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Everything posted by Packfill

  1. The reason why he was so available is because of an ugly contract.
  2. If nothing else, Childress comes across in interviews as someone with his head on straight, the type of guy you want on your team. Great attitude.
  3. I doubt we have the ammunition to acquire Kidd - at least without giving up one of this year's first rounders.
  4. I doubt nbadraft.net, draft city or Jay Bilas had any impact on when Josh Smith got drafted. They may have impacted what arm-chair GM's like us think of Smith's game, but that is it.
  5. Let's be honest here folks, Crawford is no better a point guard than Jason Terry. There is a reason why the Bulls have spent high picks on point guards despite the presence of Crawford on their roster. He may have some upside as a shooting guard because of his youth, but he does not shoot particularly well and does not play good defense. I think he is over rated.
  6. I just hope West isn't trying to bait someone else into giving him big money. I doubt Billy would fall for something like that though.
  7. I thought he was measured in Chicago at 6'8" (6'7" without shoes) and 220 pounds? Has he gown since June?
  8. He would just get in Josh Smith's way on his way down from a highlight dunk. Miles is still young and has potential but he is duplicative of what we already have, i.e., Childress, Diaw, J. Smith, D. Smith, etc. Better to spend the money on a vet point guard or big man.
  9. I don't get what you are upset about. Josh Smith hopefully will be better than Childress, I doubt anyone on this board or anywhere else will deny that Josh Smith has one of the biggest upsides of anyone in this draft. I think the reason he slipped was because he is still raw - which is not so much a crticism as it is a testament to the fact that he is 18 years old. I haven't really seen him play but by all accounts his game is not as well developed as Lebron's coming out of school, so to expect him to have a huge impact in his rookie year is a little shortsighted. Now he may go out and prove everyone wrong from the getgo and make an impact as a rookie - which would be great. But, he just as easily might sit on the bench ala Jermaine O'Neal and develop a few years down the road, or not at all. That is the risk you take with such a young player. And that risk (the risk that he does not develop) is the reason he was not drafted at 6, whereas Childress was - because his game is much further developed at this point in time. Childress is like a blue chip stock, you aren't going to make a ton of money on him put he will yield a solid return for years. Smith is like a biotech stock, you could retire on the money you make from your investment or have nothing to show for it. I think we are all excited about Josh's potential and the fact that we got him at 17 makes it even better!
  10. The Western conference is still much deeper than the East. The East has Detroit, Indiana and now Miami, after that who makes the playoffs is guesswork. The west still has legit contenders San Antonio, Minn., and Sactown, plus legit playoff teams like Dallas, Denver, Utah, Houston, Memphis. But it is starting to even out!
  11. I agree with that top 5. Every other team has major question marks.
  12. Packfill


    I rather wait till next year for a shot at Chris Paul, Mustafa Shakur or Jarrett Jack - assuming either comes out.
  13. Problem is, other than Indiana and Detroit what Eastern team is better than Miami? NJ and Cleveland likely will take steps backwards because of the loss of Martin and Boozer respectively. New Orleans moved to the west. I think Miami is the clear choice right now for third best team in the east. As for Phoenix, they could be real good if the Clips don't match the over to Richardson and the Suns are subsequently able to ship off Matrix or Johnson for a center.
  14. The money is troubling but the length of the deal is even worse. $9 million per for three years would be alot more palatable then for six years. Not many 36 year old centers in the NBA that are worth $9 million.
  15. I would be plenty happy with 18/8 from Al.
  16. When I said the that the Hawks roster was "as talented" as the bucks I was refering mostly to talent/potential not so much current production. Yes the Bucks are stronger now because of their players are more advanced than the Hawks because of all the youth. The point is though, that we have some very promising young players that, in a year or two, could leap frog the Hawks over the Bucks. The Bucks played hard and have some good players - but where is the upside? Time will tell. I am not expecting to make the playoffs this year but I think the Hawks are laying a foundation with more upside then a team like the Bucks.
  17. If Harrington does like to work in the post on offense, whether that be from the SF or PF position, then having a big man who can hit a jump shot ala Collier makes alot of sense.
  18. Realistically, does anyone think that the Bucks roster is more talented than what the Hawks roster is starting to look like for this season? I mean, Redd is great and the Bucks players are a bit more seasoned, but if they do not get Thomas their front court is real thin.
  19. The only way the Hawks end up with Swift and Battier is by trading Jason Terry, which leaves the Hawks with no point guard, no outside shooting and only Collier at center. I am not saying it is a bad trade but just pointing out that it creates as many problems as it fixes.
  20. Well it is nice to know that the Hawks are finally putting a full roster together. Harrington is a bargin compared to what some of the other free agents are getting this year.
  21. It doesn't matter if the team sucks for the upcoming season. What does matter is (1) are the young players developing and (2) will we be in position to make improvements in 05-06. The Bucks did reasonably well last year without having a roster any more talented then the Hawks will be fielding this year so anything is possible.
  22. The amount of his contract, since it is only one year, is not material. The more important issue is, as Weez and others have mentioned, is does he put forth an effort in light of the fact that the Hawks are not likely going to be winning many games this year. And even more important, what type of influence does he have on the young guys. I have said before that with all these young guys on the team the hawks need a veteran leader. The guy does not have to be a superstar, just a solid professional with the right attitude. Avery Johnson as a back up point guard/assistant coach would not be a bad idea if not signed already.
  23. If we are going to trade Terry to the Griz then we need a point guard back in return, either Troy Bell or the guy from UCLA who's name escapes me (apparently West loves the guy). Battier isn't really a need at this point. I think we are better off keeping Terry then trading him for Swift, especially if Harrington can play power forward.
  24. Depends. If Miami wins a championship they get the best of the deal.
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