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Everything posted by pimp

  1. I dont think they would do it for MIA or Dallas. Because those games could be sellouts and they could make a little money for once.I was at the dallas game,and it was close to a sellout. I tried to go to a game vs Mia on the last home game of the season,but it was sold out.If they are gonna give discounts or free tickets ,it will most likely be against some team where they will want to try to fill seats in the half empty arena.(Raptors,jazz, bobcats, blazers ect)
  2. I wonder if there is a way that indiana could give us 2 million this year and 1 million in 2007?
  3. i voted for JJ, because he might be the best man-to man defender on the list.
  4. pimp

    New Hawks Picts!

    Quote: Thats pretty funny..Sheldon looks like he borrowed a jacket from his 64 year old uncle or something.. It does look like somebody's old Easter suit
  5. here are some of my favorites GoodFellas Raging Bull HollyWood Shuffle Scarface Rocky PulpFicton Kung Fu Hustle Dumbo The Good , the bad , and the ugly Bad news bears(the original) Godfather 1 and 2 House party Stir crazy Rasing Arizona
  6. So you would put Marvin on the bench and start Swift?? I don't see that happening.
  7. I dont think it's him.Mostly because Bernie said that it's someone that Hawks fans would think is a good player, because of what he's done the last 3-5 years.
  8. Some other names to think about. Kelvin Kato Scott Pollard Vin Baker Marc Jackson
  9. Quote: Quote: ...he could be a guy Billy is targeting. He fits what the Hawks need in a back up center for Zaza, and he's got a very manageable deal. So you pay your starter $4 Mil per season and your backup $10 mil per season? he was talking about Hunter.
  10. Andrew Lang and Duane Ferrell
  11. Quote: Pardon my not being totally clear on this but is Lazy Lo Lorenzen Wright? If he is then I can't believe we gave up two 1st's for him!! Holy crap that's terrible! I hadn't been a Hawks fan for too long at the time but I do remember acquiring him. How could we have given up that much for him? I think one of those picks turned out to be a #8 pick We could have had a chance to draft Amare or Wilcox, if there had been any lotto protection on that pick.
  12. Quote: It's WAAAAY early, but JJ is quickly becoming one of my all time favorite Hawks...! lol It's not too early for me.
  13. The guy only got 1.8 million over 2 years. They can still get AL.
  14. All Josh needs to do is you keep working with Larry Drew. It seems like everytime someone asked Josh about his improved play,Josh would always gives credit the Drew. Also Josh had a nice little jump-hook in his rookie season. I don't know why he doesn't use it anymore.
  15. Quote: maybewe're Lo Wright back oops... that's supposed to say "maybe we're bringing Lo back.
  16. maybewe're Lo Wright back
  17. Bk didn't try to avoid giving out big contracts.It's just that his offers were rejected( K-Mart/Damp)
  18. Quote: One of my favorite Josh Smith highlights was him stuffing KG while playing him heads up. Nothing cheap or weakside about that. You guys are selling Josh Smith short, IMO. I went to see that game.Kg faced up against josh and tried to beat him off the dribble for the dunk.Josh met him at the rim, and got all ball, but they called a foul because Kg is allstar
  19. Quote: Quote: Quote: I'm not sure who'll start, and I doubt Woody does either yet, but after summer leagues, my best bet is that we start Speedy/Lue JJ/Salim Marvin/Chill Smith/Shelden Zaza/?? [/indent] That's the linup I'm hoping we see. [/indent] I would be shocked, if that is not are starting lineup at the start of the season.
  20. I have never seen any coach, fuss and fight with his players through the media, as much as Larry Brown has.
  21. i see what your saying.But in the GAMES Josh seems alot quicker/ faster than Marvin.It's not just the dunks and blocks. It how quickly he gets up the floor to do all those things.
  22. j chill! I saw this Childress mix on youtube , so i thought that i would post it here too. chill it shouls work now
  23. No one is saying than Mwilliams is not athletic!! He is not like Doug Edwards or someone like that. It was just that in another thread some people were saying that Marvin = Josh in athletic abilty.I jost dont see it.
  24. Here is another Josh vid ( 5 minutes long)
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