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Everything posted by Final_quest

  1. Nationally no one is even hinting we might take Clingan. Sarr seems like a lock. Also, Sarr/JJ/OO only works on defense. Need at least one perimeter threat on offense. Don’t see this trio working honestly.
  2. To add to the wild assertions that Evan Sidery might pick up on post on Twitter: Could it also be that Trae is not gonna be the Hawk's hype man until they show him they're serious about getting him some help?
  3. For now I believe our FO will select him, and I'm sold that he's the right pick. Waiting for actual news to contradict that is our direction.
  4. So many good things we COULD be talking about. If we take Sarr, how could he best fit with Trae and JJ going forward? What does it change about roster reconstruction priorities? Would the rumored Ingram deal still be worthwhile with the addition of Sarr? If there is a play for Giannis do we leverage the #1 pick to trade for him? Main thing that I see with taking Sarr is we still need shooters and POA defenders. Sarr also doesn't solve all of our needs in the front court particularly defensively. He can handle weak side support and switching, but what's he gonna do when he has to cover Embiid or Jokic?
  5. I do think there are messages at times in the Young's social media presence. The reaction or lack of reaction could be nothing...but it's still something to mention and keep an eye on.
  6. This franchise is always a personality disorder, but these past couple years have been a sinister brand of rising and falling actions. Like if you're child became a celebrity and a few months later started a phase of multiple rehabs while still pursuing their next big acting job.
  7. We are a walking histrionic personality disorder around here.
  8. No reaction from Trae yet. It's a bit puzzling.
  9. I'm happy. Lots to digest, but just happy to be in this position.
  10. Simple answer is Collins has no value with that contract. He was barely able to make outside shots the last year he played with us. Ingram is capable of being a primary focal point of an offense. Utah would trade Collins in a heart beat if they could get a decent return. Not being an "insider" I can't say for sure, but it's safe to say there are way more teams interested in Brandon Ingram than Collins. What we think individually doesn't matter. The league perceives Collins as a much lower tier player.
  11. Ingram may not be a high level POA defender like Herb Jones, but he provides other needs that are also difficult to find. All star three level scorer and good secondary facilitator. You can’t just gang up on Trae.
  12. I think in this case they need picks to trade for players. Jalen, Capela, and filler plus 4 picks for Giannis. Something like that.
  13. Options to get picks: Bufkin, AJ, Murray, OO, Bogi Could use the TPE to take on unwanted salary for a pick.
  14. It was all for nothing last year. Looking for a pay off this year.
  15. Looks like another summer of a lot of page refreshing. I’ve always tried to remind people in spite of his flaws Tony has pulled off bigger moves than any owner of the past 30 years. JJ for Giannis. Bring it.
  16. I’m warming up to Ingram. Hoping a better option emerges, but I think Trae and Ingram could be a much better fit than Murray.
  17. To me it doesn’t matter if someone suggested it or not. The main point is we got fewer ways to make impactful moves with our current situation. Bringing up a trade like Derrick White is like saying we’re counting an a miracle. It’s what all teams dream about pulling off. I always hope we make a killer move though. They could be on the roster already, Mo Gueye or Jalen.
  18. Again my analogy is every draft is perfect if you get the benefit of hindsight. That Derrick White trade was a top 10 trade of the past five years. Every GM is a genius if they get to look back and make all the right moves. Still none of that has anything to do with the notion that it's easy to reset your roster after you've spent up to the luxury line and you're a .500 team. Saying we should have traded for Derrick White two years ago somehow means any team can easily get out of that situation? It's not even related to the problem. Similarly many said we should have not signed Collins or Hunter, but I'm talking about how to make a shift after we did sign those players and trade for Murray. If we traded for White instead of Murray, we're in a completely different situation.
  19. Said on Brad Rowland’s pod by Glen Willis, Hawks went from 2nd on spot up efficiency in 2020-2021 to 29th in 2021-2022. They had the offense humming and that probably boosted the defense quite a bit. You make your shots and set your defense. Remember when Nate brought in his offensive scheme after the ECF? Oops. Trae had healthy Clint for PnR, and could kick out to Bogi, Gallo, and Huerter. Three volume shooters. JC was 38% or more as well. I still believe Trae can turn this around with the right guys.
  20. I’m not saying there’s no way to acquire players, but we’re a lot more limited. To the best of my knowledge we didn’t hear a rumor that OG for Murray was on the table. At the time Murray was looking pretty inefficient, could be Toronto had no interest in him. I think the entire league wishes they traded for Derrick White. But we can also fantasize about dream scenarios of drafting major contributors with late first round picks and 2nd rounders. I will say easy is the wrong word to use when talking about options to amend our roster after we spent on guys like JC, Clint, and Hunter who all had long contracts. Then we used the draft capital on Murray. Nothing has been easy after that. Possible to make some very impactful moves, but not easy. Our FO definitely missed on opportunities. JC for Markannen and picks! They are on the clock to right the ship.
  21. We got a lot of payroll committed. Only 3 teams have more than us going into 2025-2026. Jalen needs to get paid as well. Also Bey? If trading Murray isn't the answer, who is Capela, Dre, or Bogi gonna bring back in a trade? People seem to expect guys like Josh Hart.
  22. I agree with a lot of what you say. The reason I think Murray is the key trade is because he has the highest value. But trading Murray and keeping the other guys is not what I had in mind. Bogi is tradeable, but I think they might want to keep him as one of the top bench gunners in the league. If they do trade him, it will be for a similar useful role player that could start if needed. Hunter and Capela can be moved but only in a JC type of transaction. But I agree we can’t start both of them next year. I see at least one gone, most likely Capela. Murray ideally gets us a borderline all star, like Ingram. Just have to see if another option besides Ingram emerges. I do think the fit is not there with Murray and Trae. You make a good point I’ve been thinking about. We can’t win with Trae and a cast of role players.
  23. If the Hawks are lucky enough to move up, Clingan would be sweet. Edey is polarizing so depends on the Hawks FO take on him.
  24. We did not pull the right strings. Committed to the wrong pieces. Quickley was the prize for OG. He was a top FA going into next year. I don’t think Toronto will be happy they made that move, but at least they got a building block. Not sure who we had to offer that beats Quickley. Not AJ or even Bufkin, and we probably didn’t want to send Okongwu. One reason I was glad to trade Huerter was it gives us a first to trade for someone like Josh Hart or Derrick White. Huerter would be redundant for us with Bogi.
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