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Posts posted by Royjr9

  1. 46 minutes ago, KB21 said:

    He did nothing to show remorse for anyway.

    Nobody made him say those things.  And I don’t think anybody gave gearon a pass. Like I said ferry was just dumb enough to give them ammo on him when he was universally like by all his bosses. He prolly still would have kept his job had he got out front of it and put on the ole remorseful interview. But he dint he ran and hid took his buyout money. And I challenge anybody that didn’t see anything wrong with it. Go in to your job tomorrow and say deragatory statements about the people you work with see if it’s a problem.

    • Like 3
  2. On 4/26/2018 at 2:48 PM, AHF said:

    I do think he was sloppy in reading a scout's report with this in it without contextualizing it but reading a scout's report with this in it doesn't equate to sleeping on the job for me.  I guarantee you could record conversations with about any GM or owner and find some statement just as bad.  This is especially teethless to me when Ferry read this out as a cautionary note during a presentation in which he was asking for approval to make a lucrative offer to Deng (one that was exactly the same as the offer he ended up signing).  It isn't like he was using something inflammatory to say "don't hire him."  Ferry was advocating making a big offer and noting pro's and con's reported by various scouting reports for background.  

    I get that but this reminds me of when embarrassingly one of the falcons s asked one of the players they were scouting did he like men. (Generalizing of course) but point goes in this day that is a no no. And simply something that you should avoid. Nobody is interested in giving people passses anymore. ASG ownership group was terrible and robbed Atlanta of so much but if ferry was moronic enough to give  them the ammo to make him the fall guy or use him to accomplish this then he deserved what he got. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 4/26/2018 at 10:54 AM, AHF said:

    Eh...the team would have had real challenges after the 2016 regardless but would we have let Horford and Sap walk for nothing and paid Baze crazy money with Ferry in charge?  I don't think so.  I think he would have tried to do some cold Patriots type moves and dealt them for assets rather than leave us in a position to lose them for nothing.  I know he would never have paid Baze like that.

    Ferry might have crashed and burned but who can say.  You are right that this leaves people to speculate but I hardly see how he could have done worse and I can see a lot of paths that would have been better.

    My contention is  that he was gonna sell that team off in the hope of obtaining bigger assets. His convocation with horford would have been intresting cause the hesitation that he presented with ferry would have shipped his ass out instead of getting left in the rain at the drive in. 


    My take is he’s a decent coach. But his ego is terrible.  My take is ressler and Schlenk did try to work with him but clearly he wanted out. He was stripped of his power for a reason.  That said coaching would be a B+. With his gym tenure nocking him down to a d minus hell I could even argue a F for him. That said he’s somewhere in the middle. And for those that keep insisting the hawks had assets you need to take off those rose colored glasses. A lot of the guys on the hawks would be fringe rotation/ dnp cd guys on other teams. And you simply can’t let talent walk without some form of compensation. From his bungling of horford,to the trade of korver, to the milsap he’s gone naw I want to keep him shit. He failed. 

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, KB21 said:

    It would have been worth it to have him around to make John Collins much better 2 years from now.

    Doubtful.  I think Collins will be fine nothing great but nothing too shabby either. In the future you will see that Denver’s overpay was Atlanta’s gain.

  6. 1 hour ago, AHF said:

    How do you come to that conclusion when he has interviewed with two teams that tanked all or much of last season and both won 20-some games?  I agree there is a disconnect but am a bit skeptical that this is the reason for it.  If Porzingas doesn't play next year, which is a very real possibility, the Knicks will be in tank mode.

    Defiantly agree. Bud has interviewed with two franchises that literally make the hawks look like a Cush gig.  Tank is not the problem. It makes sense that he feels some type of way about losing his power that said he stunk at the job.  

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, AHF said:

    KB wanted to keep Paul Millsap.  He wasn't a top 20 PF this season but was his last year with us.  Good chance he returns to that level next year.

    Love milsap but he’s on the wrong side of his career to expect a resurgence. Yes I do agree milsap will be better but how much so for Denver at this stage.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, KB21 said:

    The cupboard was never too bare to have that option.  Retooling on the fly takes a little bit of work though, and I don't think Schlenk was willing to do any hard stuff to retool the team on the fly.  The easiest route for him was to just fill the roster with filler and go with a bunch of damn G-League level players.

    Besides Dennis who do we have that you would consider would be top twenty at there position. Whiffed on draft picks. One thing I love a about the spurs, warriors, Celtics of the world they love teams that over think things and take the best talent and worry about the other things later.

  9. 1 minute ago, AHF said:

    I don't view the 60 win season as hollow at all.  It was a great year.  We didn't end up contending in the playoffs but we put together an exhilarating run.  

    I would have loved to have seen Ferry continue as GM and would love to see where we would be today had he done so.  I think it is very likely he would have sold off Hoford and Sap as they approached their most recent contracts and been able to re-tool the team on the fly without tanking.  Of course, Budcox did not do that and backed the franchise into a corner given the mediocre results and escalating payroll.  Ferry was always very conscious about a nice value/salary ratio.  There is no way he would have signed contracts like the one that Bazemore got.


    That is very possible but in gutting the team he could have traded players for immediate value rather than seeing our All-Stars walk.

    Yeah that as well I forgot to add that he was gonna trade guys while accumilating talent.

  10. 28 minutes ago, parfait said:

    We can all agree that Michael Gearon, Jr. is indeed evil incarnate.

    But, Danny Ferry is not without fault. He was not the main culprit in the PR disaster that led to his ouster. But he was widely known as being difficult to get along with, and the situation escalated particularly because he didn't have too many people in his corner.

    And let's not sugar-coat Ferry's personnel track record. He whiffed on 3 of his 4 first round draft picks. He did pick a great coach. But outside of the Joe Johnson trade (which, as we found out, was due much more to Billy King's failings than's Ferry's prowess), what other great moves did he make? I would term Ferry's tenure an INCOMPLETE at best.

    In fact, for now, I would put Stan Kasten as the best GM in our history. He traded for Dominique. He drafted Doc Rivers, Kevin Willis, and John Battle. And he's the only person ever named NBA Executive of the Year in back to back seasons, in '86 and '87.

    I still hold on to the belief ferry was gonna gut the hawks he just didn’t get to see it through.

  11. 44 minutes ago, Watchman said:

    How (or why) do you think Bud asked for permission to interview?  Phoenix would have had to make in initial contact to obtain permission.  Otherwise it would be tampering.

    He’s under contract and asked for permission to interview in Phoenix and god only knows where else. He is not on board with rebuilding it seems even though his gym descisions or lack ther of put the team in the position it is today. Like I said he can’t complain. He wants out clearly and Schlenk and ressler are happy to oblige him and not hold him hostage. Like I said earlier I’m fine with bud the coach but his power play that he’s seeking prolly won’t happen. I just asked that it get done and over with either he’s staying or going.

  12. 2 hours ago, KB21 said:

    Bud should tell Tony Ressler that he's not coaching if Schlenk remains GM.

    I don’t think bud is in position to tell anybody anything. His current situation is all on him. I mean he asked for permission to interview.  His contract demands prolly won’t get met. Although I’m hoping New York sells him the world because I don’t want anyone that doesn’t want to be a hawk here.

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, JTB said:

    It has been confirmed that bud wanted to sign horford but was forced to sign Howard cause Schlenk wanted Howard here for marketing reasons.

    2nd Bud was not GM when Millsap walked last off season, Schlenk was.

    3rd I think we have it wrong about Bud the GM being horrible....from the sounds of it Bud was never really in control! We didn’t have that much cap to play with so once Bud was forced to sign Howard it was a done deal....(now we can blame the Bazemore contract on bud the gm but honestly that’s the only one of his doing based on his decision)

     Think the point he’s shooting for is when the hawks seemed to be going the nuclear route ie trading korver. Only to suddenly halt and say we are going to make a run at it. From there horford bolted because the hawks wouldn’t give him the max or either it was the lack of support or acquiring Dwight.  Then signing bazemore to a deal that is  extremely team unfriendly because while he made strides this year he will never truly earn that contract. Then turn around and don’t trade milsap when logic says you should because that contract will likely hamper you and barely making the playoffs and got swept. Supposedly Wes wanted to rebuild bud wanted to stay competitive.  Bud the gym was horrible just like Stan the gym in Detroit. His only saving grace is he didn’t deplete draft capital like Stan.


    16 hours ago, DBac said:

    Safe to say AD is the best PF in the league huh.


    (He's playin center this series btw)

    I can’t even believe this was in doubt. If healthy ad is one of the bigs in the league.

  15. 1 hour ago, AHF said:

    Bear in mind that Bagley is 6 months older than Collins was as a freshman so comparing freshman year to freshman year has the exact same age gap as Collins sophomore year to MB's freshman year.  Neither is a pure apples to apples.

    Nothing is apples to apples of course. Which is why I wouldn’t dismiss him as a prospect. I wish I knew the future but I would bet on bagley long term.

  16. 2 hours ago, KB21 said:

    Realize that the mistakes made under Billy Knight because he did not take fit into account.  If he had taken fit into account and knew that he would be gearing up for a run at Joe Johnson, he would have certainly taken Chris Paul instead of Marvin Williams after having a successful late teens pick on Josh Smith.  

    If we all could peer into the future. Knight deciding to run it back with ty lue was one of many blunders he made. Should have been a pg. he didn’t think enough of Paul or d will. But regardless at this moment after ayton and donic  he’s prolly the next talented healthy player ( porter ) so you take him and worry about it later.  

  17. 8 minutes ago, KB21 said:

    So does John Collins.  

    The point is I wouldn’t dismiss what bagley displayed in his first year vs the two years Collins spent at wake. If he or who ever is the best at the point we pick take em. Don’t force yourself to take someone ie repeat the failure in draft Childress, law, Williams and Williams. 

  18. 2 hours ago, AHF said:

    How much he sounds like our first rounder last year is my biggest worry.    Lots of duplication in strengths and weaknesses there.

    There is some but I think things will work themselves out. However if he’s the best player at where we pick them I take him and worry about the fit later. I’m hoping this bud situation resolves itself as having the next coach in place would alleviate a lot of concern luckily the majority of the players young guys would get some run in Vegasand the new coach could work with them then.



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