they just deleted it because Webber will be spending a couple of years in jail, and they will be going back to the lottery.
  22. Thats a great damn point, Jerrywest. Better point than that havent been seen. Dickau was available and why didnt Jazz take, Stockton only has about 2 years left max, thats pushing it, he could of taken him under his wings and teach him everything and more and it didnt happen, they turn around and take Ryan humphrey which in my mind seems like another bust.
  23. I doubt that will seriously happen. JT is not that type of player, you have the wrong picture about him. You wanna take your game after Dickau, you should take it after Bibby or JT, because Dickau will be another bust, thats guaranteed. This team will be more than alright, Reef loves Atlanta and so does JT, they dont demand the ball ala Iverson, JT will just love distributing the ball and now he has another 20 pt scorer in his squad. Hawks will have 2.....20 pt scorers, JT most likely will avg anywhere between 8-9 apg unlike Bibby that had 2......20 pt scorer and only mustered 5.0 apg.
  24. Yea the same analyst that say Dickau is a better PG than JT right? and the same analyst that say that Atlanta still might not even make the playoffs. Those analysts suck and know jack $hit about Hawks basketball, especially when they keep saying that JT is not a PG. Dumba$$es.
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